Ama Kong

From the list of elephant persons Family: Eban

Ama Kong
Y  Eban

Personal details

Spouse(s) 1990 - 2012 H'Kham Eban

Spouse(s) 1941 H'Hot Knul

Spouse(s) - 1941 H'No Knul

Country Vietnam

Title elephant trainer 1996-
Location at Yok Don National Park elephant camp in Vietnam

Title chief mahout 1941-2012
Location at Buon Don village in Vietnam

Y  Knul

Biography details

Y Prong Eban , Mnong village mahout in Vietnam

Born 1910 in Vietnam dead 2012 in Vietnam .

Being son in law of Buon Don village founder Y Thu Knul, he started to work with elephants when he was 13, and at the age of 17, he caught five elephants. himself. He married his close relative H'No Knul, who died in 1941 due to postpartum complications while giving birth to her second child. , and H'No's sister, H'Hot Knul (15 years younger than Ama Kong), took her place as his wife. Living together for a while, this marriage broke down because H'Hot did not agree to let Amakong marry a concubine, but H'Hot Knul had 11 children with Ama Kong. After that, Ama Kong brought another woman home and had three more daughters.

The third wife is not mentioned much (but probably had the family name Lao). When he was 75 years old and widowed. In the 1990s, when Ama Kong was over 80 years old, during a walk in another village, he happened to meet a 25-year-old girl named H'Kham Eban. He brought her back to the village to officially get married.

At dawn on November 3, 2012, Ama Kong died at the age of 103. He had 21 children, 118 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Ama Kong is also famous for its traditional medicine, yang yang, Kidney tonic, which is praised by many people, and he is also known as the inventor of the traditional medicine that can enhance man’s sexual ability. To attract more visitors to Dak Lak, Ama Kong was allowed to go into the forest to pick herbs for sale. Visitors flocked to the National Park, trying to buy the medicine of "Ama Kong". After that many people also made “Ama Kong” medicines for sale.

1996: Ama Kongs last elephant hunt.

2012-11-03: Ama Kông, who spent his whole life Hunting and taming a total of 298 wild elephants, died at 104 years old (or 96 years old) on November 3 in central Vietnam.


Total: 3 children

  1. H'Bup Eban.
  2. Kham Phet Lao.
  3. Y Kong Knul. Born: ?.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). mahout Y Prong Eban in Vietnam. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Y Kong Knul

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Categories mahout | village | Buon Don village | Eban family | Mnong people | Born 1910 | Dead 2012 | People from Vietnam

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