Elephant Encyclopedia

26 March 2025: 17465 elephants and 3978 locations

Browse Encyclopedia Letters with

A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z * empty (no letter)

28 entries with glossary pages beginning with M
  1. Mahout (page)
  2. Musth (page)
  3. Makhna (page)
  4. Molar (page)
  5. Microfilaria (page)
  6. Machan (page)
  7. Mammae (page)
  8. Mandible (page)
  9. Matriarch (page)
  10. Maturity (page)
  11. Maxilla (page)
  12. Meconium (page)
  13. Mela shikar (page)
  14. Mela (page)
  15. Metestrus (page)
  16. Migration (page)
  17. Milk-tusk (page)
  18. Mon-kyathi (page)
  19. Monovular (page)
  20. Mortality (page)
  21. Multiparous (page)
  22. Meergah (page)
  23. Mnong (page)
  24. Moat (page)
  25. Menopause (page)
  26. Medication (page)
  27. Mastozoologist (page)
  28. Mastozoology (page)

441 entries with persons names beginning with M
  1. Mailswamy (person)
  2. Murugan (person)
  3. I. Mitreepala (person)
  4. Thongkham Manoya (person)
  5. ? Marigan (person)
  6. ? Migoletti (person)
  7. Abelardo Moreno Bonilla (person)
  8. Adelaide Macarthy (person)
  9. Adele Mark (person)
  10. Adele Medini (person)
  11. Adolf Marschall (person)
  12. Agnes Mersman (person)
  13. Albert Mann (person)
  14. Albert Meems (person)
  15. Amanda Mehrmann (person)
  16. Ananda Millangoda (person)
  17. André Mey (person)
  18. Andrew Mazzini (person)
  19. Angela Mair (person)
  20. Angela Moore (person)
  21. Anna McCaddon (person)
  22. Arvind Mathur (person)
  23. August Milte (person)
  24. Augusto Molinar (person)
  25. B Maran (person)
  26. Bao Mingwei (person)
  27. Barbara Miller (person)
  28. Bernardo Medini (person)
  29. Bernd Millat (person)
  30. Birawan Made (person)
  31. Bizwerk Mojo (person)
  32. Bruno Melens (person)
  33. C. McCurren (person)
  34. C. McLeod (person)
  35. Carol Macmanus (person)
  36. Carol Marcan (person)
  37. Charles Malloy (person)
  38. Charles Mann (person)
  39. Charles Matthews (person)
  40. Chiara Medini (person)
  41. Clarissa Medini (person)
  42. Claude Madison (person)
  43. Claude Madison (person)
  44. Clever Magiriva (person)
  45. Cynthia Moss (person)
  46. Dammika Malsinghe (person)
  47. Daniel Materna (person)
  48. David Magner (person)
  49. David Meatchem (person)
  50. Deborah Mogensen (person)
  51. Don McLennan (person)
  52. Dores Miller (person)
  53. Doris Morche (person)
  54. Dorthea Miehe (person)
  55. Edias Makore (person)
  56. Edmond Mros (person)
  57. Edmund Mabie (person)
  58. Eryn Murray (person)
  59. Fiso Mbambo (person)
  60. Frank McDonald (person)
  61. Frank Murray (person)
  62. Frank Murrey (person)
  63. Fred Marion (person)
  64. Fredrik Mohlin (person)
  65. Fritz Mey (person)
  66. George Mateescu (person)
  67. George Mottershead (person)
  68. Gilles Maurer (person)
  69. Gretchen Mogensen (person)
  70. Guido Molinar (person)
  71. Haridas Mangalamkunnu (person)
  72. Heinrich Mehrmann (person)
  73. Heinrich Miehe (person)
  74. Helmut Mägdefrau (person)
  75. Hen Moel (person)
  76. Henning Mentz (person)
  77. Henry McCaddon (person)
  78. Henry Mooney (person)
  79. Hewart Mubayiwa (person)
  80. Irfan Mansuri (person)
  81. Iris Möller (person)
  82. Jack Marks (person)
  83. Jack Moore (person)
  84. Jacob Meyer Meyer (person)
  85. James Manders (person)
  86. James McGinnis (person)
  87. James McNally (person)
  88. Jean Marchand (person)
  89. Jeremiah Mabie (person)
  90. Jeremiah Mugivan (person)
  91. Jian Mason (person)
  92. Joanne Maitland (person)
  93. Joe Maynard (person)
  94. Joe Metcalf (person)
  95. Johanna Meyer (person)
  96. John McCaddon (person)
  97. Jonny Modig (person)
  98. Joseph Martin (person)
  99. Joseph McCaddon (person)
  100. Joseph McCann (person)
  101. Joseph Menges (person)
  102. Joshua Mabie (person)
  103. Josip Marcan (person)
  104. Justino Munez (person)
  105. K. Madan (person)
  106. K. Manban (person)
  107. K. Marikan (person)
  108. K. Masanan (person)
  109. K. Mohanan (person)
  110. Karl Mogensen (person)
  111. Karl Müller (person)
  112. Karyani Made (person)
  113. Kelly Maynard (person)
  114. Kelly Miller (person)
  115. Laithongrien Meepan (person)
  116. Lauryn Murray (person)
  117. Lewis Meatchem (person)
  118. Lizette Moolman (person)
  119. Lucas McGhie (person)
  120. Lucia Magalhaes (person)
  121. Luckson Mwayemudza (person)
  122. Lucy Melo (person)
  123. Lydia Miller (person)
  124. M Eswaran (person)
  125. M Madan (person)
  126. M Maran (person)
  127. M Marigan (person)
  128. M. Kirumaran (person)
  129. M. Manban (person)
  130. Ma Salangam (person)
  131. Mable Ringling (person)
  132. Mac Juwahave (person)
  133. Mac McDonald (person)
  134. Machy Pilz (person)
  135. Mack MacDonald (person)
  136. Mada Wayan (person)
  137. Madeena Begum (person)
  138. Madelaine Wirth (person)
  139. Madeleine Renz (person)
  140. Madelyn Moore (person)
  141. Madona Bouglione (person)
  142. Madusha Perera (person)
  143. Magdelene Maugiron (person)
  144. Mahaich Hong (person)
  145. Mahendra Sharma (person)
  146. Maik Gärtner (person)
  147. Maik Sperlich (person)
  148. Malcolm Thomson (person)
  149. Manas Yaviraj (person)
  150. Mandal Sukla (person)
  151. Manfred Benneweis (person)
  152. Manfred Schmitt (person)
  153. Manfredi Orfei (person)
  154. Mani (person)
  155. Manit Thanabat (person)
  156. Manjunath (person)
  157. Manoj Gupta (person)
  158. Manoy Nair (person)
  159. Manuel Schickler (person)
  160. Manuela (person)
  161. Manuela (person)
  162. Manya Guttenberg (person)
  163. Marc Johnson (person)
  164. Marcel Frank (person)
  165. Marcel Köck (person)
  166. Marcel Krämer (person)
  167. Marcel Peters (person)
  168. Marcelle Rancy (person)
  169. Marcus Linder (person)
  170. Mareille van den Brink (person)
  171. Marek Jama (person)
  172. Margaret Bond (person)
  173. Margaret Koble (person)
  174. Margaret Sandow (person)
  175. Margaret Wirth (person)
  176. Margarete Kreiser (person)
  177. Margaretha Gautier (person)
  178. Margrit Lippuner (person)
  179. Maria (person)
  180. Maria (person)
  181. Maria Althoff (person)
  182. Maria Bauer (person)
  183. Maria Bauer (person)
  184. Maria de la Garenn (person)
  185. Maria Etling (person)
  186. Maria Filatov (person)
  187. Maria Gautier (person)
  188. Maria Molinar (person)
  189. Maria Rasputin (person)
  190. Maria Scharf (person)
  191. Maria Stutzbart (person)
  192. Maria Torri (person)
  193. Maria Traber (person)
  194. Maria Voetz (person)
  195. Maria von der Gathen (person)
  196. Marianna Casali (person)
  197. Marie Berousek (person)
  198. Marie Brown (person)
  199. Marie Brumbach (person)
  200. Marie Galloway (person)
  201. Marie Ginnett (person)
  202. Marie Grenouillat (person)
  203. Marie Hagenbeck (person)
  204. Marie Heim (person)
  205. Marie Juliar (person)
  206. Marie Liphard (person)
  207. Marie Meizner (person)
  208. Marie Monseiller (person)
  209. Marie Rautenberg (person)
  210. Marie Tourniaire (person)
  211. Marilyn (person)
  212. Marina Köllner (person)
  213. Mario Bellucci (person)
  214. Mario Berousek (person)
  215. Mario Berousek (person)
  216. Mario Hammerschmidt (person)
  217. Mario Medini (person)
  218. Mario Orfei (person)
  219. Mario Spindler (person)
  220. Marion (person)
  221. Marion (person)
  222. Marion Fossett (person)
  223. Marisa Riordan (person)
  224. Marius Kienzle (person)
  225. Marizles Wirth (person)
  226. Marizles Wirth (person)
  227. Marjorie Chipperfield (person)
  228. Mark Acton (person)
  229. Mark Aitken (person)
  230. Mark Bongelli (person)
  231. Mark Bullen (person)
  232. Mark Edgley (person)
  233. Mark Gebel (person)
  234. Mark Howes (person)
  235. Mark Monro (person)
  236. Mark Monroe (person)
  237. Mark Robinson (person)
  238. Mark Swanson (person)
  239. Markus Frank (person)
  240. Markus Köchling (person)
  241. Markus Schmid (person)
  242. Marlice van Vuuren (person)
  243. Marlies Weisheit (person)
  244. Marlon Frank (person)
  245. Martha (person)
  246. Martha Brumbach (person)
  247. Martha Moore (person)
  248. Martha Schepp (person)
  249. Marthe Kiley-Worthington (person)
  250. Martin Lichtenstein (person)
  251. Martin Smith (person)
  252. Martin Smith (person)
  253. Martin van Wees (person)
  254. Mary (person)
  255. Mary (person)
  256. Mary Atkins (person)
  257. Mary Chipperfield (person)
  258. Mary Cooke (person)
  259. Mary Cops (person)
  260. Mary Cross (person)
  261. Mary Fossett (person)
  262. Mary Francis (person)
  263. Mary Haynie (person)
  264. Mary Herman (person)
  265. Mary Juliar (person)
  266. Mary Purdy (person)
  267. Mary Sole (person)
  268. Mathias Otto (person)
  269. Mathilde Blennow (person)
  270. Mathilde Stey (person)
  271. Matipedza Tigere (person)
  272. Mats Berg (person)
  273. Matthew Buckley (person)
  274. Matthew Ezekial (person)
  275. Matthew Scott (person)
  276. Matthias Gross (person)
  277. Matthias Walter (person)
  278. Maud Lorch (person)
  279. Maud Sanger (person)
  280. Maude Chipperfield (person)
  281. Maung Che (person)
  282. Maureen Duggan (person)
  283. Maurice Cerf (Hirsch) (person)
  284. Maurice Houcke (person)
  285. Maurizia Orfei (person)
  286. Max Guiliani (person)
  287. Max Holzmüller (person)
  288. Max Konyot (person)
  289. Max Rhodin (person)
  290. Max Sack (person)
  291. Max Schumann (person)
  292. Max Togni (person)
  293. Maximilian Schmidt (person)
  294. Maximilian Schumann (person)
  295. Maximo Ramos (person)
  296. May Sanger (person)
  297. May Wirth (person)
  298. Maycol Errani (person)
  299. Maycol Errani (person)
  300. Meena (person)
  301. Megan English (person)
  302. Mehmood Khan (person)
  303. Melanie (person)
  304. Melanie Köllner (person)
  305. Melanie Koschke (person)
  306. Melvin Thomas (person)
  307. Mercedes del Val (person)
  308. Merrik Ashton (person)
  309. Merrylu Kaselowsky (person)
  310. Mervyn Ashton (person)
  311. Mervyn King (person)
  312. Mew Salangam (person)
  313. Meyer Blumenfeld (person)
  314. Micajah Wright (person)
  315. Michael Althoff (person)
  316. Michael Austin (person)
  317. Michael Benneweis (person)
  318. Michael Edgley (person)
  319. Michael Embury (person)
  320. Michael Fouraker (person)
  321. Michael Gautier (person)
  322. Michael Hackenberger (person)
  323. Michael Hay (person)
  324. Michael Howes (person)
  325. Michael Jernigan (person)
  326. Michael Lynch (person)
  327. Michael Raddatz (person)
  328. Michael Schmidt (person)
  329. Michael Swain (person)
  330. Michael Tempelhof (person)
  331. Michael Vogler (person)
  332. Michel Colomb (person)
  333. Michel Nava (person)
  334. Michelangelo Nock (person)
  335. Michelle Jarman (person)
  336. Mick Hoffman (person)
  337. Mick Jones (person)
  338. Mickey Mann (person)
  339. Miguel Brumbach (person)
  340. Mihiran Medawala (person)
  341. Mikael Eriksson (person)
  342. Mike Ashton (person)
  343. Mike Freeman (person)
  344. Mike Lockyer (person)
  345. Mike Moore (person)
  346. Miles Orton (person)
  347. Milton Herriot (person)
  348. Mina Blumenfeld (person)
  349. Mina Kübler (person)
  350. Minette Franconi (person)
  351. Miranda Orfei (person)
  352. Miranda Orfei (person)
  353. Miroslav Petrovic (person)
  354. Mitch Finnegan (person)
  355. Mnacn Hong (person)
  356. Mob Sreng (person)
  357. Moel Khein (person)
  358. Mohammad Arif (person)
  359. Mohammad Hasan (person)
  360. Mohammed Ebrhim (person)
  361. Mohammed Hanzi (person)
  362. Mohammed Jahid (person)
  363. Mohammed Javed (person)
  364. Mohammed Sabir (person)
  365. Mohd Ishak (person)
  366. Mona Fossett (person)
  367. Mona Kwok (person)
  368. Mona Lowe (person)
  369. Monika Holzmüller (person)
  370. Montri Todtane (person)
  371. Morgan Berry (person)
  372. Moritz Blumenfeld (person)
  373. Moti Chaudhary (person)
  374. Mr. T (person)
  375. Muang Salangam (person)
  376. Mujeeb Khan (person)
  377. Mukai Yasuhiko (person)
  378. Munna Khan (person)
  379. Muriel Mottershead (person)
  380. Murray Seidon (person)
  381. Musse Benneweis (person)
  382. Muwith Khwai (person)
  383. Myron Orton (person)
  384. Myrtle Slee (person)
  385. Nazar Mohammed (person)
  386. Nick Marx (person)
  387. Nigel Mason (person)
  388. Nissa Mututanont (person)
  389. Obert Miller (person)
  390. P. Manakadavan (person)
  391. Paolo Martelli (person)
  392. Patric Müller (person)
  393. Patrick Meager (person)
  394. Peter McLane (person)
  395. Pinky Madison (person)
  396. Randall Moore (person)
  397. Renato Medini (person)
  398. Richard MaGuire (person)
  399. Rifai Muhamad (person)
  400. Robert Morton (person)
  401. Roger MacDonald (person)
  402. Roger McGrath (person)
  403. Ruth McCaddon (person)
  404. Sabine Merz (person)
  405. Sandro Montez (person)
  406. Scott Moneypenny (person)
  407. Sebastien Musset (person)
  408. Shan Mason (person)
  409. Siegfried Mentz (person)
  410. Sittidet Mahasawongkul (person)
  411. Sophie Mehlich (person)
  412. Sreng Mob (person)
  413. Suana Made (person)
  414. Sudarma Made (person)
  415. Suweta Made (person)
  416. Sven Mellgren (person)
  417. Tammie Matson (person)
  418. Tawan Malingam (person)
  419. Tendai Mapfumo (person)
  420. Terry Maple (person)
  421. Thomas Moderegger (person)
  422. Thomas Murmu (person)
  423. Thongsuk Malingam (person)
  424. Tin Maw (person)
  425. Tom Mix (person)
  426. Tony Maynard (person)
  427. Ugo Miletti (person)
  428. Vi Mein (person)
  429. W. Meacher (person)
  430. Walter Main (person)
  431. Walter McClain (person)
  432. Wanda Moore (person)
  433. Warren MacGillivrey (person)
  434. Widiantara Made (person)
  435. William Main (person)
  436. William Manders (person)
  437. William Morris (person)
  438. William Morris (person)
  439. William Morris (person)
  440. Yang Mei (person)
  441. Zebedee Macomber (person)

277 entries with nameof locations beginning with M
  1. Millennium Elephant Foundation (location)
  2. Munich Zoo (location)
  3. Maryland Zoo (location)
  4. Mrs. Harold H Smith Jr (location)
  5. Mathigodu elephant Camp (location)
  6. Monterey Zoo, Elephants of Africa Rescue Society (EARS) (location)
  7. Mkhaya Game Reserve (location)
  8. Melaka Zoo (Malacca Zoo) (location)
  9. Mondulkiri province unspecified location (location)
  10. Moscow Zoo (location)
  11. Mysore Zoo (location)
  12. Mole National Park (location)
  13. Melbourne Zoo (location)
  14. Mendoza Zoo (location)
  15. Minnamthottil temple (location)
  16. Mary Chipperfield’s Circus (location)
  17. Maesa Elephant Camp (location)
  18. Milwaukee County Zoo (location)
  19. Munster Zoo (location)
  20. Madrid Zoo (Casa de Campo) (location)
  21. Madrid Safari (location)
  22. Mesker Park Zoo (location)
  23. Miami Metro Zoo (location)
  24. Mallorca Safari Park (location)
  25. Mr. Ruffin (animal dealer?) (location)
  26. Malton Flamingo Land (location)
  27. Maubeuge Zoo (location)
  28. Monde Sauvage Safari, Aywaille (location)
  29. Madras Vandalur Zoo (location)
  30. Morelos Cuernavaca Zoo (Zoofari) (location)
  31. Mexico City Zoo (location)
  32. Montevideo Zoo (location)
  33. Maracay Zoo (Parque Zoologico de Las Delicias) (location)
  34. Mahiyangana Raja Maha Viharaya (location)
  35. Magdeburg Zoo (location)
  36. Memleben Zoo (Erlebnistierpark Memleben) (location)
  37. Mayaguez Zoo (Juan A. Rivero Zoo) (location)
  38. Montgomery Zoo (location)
  39. Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary (location)
  40. Miami Rare Bird Farm (Alton Freeman) (location)
  41. Millers Animal Farm (R.A. Miller and M A Miller) (location)
  42. Mike La Torres (location)
  43. Michigan City, Washington Park Zoological Garden (location)
  44. Mae Wong National Park, Thailand (location)
  45. Monarto Zoo (location)
  46. Menagerie du Paris Jardin des Plantes (location)
  47. Manakula Vinayagar Temple (location)
  48. Memphis Zoo (location)
  49. Menagerie Schloss Kaiserebersdorf (location)
  50. Mumbai Byculla Jijamata Udyan zoo (location)
  51. Murkal elephant camp (Nagarhole) (location)
  52. Mudumalai National Park (location)
  53. Marsabit National Reserve (location)
  54. Mount Kenya Safari Ranch Wildlife Conservancy and Animal Orphanage (location)
  55. Meru National Park (location)
  56. Marakele National Park (location)
  57. Moorpark College Exotic Animal Training and Management (EATM) Program (location)
  58. Montreal Garden of Wonders childrens zoo (location)
  59. Mr Sharma (location)
  60. Maleys 3 Ring Circus (location)
  61. Moonlight circus (location)
  62. Miyazaki City Phoenix Zoo (location)
  63. M.L. Clark Wagon Show (location)
  64. Major John Gosney (location)
  65. Mills Brothers Circus (location)
  66. Monty Cox (location)
  67. Max Gruber (location)
  68. Mickey Dales (location)
  69. Mathis Avenue Shopping Center (location)
  70. Madrid Zoo (Casa de Fieras) (location)
  71. Madras Zoo (Moore Market Complex) (location)
  72. Mr Owen (location)
  73. Maha Wang Chang Elephant Village (location)
  74. Mason Elephant Park & Lodge (location)
  75. Maetaeng Elephant Park (location)
  76. Murchison Falls National Park (location)
  77. Minas Elephant Training Center (location)
  78. Mangalamkunnu brothers (location)
  79. Malayattur Forest (location)
  80. M.A. Thomas (location)
  81. Malayalappuzha Durga Temple (location)
  82. Mandalay zoological garden (location)
  83. Myaing Hay Wun elephant ground (location)
  84. Makulakocha rehabilitation centre (Dalma Wildlife Sanctuary) (location)
  85. Mackay European Circus (location)
  86. Museum of Natural Sciences of Belgium (location)
  87. Maidstone Zoo (Sir Garrard Tyrwhitt-Drake) (location)
  88. Manila Zoo (Manila Zoological and Botanical Gardens) (location)
  89. Myers and Shorb (location)
  90. Manitoba Assiniboine Park Zoo (location)
  91. Mala forest elephant camp (Pilibhit Tiger Reserve) (location)
  92. Menagerie Liphard (location)
  93. Morahena Watte (location)
  94. Mysore Palace Temple (location)
  95. Mabilingwe Game reserve (location)
  96. Marine World Africa (Redwood shores) (location)
  97. Marriotts Great America (location)
  98. Matt Ferguson (location)
  99. Muscatine Weed Park Zoo (location)
  100. Mabie Brothers United States Olympic Circus (location)
  101. Murray Hill Enterprises (location)
  102. Mike Rice (location)
  103. Mont Eco Game Reserve elephant camp (location)
  104. Mount Cameroon National Park (location)
  105. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) (location)
  106. McFlinn and Halls Circus (location)
  107. Mike Glasscock (location)
  108. Mexico unspecified location (location)
  109. Mukuni Big 5 Safaris Elephant Experience Zambia (location)
  110. Morioka Zoological Park (location)
  111. Matara elephant stables (location)
  112. Macomber & Welch Zoological Institute (location)
  113. Muhammad Shah II of Terengganu (location)
  114. Makgadikgadi National Park (location)
  115. Milgis Ecosystem (Milgis trust) (location)
  116. Mashatu Game Reserve (location)
  117. Mr. Costa sawmill (location)
  118. Mummadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar (location)
  119. Menagerie van Aken (location)
  120. Miller, Stowe and Freeman (location)
  121. Mayfields Kennels and Zoo (H.H. de Souza) (location)
  122. Maetaman Elephant Adventure (location)
  123. Mark Shand (1951-2014) (location)
  124. Mae Wang Elephant Camp (location)
  125. Mahiuddin Chowdhury (location)
  126. Mashuk Ahmed (location)
  127. MacGregor and Co (location)
  128. Mudumalai Game Hut elephant camp (location)
  129. Mwanga Lodge (location)
  130. Millangoda elephant camp (location)
  131. Monroe Brothers Circus (location)
  132. Moolehole forest (location)
  133. Maduru Oya National Park (location)
  134. Montreal Angrignon Farm (location)
  135. Meems Bros. & Ward (location)
  136. Mae Ping elephant village (location)
  137. Miller-Johnson Circus (location)
  138. Mecom Ranch World Wildlife Preserve (location)
  139. Muang Sing Elephant Village (location)
  140. Mahamyaing Elephant Camp (location)
  141. Mount Elephant elephant camp (location)
  142. Milan Zoo (location)
  143. Maharagama Temple (location)
  144. Mgeno Ranch (location)
  145. Mount Kenya forest (location)
  146. Mr. Amkha (location)
  147. Mr. Thongvan (location)
  148. Mr. Van (location)
  149. Manas National Park (location)
  150. Mekong Island Zoo (location)
  151. Mew Salangam (location)
  152. Mhow Veterinary College (location)
  153. Matara Weherahena temple (location)
  154. Molinar Co (location)
  155. Masai Mara (location)
  156. Macleay Museum (location)
  157. Moe Chan (location)
  158. Mengyang forest area (location)
  159. Mayborn Museum (location)
  160. Malee Cheoychit (location)
  161. Madpuri village (location)
  162. Medla elephant camp (location)
  163. Mannarapara forest range (location)
  164. Macomber and Co. (location)
  165. Macomber and Birchard (location)
  166. Miller, Yale, and Sands (location)
  167. Miller, Mead and Olmstead menagerie (location)
  168. Miller, Mead and Delavans Grand Menagerie (location)
  169. Mac MacDonald (location)
  170. Madeline Parks (location)
  171. Mill Mountain Zoo (location)
  172. Mr Khan (location)
  173. Memang village (location)
  174. Monaco Zoo (Jardin Animalier de Monaco) (location)
  175. Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park (location)
  176. Mitchell Park Zoo (location)
  177. Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE) (location)
  178. Menelik II Emperor of Abyssinia (location)
  179. Moiradanga elephant camp (location)
  180. Mr J. Thomas (location)
  181. Mathura Elephant Care Centre (Wildlife SOS India) (location)
  182. Mae Sot district unspecified location (location)
  183. Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III of Baroda (location)
  184. Mob Sreng (location)
  185. Muthanga elephant camp (East Wayanad) (location)
  186. Muruga Rajendra Mata (location)
  187. Margahayu Elephant Response Unit (ERU) (location)
  188. Madanpur elephant camp (Valmiki National Park) (location)
  189. M. P. Abraham (location)
  190. Myanmar unspecified location (location)
  191. Malaysia unspecified location (location)
  192. MandaLao Elephant Conservation (location)
  193. Malur Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (location)
  194. Machan Wildlife Resort (location)
  195. Mekong Elephant Park (location)
  196. M. K. Ibrahim (location)
  197. Mailani depot camp (Dudhwa National Park) (location)
  198. Morawatte Temple (location)
  199. Mangalamkunnu elephant camp (location)
  200. Mount Elgon National Park Headquarters (Kenya) (location)
  201. Magwe elephant camp (location)
  202. Malilangwe Conservation Trust (location)
  203. Mahalingeswaraswamy Temple (Sri Mahalinga Swamy Temple) (location)
  204. M. R. Palayam Elephant Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre (ERRC) (location)
  205. Mayiladuthurai Mayuranathaswami Temple (location)
  206. Mrs Masan (location)
  207. Medan Zoo (location)
  208. Museum of Karolinska skolan (location)
  209. Minneriya national park (location)
  210. Mondulkiri Project Elephant Sanctuary (location)
  211. Manchester Museum (location)
  212. Museo Civico di Zoologia (location)
  213. Museum of Fine Arts of Tours (location)
  214. Mr Lei (location)
  215. Myakka Elephant Ranch (location)
  216. Malayinkeezhu Sree Krishna Swami Temple (location)
  217. Meghauli hattisar (location)
  218. Mpumalanga province (location)
  219. Mr Pan (location)
  220. Maharaja Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma of Travancore (location)
  221. Madrid National Museum of Natural Sciences (location)
  222. Muthumariamman temple (location)
  223. Munich Old Academy (location)
  224. Milan Natural History Museum (location)
  225. Mr Wilkins (location)
  226. Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons (location)
  227. Mouth of the Scheldt estuary (location)
  228. Muzeul Național de Istorie Naturală Grigore Antipa (location)
  229. Migoletti (location)
  230. Miramare royal menagerie (location)
  231. Mehan Gardens (location)
  232. Muthiyangana Raja Maha Vihara (location)
  233. Miller Park Zoo (location)
  234. Mesa attraction (location)
  235. Mumbai Airport (Bombay airport) (location)
  236. Miami International Airport (location)
  237. Massimo Circo Togni (location)
  238. Municipal Museum of Ústí nad Labem (location)
  239. Manizales Zoo (location)
  240. Manchester Zoological Gardens (location)
  241. Manyani maximum security prison farm (location)
  242. Muoy Khamwichai (location)
  243. Marseille Zoo (location)
  244. Marseille Natural History Museum (location)
  245. MacCaddon Circus (location)
  246. Macomber & Howe (location)
  247. Martin, Finch & Co (location)
  248. Monza Park (location)
  249. Moorland swamp (location)
  250. Mae Hong Son province unspecified location (location)
  251. Manis Mastodon site (location)
  252. Mammutmuseum Niederweningen (location)
  253. Madona Bouglione (location)
  254. Million Dollar Pier (location)
  255. Munich Central Station (location)
  256. Mughal Empire (location)
  257. Marineland and Game Farm (location)
  258. Madeena Begum (location)
  259. Mohammad Arif (location)
  260. Mohammed Sabir (location)
  261. Mohammed Jahid (location)
  262. Mohammed Javed (location)
  263. Munna Khan (location)
  264. Mahendra Kumar Sharma (location)
  265. Mohammed Ebrhim (location)
  266. Mungiakami Elephant Camp (location)
  267. Mander's Menagerie (location)
  268. Morgan Berry Animal Farm (location)
  269. Menagerie Scholz & Liphard (location)
  270. Migolettis caravan (location)
  271. Maetaman Elephant EcoValley (location)
  272. Maerim Elephant Sanctuary (location)
  273. Maerim Elephant Home (location)
  274. Mae Chaem district unspecified location (location)
  275. Mae Suek unspecified location (location)
  276. Mae Sariang district unspecified location (location)
  277. Maik Gärtner (location)

1080 entries with elephant name beginning with M
  1. M 41 (wild) (elephant)
  2. M´changa (elephant)
  3. M118 (wild) (elephant)
  4. M135 (wild) (elephant)
  5. M140 (wild) (elephant)
  6. M262 (elephant)
  7. M88 (wild) (elephant)
  8. Ma (elephant)
  9. Ma Ae (Pornsawan) (elephant)
  10. Ma Chaw Lay (elephant)
  11. Ma Dee (Pachuli) (elephant)
  12. Ma Guo (elephant)
  13. Ma Hla Chaw (elephant)
  14. Ma Lan (elephant)
  15. Ma Palai (elephant)
  16. Ma Schwe (Mashwe) (elephant)
  17. Ma Toe (elephant)
  18. Ma Ya Yee (elephant)
  19. Ma Yang Kot (elephant)
  20. Maasti (elephant)
  21. Mabel (elephant)
  22. Mabel (elephant)
  23. Mabel (elephant)
  24. Mabel (elephant)
  25. Mabitsi (elephant)
  26. Mable (elephant)
  27. Mable (wild) (elephant)
  28. Mabu (elephant)
  29. Mac (elephant)
  30. Mac (elephant)
  31. Mac (elephant)
  32. Mac (elephant)
  33. MAC83 (wild) (elephant)
  34. Machito (elephant)
  35. Macho (Tantar) (elephant)
  36. Maclean (Mac) (elephant)
  37. Macombe (elephant)
  38. Madakari (elephant)
  39. Madame Abdella (elephant)
  40. Madani (elephant)
  41. Maddy (Mo Dee) (elephant)
  42. Madee (elephant)
  43. Madesha (elephant)
  44. Madhavan (elephant)
  45. Madhavi (elephant)
  46. Madhavi (elephant)
  47. Madhu (elephant)
  48. Madhu (elephant)
  49. Madhu (elephant)
  50. Madhu Bala (elephant)
  51. Madhubala (elephant)
  52. Madhukali (elephant)
  53. Madhumala (elephant)
  54. Madhuravalli (elephant)
  55. Madhuri (elephant)
  56. Mädi (elephant)
  57. Mädi (elephant)
  58. Mädi (elephant)
  59. Mädi (elephant)
  60. Madi Gaj (elephant)
  61. Madiba (elephant)
  62. Madiba (elephant)
  63. Madinda (elephant)
  64. Mados (elephant)
  65. Mados (Mardos) (elephant)
  66. Madras (elephant)
  67. Madras (elephant)
  68. Madura (elephant)
  69. Madurai Parvathy (elephant)
  70. Madurai Sumathi (elephant)
  71. Maduravalli (elephant)
  72. Madwatenemi (elephant)
  73. Mae (elephant)
  74. Mae (elephant)
  75. Maeboonkaew (elephant)
  76. Maekham (elephant)
  77. Maewanna (พังแม่วรรรณา) (elephant)
  78. Mafuta (elephant)
  79. Magda (elephant)
  80. Magda (elephant)
  81. Magda II (elephant)
  82. Maggie (elephant)
  83. Maggie (Mug, Mugwamp) (elephant)
  84. Maggie (wild) (elephant)
  85. Maggy (Maggi) (elephant)
  86. Magic (Majeska, Majestica) (elephant)
  87. Magiula (Manjoulah) (elephant)
  88. Magy (Maguie, Maggie) (elephant)
  89. Maha (elephant)
  90. Maha Kumari (elephant)
  91. Mahadeswara (elephant)
  92. Mahadevan (Maheswaran) (elephant)
  93. Mahadevi (elephant)
  94. Mahagiri (elephant)
  95. Mahamat (elephant)
  96. Maharajah (elephant)
  97. Maharanee (elephant)
  98. Maharanee (elephant)
  99. Maharani (Rani) (elephant)
  100. Mahari (elephant)
  101. Mahasen (elephant)
  102. Mahatma Gandhi (elephant)
  103. Mahavir (elephant)
  104. Mahaweli (Mahavali) (elephant)
  105. Mahdgie (elephant)
  106. Mahee (wild) (elephant)
  107. Mahendra (elephant)
  108. Mahendra (elephant)
  109. Mahesh (elephant)
  110. Mahesh (elephant)
  111. Maheswari (elephant)
  112. Mahika (elephant)
  113. Mahimakali (elephant)
  114. Mahkota (elephant)
  115. Mai (elephant)
  116. Mai (elephant)
  117. Mai (elephant)
  118. Mai (elephant)
  119. Mai (elephant)
  120. Mai 1 (elephant)
  121. Mai Muang (elephant)
  122. Mai Tai (elephant)
  123. Mai-Thai (elephant)
  124. Maia (elephant)
  125. Maia (elephant)
  126. Maia (elephant)
  127. Maibel (Majbel) (elephant)
  128. Maihdi (elephant)
  129. Maina (elephant)
  130. Maisha (elephant)
  131. Maison (elephant)
  132. Maiya (Kate) (elephant)
  133. Maja (elephant)
  134. Maja (elephant)
  135. Maja (elephant)
  136. Maja (elephant)
  137. Majani (elephant)
  138. Majda (elephant)
  139. Majetwin (elephant)
  140. Majira (elephant)
  141. Major (elephant)
  142. Major (elephant)
  143. Makadebona (wild) (elephant)
  144. Makai (elephant)
  145. Makéba (elephant)
  146. Makena (elephant)
  147. Makena (elephant)
  148. Makia (Malkia) (elephant)
  149. Makireti (elephant)
  150. Mako (elephant)
  151. Makonga (elephant)
  152. Maktao (elephant)
  153. Makukwe (elephant)
  154. Makuna (elephant)
  155. Makuna (wild) (elephant)
  156. Mal Kali (elephant)
  157. Mala (elephant)
  158. Mala (elephant)
  159. Mala (elephant)
  160. Mala (elephant)
  161. Mala (elephant)
  162. Mala (elephant)
  163. Mala (elephant)
  164. Malachi (elephant)
  165. Malah (elephant)
  166. Malai Ngun (elephant)
  167. Malai Thong (elephant)
  168. Malaika (elephant)
  169. Malaika (elephant)
  170. Malaika (elephant)
  171. Malaika (elephant)
  172. Malaika (elephant)
  173. Malaika (elephant)
  174. Malaithong (elephant)
  175. Malani (elephant)
  176. Malasso (wild) (elephant)
  177. Malathie (elephant)
  178. Malati (elephant)
  179. Malaya (elephant)
  180. Malayalapuzha Rajan (elephant)
  181. Malayka (Malajka) (elephant)
  182. Maldah (elephant)
  183. Malee (elephant)
  184. Malee (elephant)
  185. Malee (elephant)
  186. Malee (elephant)
  187. Malee (elephant)
  188. Maleewan (elephant)
  189. Malgosia (elephant)
  190. Mali (พังแม่มะลิ) (elephant)
  191. Mali (elephant)
  192. Mali (elephant)
  193. Mali (elephant)
  194. Mali (elephant)
  195. Mali (elephant)
  196. Mali (elephant)
  197. Mali (elephant)
  198. Mali (elephant)
  199. Mali (elephant)
  200. Maliaka (elephant)
  201. Malicia (elephant)
  202. Maligawa Raja (elephant)
  203. Maliha (elephant)
  204. Malik (elephant)
  205. Malima (elephant)
  206. Malindu (elephant)
  207. Malini (elephant)
  208. Maliwan (elephant)
  209. Malka (elephant)
  210. Malka (elephant)
  211. Malkia (elephant)
  212. Mallicka (elephant)
  213. Mally (elephant)
  214. Malou (elephant)
  215. Malti (elephant)
  216. Malti (elephant)
  217. Maly (Malay) (elephant)
  218. Mam (elephant)
  219. Mama (elephant)
  220. Mama (elephant)
  221. Mama Dou (elephant)
  222. Mama Mary (Mom) (elephant)
  223. Mamaji (elephant)
  224. Mamalay (elephant)
  225. Mambo (elephant)
  226. Mambo (elephant)
  227. Mambo (elephant)
  228. Mambo (elephant)
  229. Mambo (elephant)
  230. Mame (elephant)
  231. Mamie (elephant)
  232. Mamie (Mammie) (elephant)
  233. Mammy (elephant)
  234. Mamoni (elephant)
  235. Mampe (elephant)
  236. Mampe (Rada) (elephant)
  237. Mamta (elephant)
  238. Man Jai (elephant)
  239. Man Kali (elephant)
  240. Mana (elephant)
  241. Manah (elephant)
  242. Manaka (elephant)
  243. Manari (elephant)
  244. Manau (elephant)
  245. Manavi (elephant)
  246. Manci (elephant)
  247. Mandarin (elephant)
  248. Mandebvu (elephant)
  249. Mandevu (Mandebvu) (elephant)
  250. Mandjullah (elephant)
  251. Mandra (Marscha?) (elephant)
  252. Mandy (elephant)
  253. Maneki (elephant)
  254. Manel (elephant)
  255. Mangal Peary (elephant)
  256. Mangala (elephant)
  257. Mangala (elephant)
  258. Mangala (elephant)
  259. Mangala? (elephant)
  260. Mangalamkunnu Appu (elephant)
  261. Mangalamkunnu Ayyappan (elephant)
  262. Mangalamkunnu Gajendran (elephant)
  263. Mangalamkunnu Ganapathy (elephant)
  264. Mangalamkunnu Guruvayoorappan (elephant)
  265. Mangalamkunnu Kannan (elephant)
  266. Mangalamkunnu Karthikeyan (elephant)
  267. Mangalamkunnu Kesavan (elephant)
  268. Mangalamkunnu Mukundan (elephant)
  269. Mangalamkunnu Rajan (elephant)
  270. Mangalamkunnu Ramachandran (elephant)
  271. Mangalamkunnu Vijayan (elephant)
  272. Mangola Kali (elephant)
  273. Manguaylow (Ma-nguay-low) (elephant)
  274. Manikandan (Manikanta) (elephant)
  275. Manikantan (elephant)
  276. Manike (elephant)
  277. Manike (elephant)
  278. Maniki (elephant)
  279. Maniki (elephant)
  280. Manis Mastodon (elephant)
  281. Maniyan (wild) (elephant)
  282. Manja (elephant)
  283. Manju (elephant)
  284. Manju Kali (elephant)
  285. Manjula (elephant)
  286. Mankube (elephant)
  287. Manna (elephant)
  288. Manniken (Mannekin?) (elephant)
  289. Manoa (elephant)
  290. Manoch (elephant)
  291. Mansingh (elephant)
  292. Manti (elephant)
  293. Manu (elephant)
  294. Manu (elephant)
  295. Manuela (Manula) (elephant)
  296. Manula (elephant)
  297. Many (elephant)
  298. Manyara (elephant)
  299. Manyula (elephant)
  300. Manyula (elephant)
  301. Manzi (Nelly?) (elephant)
  302. Mao (elephant)
  303. Maouzy (Maouzie) (elephant)
  304. Mapalay (elephant)
  305. Mapalay (elephant)
  306. Mapenzi (elephant)
  307. Mapfumo (elephant)
  308. Mapia (elephant)
  309. Mapitigama tusker (elephant)
  310. Mara (elephant)
  311. Mara (elephant)
  312. Mara (elephant)
  313. Mara (elephant)
  314. Mara (elephant)
  315. Mara (elephant)
  316. Mara (elephant)
  317. Maramba (elephant)
  318. Maramoia (elephant)
  319. Maramoja (elephant)
  320. Marcella (elephant)
  321. Marcella (Tara) (elephant)
  322. Marcia (wild) (elephant)
  323. Marco (Mako) (elephant)
  324. Mardji (elephant)
  325. Mare (elephant)
  326. Mare Boon Mee (elephant)
  327. Marga (elephant)
  328. Margaret (elephant)
  329. Margaret (elephant)
  330. Margaret (elephant)
  331. Margaret (elephant)
  332. Margarita (elephant)
  333. Margarita (elephant)
  334. Marge (elephant)
  335. Margie (elephant)
  336. Margo (elephant)
  337. Margot (elephant)
  338. Marguerite (elephant)
  339. Mari (elephant)
  340. Mari? (elephant)
  341. Maria (elephant)
  342. Mariam (elephant)
  343. Marian (elephant)
  344. Mariana (wild) (elephant)
  345. Mariappan (elephant)
  346. Maridadi (elephant)
  347. Marie (elephant)
  348. Marie (elephant)
  349. Marie (elephant)
  350. Marie (Margie) (elephant)
  351. Marie (Mary) (elephant)
  352. Marigold (wild) (elephant)
  353. Marijata (elephant)
  354. Marijon (elephant)
  355. Marina (elephant)
  356. Mario (elephant)
  357. Marion (Marian) (elephant)
  358. Marisa (elephant)
  359. Marisel (elephant)
  360. Mariska (elephant)
  361. Marjorie (elephant)
  362. Marlar (elephant)
  363. Marly (elephant)
  364. Marrie (elephant)
  365. Marry (elephant)
  366. Marsini (elephant)
  367. Marta (Martha) (elephant)
  368. Martha (elephant)
  369. Martha Washington (elephant)
  370. Martika (Tika, Kiah) (elephant)
  371. Martin (elephant)
  372. Martín (elephant)
  373. Marty (elephant)
  374. Maruay (elephant)
  375. Maruay (elephant)
  376. Maruca (elephant)
  377. Marui (elephant)
  378. Marula (elephant)
  379. Marula (elephant)
  380. Marula (elephant)
  381. Maruli (elephant)
  382. Maruti (elephant)
  383. Maruti (elephant)
  384. Mary (elephant)
  385. Mary (elephant)
  386. Mary (elephant)
  387. Mary (elephant)
  388. Mary (elephant)
  389. Mary (elephant)
  390. Mary (elephant)
  391. Mary (elephant)
  392. Mary (elephant)
  393. Mary (elephant)
  394. Mary (elephant)
  395. Mary (elephant)
  396. Mary (elephant)
  397. Mary (elephant)
  398. Mary (elephant)
  399. Mary (elephant)
  400. Mary (elephant)
  401. Mary (elephant)
  402. Mary (elephant)
  403. Mary (elephant)
  404. Mary (elephant)
  405. Mary (elephant)
  406. Mary (elephant)
  407. Mary (elephant)
  408. Mary (elephant)
  409. Mary (elephant)
  410. Mary (elephant)
  411. Mary (elephant)
  412. Mary (elephant)
  413. Mary (elephant)
  414. Mary (elephant)
  415. Mary (elephant)
  416. Mary (elephant)
  417. Mary (elephant)
  418. Mary (elephant)
  419. Mary (elephant)
  420. Mary (elephant)
  421. Mary (elephant)
  422. Mary (elephant)
  423. Mary (elephant)
  424. Mary (elephant)
  425. Mary (elephant)
  426. Mary (elephant)
  427. Mary (elephant)
  428. Mary (elephant)
  429. Mary ( Beba ) (elephant)
  430. Mary (Big Mary, Murderous Mary) (elephant)
  431. Mary (Tina, Brenda) (elephant)
  432. Mary Ann (elephant)
  433. Mary Ann (elephant)
  434. Mary Ann (elephant)
  435. Mary Todd Lincoln (wild) (elephant)
  436. Mary Twinkle (elephant)
  437. Mas (elephant)
  438. Mas (elephant)
  439. Masa (elephant)
  440. Masai (elephant)
  441. Masala (elephant)
  442. Masha (elephant)
  443. Mashaba (elephant)
  444. Mashadu (elephant)
  445. Mashariki (elephant)
  446. Mashaw (elephant)
  447. Mashibi (elephant)
  448. Mashudu (elephant)
  449. Mashumbi (elephant)
  450. Masini (elephant)
  451. Mat Chepor (elephant)
  452. Matabele (elephant)
  453. Matadi (elephant)
  454. Matambu (wild) (elephant)
  455. Matang (elephant)
  456. Mathali (elephant)
  457. Mathali (Mathalee) (elephant)
  458. Mathilakam Darshini (elephant)
  459. Mathso (elephant)
  460. Matibi (elephant)
  461. Matilda (elephant)
  462. Matizye (elephant)
  463. Matjeka (elephant)
  464. Matla (elephant)
  465. Matra (Mangula) (elephant)
  466. Matt (wild) (elephant)
  467. Matteau (elephant)
  468. Maude (elephant)
  469. Maude (elephant)
  470. Maude (elephant)
  471. Maude (Melba) (elephant)
  472. Maui (elephant)
  473. Mauk (elephant)
  474. Maundy (elephant)
  475. Maung Htoo (elephant)
  476. Maureen (elephant)
  477. Maurice (elephant)
  478. Maus (elephant)
  479. Mausi (elephant)
  480. Mavelikkara Unnikrishnan (elephant)
  481. Maverick (elephant)
  482. Mavi (elephant)
  483. Mavuso (wild) (elephant)
  484. Mawar (elephant)
  485. Mawenzi (elephant)
  486. Mawi (elephant)
  487. Mawljuk (elephant)
  488. Max (elephant)
  489. Max (elephant)
  490. Max (elephant)
  491. Max (elephant)
  492. Max (Maximus) (elephant)
  493. Maxi (elephant)
  494. Maxi (elephant)
  495. Maxi (elephant)
  496. Maxi (elephant)
  497. Maxi (elephant)
  498. Maxim (elephant)
  499. Maximus (Max, Somboon) (elephant)
  500. Maxine (elephant)
  501. May (elephant)
  502. May (elephant)
  503. May (น้องเมย์) (elephant)
  504. May Tagu (elephant)
  505. Maya (elephant)
  506. Maya (elephant)
  507. Maya (elephant)
  508. Maya (elephant)
  509. Maya (elephant)
  510. Maya (elephant)
  511. Maya (elephant)
  512. Maya (elephant)
  513. Maya (elephant)
  514. Maya (elephant)
  515. Maya (elephant)
  516. Maya (elephant)
  517. Maya (elephant)
  518. Maya (elephant)
  519. Maya (elephant)
  520. Maya (elephant)
  521. Maya (elephant)
  522. Maya (elephant)
  523. Maya (elephant)
  524. Maya (Sammi, Sami, Samuel R II) (elephant)
  525. Maya Churchill (wild) (elephant)
  526. Maya Kali (elephant)
  527. Mayan (elephant)
  528. Mayang (elephant)
  529. Maybel (elephant)
  530. Maybelle (elephant)
  531. Mayla (elephant)
  532. Maysa (elephant)
  533. Mayura (elephant)
  534. Mayura (elephant)
  535. Mayuri (elephant)
  536. Mbali (elephant)
  537. Mbanje (elephant)
  538. Mbegu (elephant)
  539. Mbiado Providence (elephant)
  540. Mbili (elephant)
  541. MBili (Mbli) (elephant)
  542. Mbirikani (elephant)
  543. McClane (Gabriel) (elephant)
  544. McClean (elephant)
  545. Mchumba (twin) (elephant)
  546. Mduena (elephant)
  547. Me-Tu (elephant)
  548. Mediano (elephant)
  549. Medo (elephant)
  550. Medoc (elephant)
  551. Medu (elephant)
  552. Medwa (elephant)
  553. Mee Boon (elephant)
  554. Mee Chok (elephant)
  555. Mee Chok (elephant)
  556. Meega (elephant)
  557. Meena (elephant)
  558. Meena (elephant)
  559. Meena (elephant)
  560. Meena (elephant)
  561. Meena (elephant)
  562. Meena (elephant)
  563. Meena (elephant)
  564. Meena (elephant)
  565. Meenakshi (elephant)
  566. Meera (elephant)
  567. Meera (elephant)
  568. Meesa (elephant)
  569. Meesha (elephant)
  570. Mega (elephant)
  571. Mega (elephant)
  572. Mega (elephant)
  573. Mega (elephant)
  574. Megan (elephant)
  575. Megharjunan (elephant)
  576. Megu (elephant)
  577. Megu (elephant)
  578. Mehedu (Mihindu) (elephant)
  579. Mehka (elephant)
  580. Mei Tai (elephant)
  581. Meibae (elephant)
  582. Meibai (elephant)
  583. Meina (Lina) (elephant)
  584. Mek Boh (elephant)
  585. Mek Bunga (elephant)
  586. Mek Kapah (elephant)
  587. Mekong (elephant)
  588. Mela (elephant)
  589. Melani (elephant)
  590. Melchior (elephant)
  591. Melela (elephant)
  592. Meli (elephant)
  593. Melia (elephant)
  594. Melinda (elephant)
  595. Melys (elephant)
  596. Mem (elephant)
  597. Memy (elephant)
  598. Mena (elephant)
  599. Menaka (elephant)
  600. Menaka Kali (elephant)
  601. Menamu (elephant)
  602. Mendavu (elephant)
  603. Meneki (elephant)
  604. Meni (elephant)
  605. Meni (elephant)
  606. Menika (elephant)
  607. Menika (elephant)
  608. Menika (elephant)
  609. Menika (elephant)
  610. Menika II (elephant)
  611. Menta (elephant)
  612. Mentopyan (elephant)
  613. Mere (elephant)
  614. Meri (elephant)
  615. Meri (Mary) (elephant)
  616. Merru (elephant)
  617. Merry (elephant)
  618. Merry (elephant)
  619. Merry (elephant)
  620. Merry (elephant)
  621. Merry (elephant)
  622. Merry (elephant)
  623. Merry (elephant)
  624. Meru (elephant)
  625. Merula (elephant)
  626. Merula (elephant)
  627. Mesa (elephant)
  628. Methai (Me Thai) (elephant)
  629. Mettra (elephant)
  630. Metty (Myan Thon Pyan) (elephant)
  631. Metzi (elephant)
  632. Mho Go Nar (elephant)
  633. Mho Loh (elephant)
  634. Mia (elephant)
  635. Mia (elephant)
  636. Mia (Mai) (elephant)
  637. Miaseni (elephant)
  638. Michael (elephant)
  639. Michael (wild) (elephant)
  640. Michaela (elephant)
  641. Michelle (elephant)
  642. Mick (wild) (elephant)
  643. Mickey (elephant)
  644. Mickey (elephant)
  645. Mickey (elephant)
  646. Mickie (elephant)
  647. Micky (elephant)
  648. Mida (elephant)
  649. Midori (elephant)
  650. Midori (elephant)
  651. Midula (elephant)
  652. Migara (elephant)
  653. Mighty (elephant)
  654. Mighty Mouse (elephant)
  655. Miguna Miguna (elephant)
  656. Mihiri (elephant)
  657. Mike (elephant)
  658. Mike (elephant)
  659. Mike (elephant)
  660. Mike (elephant)
  661. Mikki (elephant)
  662. Mila (elephant)
  663. Milinda (elephant)
  664. Millangoda Podi Raja (elephant)
  665. Millangoda Raja (Banda) (elephant)
  666. Millie (elephant)
  667. Millie (Lady Millie) (elephant)
  668. Mills B (elephant)
  669. Millsy B (elephant)
  670. Milo (elephant)
  671. Milot (elephant)
  672. Mimi (elephant)
  673. Mimi (elephant)
  674. Mimi (elephant)
  675. Mimi (elephant)
  676. Min Kye Aung (elephant)
  677. Mina (elephant)
  678. Mina (elephant)
  679. Mina (elephant)
  680. Minbu (elephant)
  681. Mineko (elephant)
  682. Ming Jung (elephant)
  683. Ming Kwan (elephant)
  684. Ming Mongkol (elephant)
  685. Ming Muang (elephant)
  686. Mingalar Oo (elephant)
  687. Minh-Tan (elephant)
  688. Mini (elephant)
  689. Mini (elephant)
  690. Mini (elephant)
  691. Mini (Minnie) (elephant)
  692. Miniak (elephant)
  693. Ministar (elephant)
  694. Mink (elephant)
  695. Minna (elephant)
  696. Minna (elephant)
  697. Minnie (elephant)
  698. Minnie (elephant)
  699. Minnie (elephant)
  700. Minnie (elephant)
  701. Minnie (elephant)
  702. Minnie (elephant)
  703. Minnie (elephant)
  704. Minnie (elephant)
  705. Minnie (elephant)
  706. Minnie (elephant)
  707. Minnie (Mignon) (elephant)
  708. Minnie (Minni) (elephant)
  709. Minnie (Packy II, Talli) (elephant)
  710. Minoli (elephant)
  711. Minoti (elephant)
  712. Mint (elephant)
  713. Mintra (elephant)
  714. Minyahk (Ole C.C.) (elephant)
  715. Minyak (elephant)
  716. Minyak (elephant)
  717. Minyak (elephant)
  718. Mirembe (elephant)
  719. Miri (elephant)
  720. Miriam (Maria?) (elephant)
  721. Miry (elephant)
  722. miscarriage (elephant)
  723. miscarriage (elephant)
  724. miscarriage (elephant)
  725. miscarriage (elephant)
  726. miscarriage (elephant)
  727. miscarriage (elephant)
  728. miscarriage (elephant)
  729. miscarriage (elephant)
  730. miscarriage (elephant)
  731. miscarriage (elephant)
  732. miscarriage (elephant)
  733. miscarriage (elephant)
  734. miscarriage (elephant)
  735. miscarriage (elephant)
  736. miscarriage (elephant)
  737. miscarriage (elephant)
  738. miscarriage (elephant)
  739. miscarriage (twin) (elephant)
  740. miscarriage (twin) (elephant)
  741. miscarriage: (elephant)
  742. Mischa (wild) (elephant)
  743. Misha (elephant)
  744. Miss (elephant)
  745. Miss Arara (elephant)
  746. Miss Bets (elephant)
  747. Miss Chic (elephant)
  748. Miss Daisy (elephant)
  749. Miss Ellie (elephant)
  750. Miss Elly (elephant)
  751. Miss India (elephant)
  752. Miss Jenny (elephant)
  753. Miss Jim (elephant)
  754. Miss Kumbuk (elephant)
  755. Miss Siam (elephant)
  756. Missaka (elephant)
  757. Missouri (elephant)
  758. Missy (elephant)
  759. Missy (elephant)
  760. Missy (elephant)
  761. Misty (elephant)
  762. Mita (elephant)
  763. Mithun (elephant)
  764. Mithun (elephant)
  765. Mito (elephant)
  766. Mitsui (elephant)
  767. Mitzi (elephant)
  768. Mitzi (elephant)
  769. Mitzie (elephant)
  770. Miyako (elephant)
  771. Miyo (elephant)
  772. Miyuri (elephant)
  773. Mjamba (Mujamba) (elephant)
  774. MKali (elephant)
  775. Mlilo (elephant)
  776. Mnuyati (elephant)
  777. Mo (elephant)
  778. Mo (elephant)
  779. Mo Dee (elephant)
  780. Mo Dee (elephant)
  781. Mo Gay Ko (elephant)
  782. Mo Kee Ler (elephant)
  783. Mo Lou Por (Lou) (elephant)
  784. Mo Padu (elephant)
  785. Mo Pho (elephant)
  786. Mo Phror Mae (elephant)
  787. Mo-Maeloh (elephant)
  788. Moana (elephant)
  789. Moat (Mutta) (elephant)
  790. Mobra (elephant)
  791. Moca (elephant)
  792. Moca Tharel (elephant)
  793. Mocamba (elephant)
  794. Mocosita (elephant)
  795. Modoc (elephant)
  796. Modoc (elephant)
  797. Moe Khae (elephant)
  798. Moe Maik (elephant)
  799. Moe Nge (elephant)
  800. Moe Toung Nue (elephant)
  801. Moe Wa Be (elephant)
  802. Moeli (elephant)
  803. Moey (elephant)
  804. Moghrey (elephant)
  805. Mogli (elephant)
  806. Mogli (elephant)
  807. Mogli (elephant)
  808. Mogli (elephant)
  809. Mogul (elephant)
  810. Mogul (elephant)
  811. Mogul (elephant)
  812. Mohan (elephant)
  813. Mohan (elephant)
  814. Mohan (Gyro, Gyro-Moe) (elephant)
  815. Mohan Lal (elephant)
  816. Mohanan (elephant)
  817. Mohanan (elephant)
  818. Mohanmala (elephant)
  819. Mohe (elephant)
  820. Mohini (elephant)
  821. Mohini (elephant)
  822. Mohini (elephant)
  823. Mohini (elephant)
  824. Mohini (elephant)
  825. Moja (elephant)
  826. Moja (elephant)
  827. Moja (elephant)
  828. Mojajdi (elephant)
  829. Mojay (elephant)
  830. Moji (elephant)
  831. Mojiko (elephant)
  832. Mojo (elephant)
  833. Moju (elephant)
  834. Moka (elephant)
  835. Moka (elephant)
  836. Mokatae (elephant)
  837. Mokaymae (elephant)
  838. Moketsi (elephant)
  839. Moki (elephant)
  840. Moki (elephant)
  841. Mokogodo (elephant)
  842. Molelo (elephant)
  843. Moli (elephant)
  844. Mollie (elephant)
  845. Molly (elephant)
  846. Molly (elephant)
  847. Molly (elephant)
  848. Molly (elephant)
  849. Molly (elephant)
  850. Molly (elephant)
  851. Molly (elephant)
  852. Molly (elephant)
  853. Molly (elephant)
  854. Molly (elephant)
  855. Molly (elephant)
  856. Molly (Moulmain) (elephant)
  857. Molo (elephant)
  858. Moloair (elephant)
  859. Molopo (elephant)
  860. Mom (Moms) (elephant)
  861. Mom-nha (elephant)
  862. Moma (elephant)
  863. Momay (elephant)
  864. Momo (elephant)
  865. MoMo (elephant)
  866. Momo (Maman) (elephant)
  867. Momodloh (elephant)
  868. Mona (elephant)
  869. Mona (elephant)
  870. Mona (elephant)
  871. Mona (elephant)
  872. Mona (elephant)
  873. Mona (elephant)
  874. Mona (elephant)
  875. Mona (elephant)
  876. Mondjabo (elephant)
  877. Mondula (elephant)
  878. Mondula (Mondy) (elephant)
  879. Mong Tine (elephant)
  880. Mongkol (elephant)
  881. Mongkol (elephant)
  882. Mongkol (elephant)
  883. Mongkol (Phlaymongkol) (elephant)
  884. Mongkon Aiyarat (elephant)
  885. Mongu (elephant)
  886. Mongu (elephant)
  887. Moni (elephant)
  888. Moni (elephant)
  889. Monica (elephant)
  890. Monica (elephant)
  891. Monimala (elephant)
  892. Monique (elephant)
  893. Monsoon (elephant)
  894. Monte (elephant)
  895. Monty (elephant)
  896. Monty (elephant)
  897. Monty (Monti, Daka) (elephant)
  898. Mony (elephant)
  899. Mony (elephant)
  900. Mony (Moni) (elephant)
  901. Moo (elephant)
  902. Moo 1 (elephant)
  903. Moo 2 (elephant)
  904. Moo Phee (elephant)
  905. Mook (elephant)
  906. Moola (elephant)
  907. Moon (elephant)
  908. Moon (elephant)
  909. Moon (elephant)
  910. Moon (Chi Chan, Gee Chan) (elephant)
  911. Moorland Mastodon (elephant)
  912. Mooti (elephant)
  913. Mopane (elephant)
  914. Mopane (elephant)
  915. Mopani (elephant)
  916. Mopani (elephant)
  917. Mopani (elephant)
  918. Mopator (elephant)
  919. Mor (elephant)
  920. Morakot (elephant)
  921. Morakot (elephant)
  922. Moran (elephant)
  923. Morani (elephant)
  924. Morgan (elephant)
  925. Moritz (elephant)
  926. Morokot (elephant)
  927. Morris (elephant)
  928. Morula (elephant)
  929. Mosadi (elephant)
  930. Moses (elephant)
  931. Mosha (elephant)
  932. Moshi (elephant)
  933. Mosi (elephant)
  934. Mosi (elephant)
  935. Moskwitsch (elephant)
  936. Mosley (elephant)
  937. Motala (elephant)
  938. Motek (elephant)
  939. Motek (elephant)
  940. Mother (elephant)
  941. Moti (elephant)
  942. Moti (elephant)
  943. Moti (elephant)
  944. Moti (elephant)
  945. Moti (Mohti) (elephant)
  946. Moti Prasad (elephant)
  947. Motilal (elephant)
  948. Motilal (elephant)
  949. Motirani (elephant)
  950. Motki (elephant)
  951. Motlotlo (elephant)
  952. Moto (elephant)
  953. Motolo (elephant)
  954. Motomei (elephant)
  955. Motoo (elephant)
  956. MoTor (elephant)
  957. Motty (elephant)
  958. Mouly (Molly) (elephant)
  959. Mouse (elephant)
  960. Mousi (elephant)
  961. Mowa (elephant)
  962. Moxie (elephant)
  963. Moya (elephant)
  964. Moyo (elephant)
  965. Moyo (elephant)
  966. Moyo (elephant)
  967. Moyra (Moira) (elephant)
  968. Mozes (elephant)
  969. Mpala (elephant)
  970. Mpala (elephant)
  971. Mpenzi (elephant)
  972. Mpia (elephant)
  973. Mpumi (Mpumelelo) (elephant)
  974. Mr. Ed (Khun Chorn, Khun-Chorn, K-C) (elephant)
  975. MSamva (elephant)
  976. Msholo (elephant)
  977. Msichana (elephant)
  978. Msinga (elephant)
  979. MTendre (Dali) (elephant)
  980. Mteto (elephant)
  981. Mthondo Mbomwo (elephant)
  982. Mtomba (elephant)
  983. Mtoto (elephant)
  984. Muadzam (elephant)
  985. Muay (elephant)
  986. Mucki (elephant)
  987. Mudanda (elephant)
  988. Muddog (elephant)
  989. Muddy Melly (elephant)
  990. Mudiyanse (elephant)
  991. Mudu (Chi Chi) (elephant)
  992. Mudumalai (elephant)
  993. Mue Mue (elephant)
  994. Muenlan (elephant)
  995. Mufanyane (elephant)
  996. Muggins (elephant)
  997. Mugsy (elephant)
  998. Mugulan ([T212]) (elephant)
  999. Muk (elephant)
  1000. Mukambika (elephant)
  1001. Mukda (elephant)
  1002. Mukkei (elephant)
  1003. Mukkoka (elephant)
  1004. Mukti Rani (elephant)
  1005. Muktirani (elephant)
  1006. Muktirani (elephant)
  1007. Mukundan (elephant)
  1008. Mukwa (elephant)
  1009. Mukwaju (elephant)
  1010. Mulberry (wild) (elephant)
  1011. Mulee (elephant)
  1012. Mulika (elephant)
  1013. Mulisani (elephant)
  1014. Mulyani (elephant)
  1015. Mumba (elephant)
  1016. Mumbushi (elephant)
  1017. Mumo (elephant)
  1018. Mumtas Mahal (elephant)
  1019. Mumtaz (elephant)
  1020. Mun (elephant)
  1021. Mun (elephant)
  1022. Muna (elephant)
  1023. Mundi (elephant)
  1024. Mundusi (elephant)
  1025. MungMee (elephant)
  1026. Muni (elephant)
  1027. Munmee (twin) (elephant)
  1028. Munni (elephant)
  1029. Munniya (elephant)
  1030. Mupani (elephant)
  1031. Murali (elephant)
  1032. Murera (elephant)
  1033. Murikati (elephant)
  1034. Murinzi (elephant)
  1035. Murit (elephant)
  1036. Murka (elephant)
  1037. Murthy (elephant)
  1038. Murugan (elephant)
  1039. Muruthanjai (Mruthinjai) (elephant)
  1040. Murza (elephant)
  1041. Musi (elephant)
  1042. Musiara (elephant)
  1043. Muskan (elephant)
  1044. Mustard (elephant)
  1045. Mustard II (elephant)
  1046. Mustika (elephant)
  1047. Mutara (elephant)
  1048. Muthu (elephant)
  1049. Muti (elephant)
  1050. Mutt (elephant)
  1051. Mutti (Moti) (elephant)
  1052. Mutu (elephant)
  1053. Mutu (elephant)
  1054. Mutware (elephant)
  1055. Mvula (wild) (elephant)
  1056. Mwana Mashona (elephant)
  1057. Mwangi (wild) (elephant)
  1058. Mwashoti (elephant)
  1059. Mweiga (elephant)
  1060. Mwendi (elephant)
  1061. Mweya (elephant)
  1062. Mwitu (wild) (elephant)
  1063. Mwiza (elephant)
  1064. Mwuso (elephant)
  1065. Myan Kumara (elephant)
  1066. MyFanwy (Baby) (elephant)
  1067. Myitcha (elephant)
  1068. Myna (elephant)
  1069. Myntrik (elephant)
  1070. Myo Myo (elephant)
  1071. Myo Set Kaung (elephant)
  1072. Myriam (elephant)
  1073. Myrtle (elephant)
  1074. Myrtle (elephant)
  1075. Myrtle (elephant)
  1076. Mysore (elephant)
  1077. Mysore II (elephant)
  1078. Mythili (elephant)
  1079. Mzima (elephant)
  1080. Mzuri (Buckles) (elephant)

About this documentThis document was updated: 2025-03-21 with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

About this documentThis document was created: 2025-03-25. Latest update: 2025-03-21 included characters with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

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