Elephant Encyclopedia

26 March 2025: 17465 elephants and 3978 locations

Browse Encyclopedia Letters with

A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z * empty (no letter)

3 entries with glossary pages beginning with V
  1. Vasa-lobha (page)
  2. VeId (page)
  3. VdCU (page)

99 entries with persons names beginning with V
  1. A. Velai (person)
  2. Adolf-Peter Van den Berghe (person)
  3. Alfred Vidbel (person)
  4. Alma von der Gathen (person)
  5. Anna Vocaskova (person)
  6. Anton von Winkler (person)
  7. Antonin Vinicky (person)
  8. Bobby-Jo Vial (person)
  9. Clifford Vargas (person)
  10. D Venkatesh (person)
  11. Denn Vi (person)
  12. Filipe von Gilsa (person)
  13. Frans van den Brink (person)
  14. Gábor Vadász (person)
  15. George Vierheller (person)
  16. Hir Vi (person)
  17. Ingeborg Vinicky (person)
  18. Issac Van Amburg (person)
  19. Jan Vinicky (person)
  20. Jennifer Vidbel (person)
  21. Jon Voce (person)
  22. Joszi Vinicky (person)
  23. Joszi Vinicky (person)
  24. Keo Vouen (person)
  25. Koose Veerappan (person)
  26. Kumar Vinay (person)
  27. Mareille van den Brink (person)
  28. Maria Voetz (person)
  29. Maria von der Gathen (person)
  30. Marlice van Vuuren (person)
  31. Martin van Wees (person)
  32. Michael Vogler (person)
  33. Plung Vi (person)
  34. Pothen Varghese (person)
  35. Pran Vi (person)
  36. Rosalie Van Been (person)
  37. Rudi van Vuuren (person)
  38. Simone Vitali (person)
  39. Sok Vi (person)
  40. Srey Vi (person)
  41. Surin Vi (person)
  42. Susan Vidbel (person)
  43. Tony Vecchio (person)
  44. Tony Verhulst (person)
  45. V. Palaniswami (person)
  46. Vaclav Berousek (person)
  47. Vahid Khan (person)
  48. Vaidyanathan Krishnamurthy (person)
  49. Valentin Filatov (person)
  50. Valery Datsyuk (person)
  51. Vanessa Berousek (person)
  52. Vanessa Hagedorn (person)
  53. Vanhuvmnwe Chinangama (person)
  54. Vanny Pot (រ៉ាយដឺ ដាច់យ៉ៃ) (person)
  55. Vardia Berousek (person)
  56. Vardia Berousek (person)
  57. Vasantha (person)
  58. Vates Swenson (person)
  59. Vattho Tep (person)
  60. Vellayan Subramaniam (person)
  61. Vera (person)
  62. Verena Hochstrasser (person)
  63. Verna (person)
  64. Vernon Duffy (person)
  65. Vernon Liedtke (person)
  66. Vey Tey (person)
  67. Vi Mein (person)
  68. Vi Vi (person)
  69. Victoire Gautier (person)
  70. Victor Gesmundo (person)
  71. Victor West (person)
  72. Victor Yelding (person)
  73. Victoria Blumenfeld (person)
  74. Victoria Cooke (person)
  75. Victoria Cristiani (person)
  76. Victoria Ginnet (person)
  77. Victoria Sanger (person)
  78. Vijayan (person)
  79. Viktoria Zsilak (person)
  80. Vincent Ashton (person)
  81. Vincenzo Pistucci (person)
  82. Vinceta Pages (person)
  83. Vinicio Canestrelli (person)
  84. Vinod (person)
  85. Viola Engesser (person)
  86. Violet Sandow (person)
  87. Violette de Dessus-le-Moustier (person)
  88. Virginia hancock (person)
  89. Virginia Phänner (person)
  90. Virginie Blennow (person)
  91. Virginie Blumenfeld (person)
  92. Virginie Scanga (person)
  93. Vittoria Orfei (person)
  94. Vivian Klauder (person)
  95. Viviana (person)
  96. Viviane Orfei (person)
  97. Vuthy Ros (person)
  98. Warren Vayett (person)
  99. X? von der Gathen (person)

54 entries with nameof locations beginning with V
  1. Vienna Zoo (location)
  2. Valley Zoo, Edmonton (location)
  3. Vergel Safari Park (location)
  4. Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo (location)
  5. Virupaksha Temple (location)
  6. Vancouver Zoo (Vancouver Game Farm) (location)
  7. Valwo Zoo (Valladolid) (location)
  8. Van Nuys Busch Gardens (location)
  9. Volgograd Zoo (Stalingrad Zoo) (location)
  10. Valiya Raja of Nilambur (location)
  11. Virginia Zoo (location)
  12. Van Amburg Circus (location)
  13. Vejle Zoo (Himmelpind) (location)
  14. Valencia Zoo (Zoo de Valencia) (location)
  15. Vidbels Old Tyme Circus (Alfred Vidbel) (location)
  16. Vientiane Ban Keun Zoo (Tulakhom Inter Zoo) (location)
  17. Victor Hugo Cardinali circus (location)
  18. Victoria Falls National Park (location)
  19. Vumbura Concession (location)
  20. Vivo Animales (location)
  21. Villa Lorena sanctuary (Refugio Animal Villa Lorena) (location)
  22. Versailles menagerie (location)
  23. Vietnam Circus Federation (location)
  24. Varagaliar elephant camp (location)
  25. Vipashyarama Purana Vihara (location)
  26. Vereeniging Zoo (location)
  27. Von Brothers Circus (location)
  28. Vietnam unspecified location (location)
  29. Van Amburgh Circus (Mugivan & Bowers) (location)
  30. Vwaza Wildlife Reserve (location)
  31. Viet Cong elephant camp (NLF) (location)
  32. V. K. Sudhi (location)
  33. V. V. Abootty (location)
  34. V. M. Anzari (location)
  35. Vizag Zoo (Indira Gandhi Zoological Park) (location)
  36. Vala Subramaniya Swamy Temple (Virudhunagar) (location)
  37. Vaitheeswaran Koil temple (Pullirukkuvelur) (location)
  38. Vrijburgh royal menagerie (location)
  39. Voetboogdoelen (De Doelen) (location)
  40. Venus Circus (Maharaja Circus) (location)
  41. Vimalan Radhakrishnan (location)
  42. Vang Vieng elephant sanctuary (location)
  43. V. M. Rajappan (location)
  44. Vadakkoot Haridas (location)
  45. Varikkassery Mana (location)
  46. Visconti Castle (location)
  47. Vazhaithottam check post elephant kraal (location)
  48. Vienna Natural History Museum (location)
  49. Vienna Imperial Elephant House (location)
  50. Venice Beach shallow waters (location)
  51. Vahid Khan (location)
  52. Vethalan Kavu Mahadeva Temple (location)
  53. Verona Zoo (location)
  54. Veterinärinstitutet in Stockholm (location)

132 entries with elephant name beginning with V
  1. Vaal (elephant)
  2. Vaarti (elephant)
  3. Vaen (elephant)
  4. Vaigai (elephant)
  5. Vajra (elephant)
  6. Val (elephant)
  7. Valaja (Valaya) (elephant)
  8. Valenti (elephant)
  9. Valentina (elephant)
  10. Valentine (elephant)
  11. Valentino (elephant)
  12. Valentino (elephant)
  13. Valerie (elephant)
  14. Valiya Vishnu (elephant)
  15. Valiyapurakkal Dhruvan (elephant)
  16. Valiyaveettil Manikandan (elephant)
  17. Vallabhan (elephant)
  18. Valli (elephant)
  19. Valli (elephant)
  20. Valli (elephant)
  21. Valli (elephant)
  22. Valli (elephant)
  23. Vampi (elephant)
  24. Vana (elephant)
  25. Vanaraja (Vanaraj) (elephant)
  26. Vanashree (elephant)
  27. Vance (elephant)
  28. Vance (Doc) (elephant)
  29. Vance (Matt) (elephant)
  30. Vanda (พังแวนด้า) (elephant)
  31. Vani (elephant)
  32. Vanitha (Vanita) (elephant)
  33. Vanni (elephant)
  34. Vanraj (elephant)
  35. Varalakshmi (elephant)
  36. Varsha (elephant)
  37. Varun (elephant)
  38. Vary (elephant)
  39. Vasale (elephant)
  40. Vasanthi (elephant)
  41. Vasha (elephant)
  42. Vatsala (elephant)
  43. Vauka (elephant)
  44. Veda (elephant)
  45. Vedanayagi (elephant)
  46. Vedavathi (elephant)
  47. Vegalaxmi (elephant)
  48. Velayudhan (elephant)
  49. Vellaiammal (elephant)
  50. Ven (elephant)
  51. Venattumattam Ganesan (elephant)
  52. Vendi (Vendy) (elephant)
  53. Veneda (elephant)
  54. Venice (elephant)
  55. Venice (elephant)
  56. Venice Mammoth (elephant)
  57. Venkatesh (elephant)
  58. Venta (elephant)
  59. Venus (elephant)
  60. Venus (elephant)
  61. Vera (elephant)
  62. Vera (Bingo) (elephant)
  63. Veri (elephant)
  64. Vettikadu Chandrasekharan (elephant)
  65. Vi (elephant)
  66. Viangping (elephant)
  67. Vibhi (elephant)
  68. Vibhishana (elephant)
  69. Vic (elephant)
  70. Vickie (elephant)
  71. Vickie (elephant)
  72. Vickie (Vicky, Vates) (elephant)
  73. Vicky (elephant)
  74. Vicky (elephant)
  75. Vicky (elephant)
  76. Vicky (wild) (elephant)
  77. Victor (elephant)
  78. Victor (elephant)
  79. Victor (elephant)
  80. Victoria (elephant)
  81. Victoria (elephant)
  82. Victoria (elephant)
  83. Victoria (elephant)
  84. Victoria (wild) (elephant)
  85. Vidula (elephant)
  86. Viet nam (elephant)
  87. Vigo (พลายวีโก้) (elephant)
  88. Vijay (elephant)
  89. Vijay (twin) (elephant)
  90. Vijay (Vanaja) (elephant)
  91. Vijaya (elephant)
  92. Vijaya (elephant)
  93. Vijaya (elephant)
  94. Vijaya Bahadur (elephant)
  95. Vijaya Lakshmi (elephant)
  96. Vijayalaksmi (elephant)
  97. Vijayan (elephant)
  98. Vijayan (elephant)
  99. Viko (elephant)
  100. Vikram (elephant)
  101. Vikram (elephant)
  102. Vikram (elephant)
  103. Vikram Prasad (elephant)
  104. Vikum (elephant)
  105. Vikum (elephant)
  106. Vilja (elephant)
  107. Vimbai (elephant)
  108. Vimla (elephant)
  109. Vinager (elephant)
  110. Vinayagan (wild) (elephant)
  111. Vinayak (elephant)
  112. Vinayak (elephant)
  113. Vinayakan (elephant)
  114. Vindhya (elephant)
  115. Vineeth Krishnan (elephant)
  116. Vinh (elephant)
  117. Viola (elephant)
  118. Virginia (elephant)
  119. Virginius (Gold Button) (elephant)
  120. Virgo (elephant)
  121. Vishesh (elephant)
  122. Vishnu (elephant)
  123. Vishnu Sankar (elephant)
  124. Vishwa (elephant)
  125. Vita (elephant)
  126. Vita (elephant)
  127. Vivi (elephant)
  128. Voi Nam (elephant)
  129. Voortrekker (wild) (elephant)
  130. Vova (elephant)
  131. Vuria (elephant)
  132. Vusi (elephant)

About this documentThis document was updated: 2025-03-21 with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

About this documentThis document was created: 2025-03-25. Latest update: 2025-03-21 included characters with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

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