Mosha is a living Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the FAE Elephant Hospital, in Thailand.
Mosha arrived in 2006-06-11 to the FAE Elephant Hospital, relocated from the Thailand unspecified location, in Thailand.
Mosha lives together with 15 other elephants at the FAE Elephant Hospital: (detailed list)
Mosha was born captive-born 2005-11-11, captured 2006 .
Sire (f):Born:
Dame m:MoghreyBorn:
Origin from Tha province. Mosha was injured by landmine when she was only seven months old back in 2006. Mosha is the first elephant ever to receive and use a prosthetic leg functionally. Almost half of the leg was amputed. All the creation, designs and all the sockets of Motala's and Mosha's prosthetic legs have been created and made in Thailand by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Therdchai Jivacate and his team from day one in 2008 on.
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