Elephant Encyclopedia

26 March 2025: 17465 elephants and 3978 locations

Browse Encyclopedia Letters with

A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z * empty (no letter)

2 entries with glossary pages beginning with Y
  1. Yata (page)
  2. Yaudha (page)

32 entries with persons names beginning with Y
  1. Claude Yelding (person)
  2. Dewa Yudistira (person)
  3. Emma Yelding (person)
  4. Freddie Yelding (person)
  5. Freddy Yelding (person)
  6. Harriet Yelding (person)
  7. Hilary Yelding (person)
  8. Manas Yaviraj (person)
  9. Mukai Yasuhiko (person)
  10. Phyllis Yeomans (person)
  11. Sumonchart Yaviraj (person)
  12. Susanne Yelding (person)
  13. Taisia ​ Yakovlevna (person)
  14. Thomas Yelding (person)
  15. Tina Yenda (person)
  16. Victor Yelding (person)
  17. Y Eban (person)
  18. Y Knul (person)
  19. Y Knul (person)
  20. Y Kuan (person)
  21. Y Ni (person)
  22. Y Muc Bya (person)
  23. Yandika Gede (person)
  24. Yang Mei (person)
  25. Yehuda Bar (person)
  26. Yelena West (person)
  27. Yigal Horowitz (person)
  28. Yitzhak Franco (person)
  29. Yolan Konyot (person)
  30. Yulia Filatov (person)
  31. Yutapong (person)
  32. Yvonne Kruse (person)

65 entries with nameof locations beginning with Y
  1. Yerevan Zoo (location)
  2. Yangon Zoo (Rangoon Zoo) (location)
  3. Yankee Robinson Circus (location)
  4. Yala Ruhunu National Park (location)
  5. Yokohama Zoo (Zoorasia) (location)
  6. Yekaterinburg Zoo (Sverdlovsk Zoo) (location)
  7. Yadana White Elephants Garden (location)
  8. Y Bhem (location)
  9. Y Diet (location)
  10. Y Thok (location)
  11. Yunnan Wild Animal Park (location)
  12. Yongin Everland theme park and zoo (location)
  13. Yunnan Nationalities Village (location)
  14. Yokohama Kanazawa Zoo (location)
  15. Yamuna Bridge elephant camp (New Delhi) (location)
  16. Yamaguchi Safariland (location)
  17. Yok Don National Park elephant camp (location)
  18. Yvonne Kludsky (location)
  19. Y Thiem Bya (location)
  20. Y Prung Eban (Ama Kong) (location)
  21. Y Thok Knul (Y Tok) (location)
  22. Yok Don National Park (location)
  23. Y Bich (location)
  24. Y Glur B Krong (location)
  25. Y Bo Ksor (location)
  26. Y Phen Ksor (location)
  27. Y Tep Budam (location)
  28. Y Don Eban (location)
  29. Y Lit Ksor (location)
  30. Y Then Eban (Ay Be) (location)
  31. Y Lanh Nie Kdam (location)
  32. Y Sor Hra (location)
  33. Y Lia Buon Ya (location)
  34. Y Tung Nie (location)
  35. Y Khu Eban (location)
  36. Y Oi Hra (location)
  37. Y Nhun H Mmok (Y Nhuan Hmok) (location)
  38. Y Khoi B Krong (location)
  39. Y Ly Srue (location)
  40. Y Phong Srue (location)
  41. Y So Enuol (location)
  42. Y Gah H Mok (location)
  43. Y Jut B Krong (location)
  44. Y Mok Uong (location)
  45. Y Ca Triek (location)
  46. Y Chon Triek (location)
  47. Y Nghiek Triek (location)
  48. Y Hlach Uong (location)
  49. Y Sam Luk (location)
  50. Y Chu Hlong (location)
  51. Y Ju B Krong (location)
  52. Y Dya H Mok (location)
  53. Y Dhiu H Drue (location)
  54. Ya Sukhree (location)
  55. Y Dhui (location)
  56. Yala Province unspecified location (location)
  57. Yunnan province unspecified forest (location)
  58. Yamai Devi Temple (location)
  59. Yediyur Siddhalingeshwara Swamy Temple (location)
  60. Yusuf Ali (location)
  61. Yamula Dam Excavation Site (location)
  62. Ystad unspecified location (location)
  63. Yo Nie (location)
  64. Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre (location)
  65. Yuribei Riverbanks (location)

124 entries with elephant name beginning with Y
  1. Y Bak No (stillborn) (elephant)
  2. Y Blo (elephant)
  3. Y Dor (elephant)
  4. Y Ghen (elephant)
  5. Y Khen Knul (elephant)
  6. Y Khun (elephant)
  7. Y Khun (elephant)
  8. Y Khun (elephant)
  9. Y Lam (elephant)
  10. Y Lom (elephant)
  11. Y Lum (elephant)
  12. Y Nom (elephant)
  13. Y Nun (elephant)
  14. Y Tor (elephant)
  15. Y Trut (elephant)
  16. Ya Bich (elephant)
  17. Ya Long (elephant)
  18. Ya Long (elephant)
  19. Ya Lu (elephant)
  20. Ya Tao (elephant)
  21. Yaad (twin) (elephant)
  22. Yai (elephant)
  23. Yai (elephant)
  24. Yai (elephant)
  25. Yai Bua (elephant)
  26. Yai Bua (elephant)
  27. Yai Dokmai (elephant)
  28. Yai Sangduean (elephant)
  29. Yakun (Ya Kun) (elephant)
  30. Yala (elephant)
  31. Yambo (elephant)
  32. Yaming (elephant)
  33. Yammy (Yamina) (elephant)
  34. Yamunakali (elephant)
  35. Yando (elephant)
  36. Yang Niu (elephant)
  37. Yani (elephant)
  38. Yani (elephant)
  39. Yanti (elephant)
  40. Yapid (elephant)
  41. Yaqi (elephant)
  42. Yaro (elephant)
  43. Yashaswi (elephant)
  44. Yashoda (elephant)
  45. Yasmin (Yasmine) (elephant)
  46. Yasmine (elephant)
  47. Yasso (Jasso) (elephant)
  48. Yatima (elephant)
  49. Yatta (elephant)
  50. Yavaranee (elephant)
  51. Yaya (elephant)
  52. Yaza Gaha Thiri Pyitsaya Gaza Raza Yadana White Elephant (elephant)
  53. Yeap (Gyp, Gypsy, Shipp) (elephant)
  54. Yekti (elephant)
  55. Yetu (wild) (elephant)
  56. Yhetoo (elephant)
  57. Yi Li (elephant)
  58. Yi Long (elephant)
  59. Yi Wan (elephant)
  60. Yiampha (elephant)
  61. Yin Dee (elephant)
  62. Yina (elephant)
  63. Yindee (elephant)
  64. Yindi (elephant)
  65. Ying Luck (elephant)
  66. Yishuang (elephant)
  67. Yitor (elephant)
  68. Yo (elephant)
  69. Yo (elephant)
  70. Yod Yam (elephant)
  71. Yoe Ma (elephant)
  72. Yoga (elephant)
  73. Yogi (elephant)
  74. Yogi (elephant)
  75. Yogi (elephant)
  76. Yogo (elephant)
  77. Yok (elephant)
  78. Yok Fa (elephant)
  79. Yok Fah (elephant)
  80. Yoki (elephant)
  81. Yoko (elephant)
  82. Yoko (elephant)
  83. Yom (elephant)
  84. Yongyong (elephant)
  85. Yooyee (elephant)
  86. Yosepha (Josepha) (elephant)
  87. Yoshiko (elephant)
  88. Yossi (elephant)
  89. You Kai (elephant)
  90. You Xin (elephant)
  91. Youee (elephant)
  92. Young Snyder (Snyder II, Billy) (elephant)
  93. Young Tusko (elephant)
  94. Yoyo (elephant)
  95. Yoyo (wild) (elephant)
  96. Ystad Mammoth (elephant)
  97. Yu Moe Yin (elephant)
  98. Yu Yu Htay (elephant)
  99. Yu Yu Yin (elephant)
  100. Yu Zin (elephant)
  101. Yuan Yuan (elephant)
  102. Yudi (elephant)
  103. Yue Long (elephant)
  104. Yui (elephant)
  105. Yui (elephant)
  106. Yui (elephant)
  107. Yuki (elephant)
  108. Yum Yum (elephant)
  109. Yum Yum (elephant)
  110. Yuma (Yoma) (elephant)
  111. Yumeka (elephant)
  112. Yumi (elephant)
  113. Yunha (elephant)
  114. Yuni (elephant)
  115. Yuni (John) (elephant)
  116. Yuri (elephant)
  117. Yuriko (elephant)
  118. Yuuki (elephant)
  119. Yuvraj (elephant)
  120. Yuvraj (elephant)
  121. Yuyun (elephant)
  122. Yvette (elephant)
  123. Yvonne (elephant)
  124. Yvonne (Ivonee, Bibi) (elephant)

About this documentThis document was updated: 2025-03-21 with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

About this documentThis document was created: 2025-03-25. Latest update: 2025-03-21 included characters with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

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