Elephant Encyclopedia

26 March 2025: 17465 elephants and 3981 locations

Browse Encyclopedia Letters with

A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z * empty (no letter)

27 entries with glossary pages beginning with A
  1. Absolut elephant (page)
  2. Awards to www.elephant.se (page)
  3. Ankus (page)
  4. ACP (page)
  5. AfESG (page)
  6. Anatomy (page)
  7. Adult (page)
  8. Adolescent (page)
  9. Aggregation (page)
  10. Agonistic (page)
  11. Alidena (page)
  12. Aliya (page)
  13. Allomother (page)
  14. Allometric (page)
  15. Auntie (page)
  16. AsESG (page)
  17. Anthrax (page)
  18. Anthrozoology (page)
  19. AERP (page)
  20. Arthritis (page)
  21. Artificial insemination (page)
  22. Asian Elephant Research and Conservation Centre (page)
  23. ACES (page)
  24. AZA (page)
  25. Abdomen (page)
  26. Anal fold (page)
  27. Alcohol (page)

435 entries with persons names beginning with A
  1. A. Chandrasekar (person)
  2. A. Sukumar (person)
  3. A. Velai (person)
  4. Aaron Turner (person)
  5. Abderahim Salhi (person)
  6. Abderahim Salhi (person)
  7. Abdul Aziz (person)
  8. Abdul Karim (person)
  9. Abdul Khan (person)
  10. Abdul Rashid (person)
  11. Abelardo Moreno Bonilla (person)
  12. Abhilash (person)
  13. Abigai Halstead (person)
  14. Abraham Bartlett (person)
  15. Achille Zavatta (person)
  16. Ada Raymond (person)
  17. Adalgisa Caroli (person)
  18. Adalheid Geisler (person)
  19. Adam Forepaugh (person)
  20. Adam Forepaugh (person)
  21. Adam Frank (person)
  22. Adam Knuth (person)
  23. Adam Knuth (person)
  24. Adam Seidon (person)
  25. Addison Nathans (person)
  26. Ade Savitri (person)
  27. Adela Dos Santos (person)
  28. Adelaide Ginnet (person)
  29. Adelaide Macarthy (person)
  30. Adele (person)
  31. Adele Althoff (person)
  32. Adele Corty (person)
  33. Adele Mark (person)
  34. Adele Medini (person)
  35. Adele Nelson (person)
  36. Adèle Rene (person)
  37. Adele Rossi (person)
  38. Adeleide Tourniaire (person)
  39. Adolf Althoff (person)
  40. Adolf Althoff (person)
  41. Adolf Blumenfeld (person)
  42. Adolf Enders (person)
  43. Adolf Fischer (person)
  44. Adolf Lorch (person)
  45. Adolf Marschall (person)
  46. Adolf Schickler (person)
  47. Adolf Strassburger (person)
  48. Adolf Strassburger (person)
  49. Adolf Wendnagel (person)
  50. Adolf-Peter Van den Berghe (person)
  51. Adolph Houcke (person)
  52. Adolph Konyot (person)
  53. Adolph Lorch (person)
  54. Adolph Strassburger (person)
  55. Adria Cuellar (person)
  56. Adriana Folco (person)
  57. Adriana Togni (person)
  58. Agenor Gomez (person)
  59. Agnes Mersman (person)
  60. Agnete Enoch (person)
  61. Agustina Wayan (person)
  62. Akim Nikitin (person)
  63. Al Langdon (person)
  64. Al Perry (person)
  65. Alana Feld (person)
  66. Alasco White (person)
  67. Alba Furini (person)
  68. Albert Austin (person)
  69. Albert Austin (person)
  70. Albert Barnett (person)
  71. Albert Carré (person)
  72. Albert Ginnet (person)
  73. Albert Hay (person)
  74. Albert Hengler (person)
  75. Albert Le Souef (person)
  76. Albert Le Souef (person)
  77. Albert Lindsay (person)
  78. Albert Mann (person)
  79. Albert Meems (person)
  80. Albert Oeming (person)
  81. Albert Palazuelo (person)
  82. Albert Perry (person)
  83. Albert Ringling (person)
  84. Albert Salamonsky (person)
  85. Albert Schumann (person)
  86. Albert Schumann (person)
  87. Albert Townsend (person)
  88. Alberto Atayde (person)
  89. Alberto Baillères (person)
  90. Alberto Orfei (person)
  91. Albin Schöpf (person)
  92. Albina Beatty (person)
  93. Aleksandr Kornilov (person)
  94. Aleksandr Nikitin (person)
  95. Aleksei Dementiev (person)
  96. Alessandro Bellucci (person)
  97. Alex Gärtner (person)
  98. Alex Glasscock (person)
  99. Alex Gunawan (person)
  100. Alex Konyot (person)
  101. Alex Petrov (person)
  102. Alexander Blennow (person)
  103. Alexander Blumenfeld (person)
  104. Alexander Bostock (person)
  105. Alexander Coleman (person)
  106. Alexander Eisfeldt (person)
  107. Alexander Gautier (person)
  108. Alexander Gorin (person)
  109. Alexander H. (person)
  110. Alexander Kleinbarth (person)
  111. Alexander Konyot (person)
  112. Alexander Lacey (person)
  113. Alexander Larsen (person)
  114. Alexander Terekhov (person)
  115. Alexander Troost (person)
  116. Alexandra Finckh (person)
  117. Alexandra Nock (person)
  118. Alexandra Robba (person)
  119. Alexandre Bouglione (person)
  120. Alexandre Bouglione (person)
  121. Alexandrine Bouglione (person)
  122. Alexia (person)
  123. Alexis Grüss (person)
  124. Alexis Grüss (person)
  125. Alfiero Leoni (person)
  126. Alfons Althoff (person)
  127. Alfons Arndt (person)
  128. Alfons Blumenfeld (person)
  129. Alfons Wille (person)
  130. Alfons Williams (person)
  131. Alfonso Loyal (person)
  132. Alfred Blumenfeld (person)
  133. Alfred Blumenfeld (person)
  134. Alfred Bouglione (person)
  135. Alfred Bullen (person)
  136. Alfred Clarke (person)
  137. Alfred Cooke (person)
  138. Alfred Copps (person)
  139. Alfred Cops (person)
  140. Alfred Glenewinkel (person)
  141. Alfred Nock (person)
  142. Alfred Ringling (person)
  143. Alfred Scholl (person)
  144. Alfred Vidbel (person)
  145. Alfredo Nock (person)
  146. Alfredo Rossi (person)
  147. Alice Blumenfeld (person)
  148. Alice Cooke (person)
  149. Alice Lorch (person)
  150. Alice Pavier (person)
  151. Alice Willis (person)
  152. Alicia Andring (person)
  153. Allen Campbell (person)
  154. Allen King (person)
  155. Allen Sells (person)
  156. Allewathegomme Pallegiddere Puncha (person)
  157. Alma von der Gathen (person)
  158. Alois Köllner (person)
  159. Alois Renz (person)
  160. Alois Schickler (person)
  161. Alois Sperlich (person)
  162. Alois Spindler (person)
  163. Alois Uhl (person)
  164. Alonzo Dever (person)
  165. Alpheus Stonehouse (person)
  166. Alphons Konyot (person)
  167. Alphonse Rancy (person)
  168. Alvin Kelly (person)
  169. Alwin Brumbach (person)
  170. Amalie Koch (person)
  171. Amalie Konyot (person)
  172. Amalie Strassburger (person)
  173. Amanda Hagenbeck (person)
  174. Amanda Konyot (person)
  175. Amanda Mehrmann (person)
  176. Amanda Schmidt (person)
  177. Amanda Strassburger (person)
  178. Ambra Orfei (person)
  179. Amedeo Folco (person)
  180. Amedeo Folco (person)
  181. Amelia Terkel (person)
  182. Ampaipun Tubtong (person)
  183. Amy Johnson (person)
  184. Ananda Millangoda (person)
  185. Anastasia Dementiev (person)
  186. Anastasia Staudinger (person)
  187. Anatoly Kornilov (person)
  188. Anchalee Kulmapijit (person)
  189. André Boitard (person)
  190. André Francki (person)
  191. André Mey (person)
  192. André Rhodin (person)
  193. André Weisheit (person)
  194. André-Joseph Bouglione (person)
  195. Andrea Janecek (person)
  196. Andrea Nolasco (person)
  197. Andrea Togni (person)
  198. Andreas Knieriem (person)
  199. Andreas Quaiser (person)
  200. Andrei Dementiev (person)
  201. Andrei Klykov (person)
  202. Andreina Togni (person)
  203. Andrew Brunn (person)
  204. Andrew Coers (person)
  205. Andrew Mazzini (person)
  206. Andy Hayton (person)
  207. Andy Plumb (person)
  208. Angela Fossett (person)
  209. Angela Mair (person)
  210. Angela Moore (person)
  211. Angelika Bauer (person)
  212. Angelika Kraml (person)
  213. Angelo Pozzi (person)
  214. Anhaeng Heng (person)
  215. Anita Gambarutti (person)
  216. Anita Swoboda (person)
  217. Ann Ginnett (person)
  218. Ann Ginnett (person)
  219. Anna (person)
  220. Anna (person)
  221. Anna (person)
  222. Anna Donovan (person)
  223. Anna Fischer (person)
  224. Anna Hogen (person)
  225. Anna Holzmüller (person)
  226. Anna Jernström (person)
  227. Anna Kniffen (person)
  228. Anna McCaddon (person)
  229. Anna Vocaskova (person)
  230. Anna-Maria Frank (person)
  231. Annaiah (person)
  232. Anne Cross (person)
  233. Anne Fossett (person)
  234. Anne Olivecrona (person)
  235. Annette Jensen (person)
  236. Annezz Brown (person)
  237. Anoma Priyadarshani (person)
  238. Anotni Gucwinski (person)
  239. Antal Donnert (person)
  240. Anthony Powell (person)
  241. Anthony Renz (person)
  242. Anthony Zerbini (person)
  243. Antoinette Cristiani (person)
  244. Antoinette Repensky (person)
  245. Anton Althoff (person)
  246. Anton Fischer (person)
  247. Anton Frank (person)
  248. Anton Gasser (person)
  249. Anton von Winkler (person)
  250. Anton Weber (person)
  251. Antone Lima (person)
  252. Antonin Berousek (person)
  253. Antonín Kludsky (person)
  254. Antonin Kludsky (person)
  255. Antonin Vinicky (person)
  256. Antonio Agazzi (person)
  257. Antonio Franconi (person)
  258. Antonio Souto (person)
  259. Anura de Silva (person)
  260. Anwar John (person)
  261. Aon Salangam (person)
  262. Apichit Duangdee (person)
  263. Apollonia Hoppe (person)
  264. Arduino Terni (person)
  265. Arif (person)
  266. Aristide Togni (person)
  267. Arlan Seidon (person)
  268. Arlette Grüss (person)
  269. Arlington Whitaker (person)
  270. Armando Loyal (person)
  271. Armando Renz (person)
  272. Arnie Honkola (person)
  273. Arshad Ali (person)
  274. Arthur Barrett (person)
  275. Arthur Belli (person)
  276. Arthur Blumenfeld (person)
  277. Arthur Bostock (person)
  278. Arthur Feely (person)
  279. Arthur Kestermont (person)
  280. Arthur Konyot (person)
  281. Arthur Kreiser (person)
  282. Arthur Lorch (person)
  283. Arthur Pinder (person)
  284. Arthur Pinder (person)
  285. Arthur Provencher (person)
  286. Arthur Reinsch (person)
  287. Arthur Sanger (person)
  288. Arthur Sturmack (person)
  289. Arthur Thomson (person)
  290. Arun Sha (person)
  291. Arun Zachariah (person)
  292. Arvind Mathur (person)
  293. Asa Buell (person)
  294. Ashley Fortner (person)
  295. Ashley Weisheit (person)
  296. Ashoka Dangolla (person)
  297. Ateek Khan (person)
  298. Aubrey Weinman (person)
  299. Audrey Ching (person)
  300. August Althoff (person)
  301. August Blennow (person)
  302. August Blennow (person)
  303. August Fockelmann (person)
  304. August Milte (person)
  305. August Phänner (person)
  306. August Scholz (person)
  307. Augusta Holzmüller (person)
  308. Augusto Molinar (person)
  309. Augustus Ringling (person)
  310. Aurelia Canestrelli (person)
  311. Avery Smith (person)
  312. Axel Boas (person)
  313. Axel Reventlow (person)
  314. Ayub Khan (person)
  315. Benuas Ahlers (person)
  316. Brian Austen (person)
  317. Burin Ampai (person)
  318. Caleb Angevine (person)
  319. Carolina Althoff (person)
  320. Cecil Ashton (person)
  321. Celeste Atayde (person)
  322. Chandan Alahakoon (person)
  323. Charlie Austin (person)
  324. Cheyenne Ashton (person)
  325. Christiana Anderson (person)
  326. Cissie Austin (person)
  327. Corty Althoff (person)
  328. Dang Anuntawong (person)
  329. Denise Austin (person)
  330. Dhanapume Asoke-trakul (person)
  331. Dirk Albrecht (person)
  332. Dominicus Althoff (person)
  333. Dominik Althoff (person)
  334. Doris Agostini (person)
  335. Dorothy Ashton (person)
  336. Douglas Ashton (person)
  337. Eddie Allen (person)
  338. Edwin Atkins (person)
  339. Elise Althoff (person)
  340. Elizabeth Atkins (person)
  341. Ervin Arnold (person)
  342. Evelyn Althoff (person)
  343. Ferdinand Althoff (person)
  344. Frank Attardi (person)
  345. Franz Adamski (person)
  346. Franz Althoff (person)
  347. Franz Althoff (person)
  348. Franziska Althoff (person)
  349. Fred Alispaw (person)
  350. Frederick Ashton (person)
  351. Friederike Althoff (person)
  352. Fritz Altmann (person)
  353. George Allen (person)
  354. George Arstingstall (person)
  355. George Austin (person)
  356. George Austin (person)
  357. Gina Althoff (person)
  358. Gitta Althoff (person)
  359. Harry Althoff (person)
  360. Harry Austin (person)
  361. Hedvig Andersson (person)
  362. Helen Althoff (person)
  363. Helene Althoff (person)
  364. Henri Althoff (person)
  365. Henriette Althoff (person)
  366. Henry Andrews (person)
  367. Hermann Althoff (person)
  368. Ida Ahlers (person)
  369. Iqram Ali (person)
  370. Ishak Ali (person)
  371. Isolda Atayde (person)
  372. Jacky Althoff (person)
  373. Jakobus Althoff (person)
  374. James Allen (person)
  375. James Ashton (person)
  376. James Ashton (person)
  377. Jan Ashton (person)
  378. Jane Abel (person)
  379. Jeanette Althoff (person)
  380. Joaquin Arnaiz (person)
  381. Joe Allen (person)
  382. Johannes Althoff (person)
  383. John Anderson (person)
  384. John Ascuaga (person)
  385. John Atkins (person)
  386. Jordan Ashton (person)
  387. Joseph Ashton (person)
  388. Joseph Ashton (person)
  389. Karl Althoff (person)
  390. Käthe Althoff (person)
  391. Khoirul Anwar (person)
  392. Latif Aalam (person)
  393. Leonard Austin (person)
  394. Lianna Ashton (person)
  395. Lisette Althoff (person)
  396. Lorraine Ashton (person)
  397. Lulu Althoff (person)
  398. Maria Althoff (person)
  399. Mark Acton (person)
  400. Mark Aitken (person)
  401. Mary Atkins (person)
  402. Merrik Ashton (person)
  403. Mervyn Ashton (person)
  404. Michael Althoff (person)
  405. Michael Austin (person)
  406. Mike Ashton (person)
  407. Mohammad Arif (person)
  408. Nandana Atapattu (person)
  409. Navin Adami (person)
  410. Patricia-Dorota Althoff (person)
  411. Patrick Austin (person)
  412. Pham Anh (person)
  413. Pierre Althoff (person)
  414. Pierre Augier (person)
  415. Rifai Ahmad (person)
  416. Rolf Amelung (person)
  417. Rudi Althoff (person)
  418. Rudolf Althoff (person)
  419. Sarah Armstrong (person)
  420. Senanayaka Appuhami (person)
  421. Shoaib Ali (person)
  422. Siregar Ahmad (person)
  423. Sophie Althoff (person)
  424. Stanislaw Anders (person)
  425. Taweepoke Angkawanish (person)
  426. Theodor Alving (person)
  427. Thomas Atkins (person)
  428. Tosca Atayde (person)
  429. Vincent Ashton (person)
  430. Werner Althoff (person)
  431. Wesmi Al-Wesmi (person)
  432. Wilhelm Althoff (person)
  433. Wilhem Althoff (person)
  434. Wilhem Althoff (person)
  435. William Aslett (person)

201 entries with nameof locations beginning with A
  1. Amersfoort Zoo (location)
  2. Augsburg Zoo (location)
  3. Aalborg Zoo (Aalborg Zoologiske Have) (location)
  4. Abidjan Zoo (location)
  5. Amboseli National Park (location)
  6. Abilene Zoo (location)
  7. Alaska Zoo (location)
  8. Atlanta Zoo (location)
  9. Al G Barnes-Sells Floto Circus (location)
  10. Aitana Safari park (location)
  11. African Lion Safari (Ontario) (location)
  12. Artland Showtierfarm (Lutz Freiwald) (location)
  13. Almaty Zoo (Alma-Ata Zoo) (location)
  14. Arnhem Zoo (Burgers Zoo) (location)
  15. Audubon Zoo (location)
  16. Amsterdam Artis Zoo (location)
  17. Ayutthaya Royal Elephant Kraal (location)
  18. African Game Services (Ricardo Giazza) (location)
  19. Antwerp Zoo (location)
  20. Adam Forepaugh Circus (location)
  21. Amiens Zoo (location)
  22. AEPIF-ARC (Murray Hill-Arlan Seidon) (location)
  23. Albuquerque Biological Park (location)
  24. Aragon Zoo (location)
  25. Africam Safari (Puebla Zoo) (location)
  26. Asuncion Zoo (location)
  27. Australia Zoo (location)
  28. Auckland Zoo (location)
  29. Ashtons Circus (location)
  30. Adelaide Zoo (location)
  31. Amneville Zoo Coulange (location)
  32. Addo Elephant Back Safaris (location)
  33. Al G. Barnes Circus (location)
  34. Albert Monroe Cauble (location)
  35. Atterbury Brothers Circus (location)
  36. Adams Brothers Circus (location)
  37. Adele Nelson Elephant Act (location)
  38. Adventure Zone (Safari Par Excellence) (location)
  39. Aqualeon Zoo (location)
  40. American Circus (location)
  41. Arthur Brothers Circus (location)
  42. Ahlers Affentheater (location)
  43. Alexandria Zoo (location)
  44. Animal Encounters (Doug Terranova) (location)
  45. Aras Napal elephant patrol unit (UPG) (location)
  46. AFamosa Animal World Safari (location)
  47. Assam Zoo Guwahati (location)
  48. Amchang Wildlife Sanctuary (location)
  49. Abu Camp (location)
  50. Arusha National Park (location)
  51. Aaryans World School (location)
  52. Adriana Folco-Althoff (location)
  53. Allen Campbell (location)
  54. Ajanta Circus (location)
  55. Amaar Circus (location)
  56. Arthur Wirtz (location)
  57. Animaland (Eddie Billetti) (location)
  58. Andreas du Plessis de Richelieu (location)
  59. Accra Zoo (location)
  60. Api Elephant Domestication Center (location)
  61. Al-Kamil of Egypt (location)
  62. Askari Game Lodge (Plumari Africa game lodge) (location)
  63. Alexander Scholl (location)
  64. Aarhus Zoo (Århus Zoologisk Have) (location)
  65. Aane Mane Foundation base camp (location)
  66. Antelope park (location)
  67. Anantara Golden Triangles Elephant Camp (location)
  68. Allen Brothers Circus (location)
  69. Abraham Sever (location)
  70. Alger Zoo (Zoo d'Alger) (location)
  71. Amriti hattisar (location)
  72. Amedeo Folco (location)
  73. Augustus J. Jones Circus (location)
  74. August Künzler Big Game Ranch (location)
  75. Anuradhapura forest (location)
  76. ADC Mutara Ranch (location)
  77. Ahmed Rafique (location)
  78. All Lao elephant camp (location)
  79. American Racing Association (location)
  80. Anthiyur forest (location)
  81. Animal Kingdom (Bernie Hoffmann) (location)
  82. Acre Port (location)
  83. Ankara Zoo (location)
  84. Arulmigu Jambukeswarar Sri Akhilandeswari Temple (location)
  85. Armando Renz (location)
  86. Andreas Quaiser (location)
  87. Austen Brothers Circus (location)
  88. Austen Cottle Circus (location)
  89. Amazing Animals (Jim Clubb-Sally Chipperfield) (location)
  90. Al Ain Wildlife Park and Resort (location)
  91. Adventures With Elephants (location)
  92. Anamalai Tiger Reserve (ATR) (location)
  93. Arulmigu Arunachaleswarar Temple (Tiruvannamalai) (location)
  94. Alhaj Moinuddin (location)
  95. Alhaj Yakub Ali (location)
  96. Antigonus I Monophthalmus (location)
  97. Angkor Wat (location)
  98. Aachen Zoo (Aachen Zoologischer Garten) (location)
  99. Appu Ghar (location)
  100. Agra Elephant Haven Rescue Centre (AERC) (location)
  101. Animal Distributors Inc (location)
  102. At Hill Adventures (location)
  103. Alberta Game Farm (location)
  104. Angkor Elephants Company (location)
  105. American Circus Corporation (location)
  106. Ayutthaya Floating Market elephant village camp (location)
  107. Aummarin Jungle Raft Elephant Camp (location)
  108. Asia Safari Park Elephant Village (location)
  109. Anamaduwa Wev Pitiya (location)
  110. Alexander the Great (location)
  111. Aurangabad Siddharth Garden and Zoo (location)
  112. Amer Fort elephant village (location)
  113. Amerapoora Palace of the White Elephant (location)
  114. A. J. W. Milroy (location)
  115. ATV Seaview Elephant Trekking Camp (location)
  116. Ama Kong (location)
  117. American Circus (Edward S. Eldred) (location)
  118. Arthur Provencher (location)
  119. Alfred Ezra (location)
  120. Amazing Bukit Safari (location)
  121. Aaron Turners Columbian Circus (location)
  122. Aceh unspecified location (location)
  123. Auction City (location)
  124. Abdul Rashid (location)
  125. Anton Frank (location)
  126. Abruzzo Zoo (location)
  127. Alangkarn Theater, Pattaya (location)
  128. Airavata Elephant Foundation (location)
  129. Annapoorneshwari Temple Hosanadu Kodyadka (location)
  130. Aek Nauli Elephant Conservation Camp (location)
  131. Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple (location)
  132. Addo Elephant National Park (location)
  133. Aryankavu elephant camp (location)
  134. Ashram Art of Living Thiruvananthapuram (location)
  135. Amritapuri Mata Amritanandamayi Ashram (location)
  136. Abdul Akbar (location)
  137. Aboobacker (location)
  138. Abraham Thomas (location)
  139. Ajith Kumar (location)
  140. Albert Jose (location)
  141. Ambika Kumaran (location)
  142. Anil Kumar (location)
  143. Anilal Rajamma Amma (location)
  144. Ansari Majeed (location)
  145. Arun Nair (location)
  146. Arun Kumar (location)
  147. Asok Kumar (location)
  148. Arulmigu Sugavaneswarar Temple (location)
  149. Angul Animal Husbandry Department (location)
  150. Assam unspecified forest (location)
  151. Alakhdham Ashram (location)
  152. Abhayaranyam elephant camp (Mudumalai) (location)
  153. Attica Zoo (location)
  154. Akita Omoriyama Zoo (location)
  155. Akagera National Park (location)
  156. Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan (location)
  157. Anamaduwe Dhammadassi Thera (location)
  158. Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar (location)
  159. Alaknoor temple (location)
  160. Athagarh Forest Division (location)
  161. American Circo (location)
  162. Alue Kuyun Conservation Response Unit (CRU) (location)
  163. Ahmednagar unspecified temple (location)
  164. Albertus Seba (location)
  165. Assagny National Park (location)
  166. Aranjuez royal menageri (location)
  167. Atherstone Nature Reserve (location)
  168. Asia unspecified location (location)
  169. Africa unspecified location (location)
  170. Ayeyarwady Region (location)
  171. Ambalappuzha Sree Krishna Swamy Temple (location)
  172. Assam unspecified location (location)
  173. Angkor Villa Hotel (location)
  174. Auckland War Memorial Museum (location)
  175. Anil Canada Ltd. hardboard plant (location)
  176. Archaeological Museum of Syracuse (location)
  177. Arrie site (location)
  178. Atkins Menagerie (location)
  179. Alcázar royal menagerie (location)
  180. Akhshtyr Live Vision Safari Park (location)
  181. Alexandria Port (location)
  182. Auckland Harbour (location)
  183. Alex Irwin (location)
  184. Aluthgama Kande Vihara (location)
  185. Ashtons Animal Kingdom Safari Park (location)
  186. Apollo Circus (location)
  187. Arena Weisheit (location)
  188. Arena Althoff (location)
  189. Ashok Tiwari (location)
  190. Alex Glasscock Circus (location)
  191. Australia unspecified location (location)
  192. Ayutthaya Province unspecified location (location)
  193. Agenor Zoo (location)
  194. Arshad Ali (location)
  195. Abdul Aziz (location)
  196. Ateek Khan (location)
  197. Ayub Khan (location)
  198. Arunachal Pradesh unspecified location (location)
  199. Ahmedabad Airport (location)
  200. Alleppey Elephant Training Camp (location)
  201. Anwar Sadath (location)

526 entries with elephant name beginning with A
  1. A Rawan (elephant)
  2. Aale (elephant)
  3. Aameena (elephant)
  4. Aaralam Siva (elephant)
  5. Aatma Kali (elephant)
  6. Aayu Hi Way (elephant)
  7. Aba (elephant)
  8. Abang (elephant)
  9. Abby (elephant)
  10. Abdallah (elephant)
  11. Abele (elephant)
  12. Abhaya (elephant)
  13. Abhi (elephant)
  14. Abhiman (elephant)
  15. Abhimanyu (elephant)
  16. Abigail (elephant)
  17. Abigail (elephant)
  18. Abinaya (elephant)
  19. Abong (elephant)
  20. aborted (elephant)
  21. Abot (elephant)
  22. Abra (elephant)
  23. Abu (elephant)
  24. Abu (elephant)
  25. Abu (elephant)
  26. Abu (elephant)
  27. Abul-Abbas (elephant)
  28. Abut (elephant)
  29. Acamar (elephant)
  30. Accra (elephant)
  31. Achara (elephant)
  32. Achariyek Noelle (elephant)
  33. Achtaum (elephant)
  34. Achuthan (elephant)
  35. Achuthankutty (elephant)
  36. Adam (elephant)
  37. Adam (elephant)
  38. Addis Adiba (wild) (elephant)
  39. Adega (elephant)
  40. Adel (elephant)
  41. Adele (elephant)
  42. Adele (elephant)
  43. Adelia (elephant)
  44. Adi (elephant)
  45. Adila (elephant)
  46. Adithyan (elephant)
  47. Aditya (elephant)
  48. Adul (elephant)
  49. Ae Jer (elephant)
  50. Afanere (elephant)
  51. Affie (elephant)
  52. Africa (elephant)
  53. Afrika (elephant)
  54. Afrikano (elephant)
  55. Afrique (elephant)
  56. Afrykanka (elephant)
  57. Aga (elephant)
  58. Agam (elephant)
  59. Agasthyan (elephant)
  60. Agatha (elephant)
  61. Agatha (elephant)
  62. Agatha (elephant)
  63. Agbo Hastiya (elephant)
  64. Agbo Hastiya (elephant)
  65. Agustin (elephant)
  66. Agustin (elephant)
  67. Ahai (elephant)
  68. Ahmed (elephant)
  69. Ahmed (elephant)
  70. Ahorisha (elephant)
  71. Ahsii (elephant)
  72. AI (elephant)
  73. AI (elephant)
  74. Ai (elephant)
  75. Ai (elephant)
  76. Aida (elephant)
  77. Aida (elephant)
  78. Aida (elephant)
  79. Aida (elephant)
  80. Aida (elephant)
  81. Aida (elephant)
  82. Aida (elephant)
  83. Aidi (elephant)
  84. Aigo (elephant)
  85. Aimboon (elephant)
  86. Aini (elephant)
  87. Airavata (elephant)
  88. Airavatha (elephant)
  89. Airavathi (elephant)
  90. Airawat (elephant)
  91. Aisha (elephant)
  92. Aishu (elephant)
  93. Aishwarya (elephant)
  94. Aishwarya (elephant)
  95. Aishwarya Kali (elephant)
  96. Aiswary Mala (elephant)
  97. Aitong (elephant)
  98. Aiyara (elephant)
  99. Aiyaret (elephant)
  100. Aja (elephant)
  101. Ajabu (elephant)
  102. Ajabu (elephant)
  103. Ajali (elephant)
  104. Ajani (elephant)
  105. Ajax (elephant)
  106. Ajay (elephant)
  107. Ajay (elephant)
  108. Aji (elephant)
  109. Aji (elephant)
  110. Ajit (elephant)
  111. Ajok (elephant)
  112. Ajung (elephant)
  113. Ake (elephant)
  114. Aki (elephant)
  115. Akiko (elephant)
  116. Akili (elephant)
  117. Akili (elephant)
  118. Akili (elephant)
  119. Akito (elephant)
  120. Akkavila Kannan (elephant)
  121. Akkavila Vishnu Narayan (elephant)
  122. Ako (elephant)
  123. Akom (elephant)
  124. Akshay Krishnan (elephant)
  125. Akun (elephant)
  126. Alamaya (elephant)
  127. Alamelu (elephant)
  128. Alana (elephant)
  129. Alana (twin) (elephant)
  130. Alawathura Menike (elephant)
  131. Albert (elephant)
  132. Albert (elephant)
  133. Albert (elephant)
  134. Albert (elephant)
  135. Albert (elephant)
  136. Albert (elephant)
  137. Albert (elephant)
  138. Albert (elephant)
  139. Albert (elephant)
  140. Albert (elephant)
  141. Albert Edward (elephant)
  142. Albertina (elephant)
  143. Alecki (elephant)
  144. Alex? (elephant)
  145. Alexander (elephant)
  146. Alexander (elephant)
  147. Alfeld (elephant)
  148. Ali (elephant)
  149. Ali (elephant)
  150. Ali (elephant)
  151. Ali (elephant)
  152. Alice (elephant)
  153. Alice (elephant)
  154. Alice (elephant)
  155. Alice (elephant)
  156. Alice (elephant)
  157. Alice (elephant)
  158. Alice (elephant)
  159. Alice (elephant)
  160. Alice (elephant)
  161. Alice (elephant)
  162. Alice (elephant)
  163. Alice (elephant)
  164. Alice (elephant)
  165. Alice (elephant)
  166. Alice (elephant)
  167. Alice (elephant)
  168. Alice (elephant)
  169. Alice I (elephant)
  170. Alice II (elephant)
  171. Alice III (elephant)
  172. Alice IV (elephant)
  173. Alicia (elephant)
  174. Aliin (elephant)
  175. Alik (elephant)
  176. Alika (elephant)
  177. Alioth (elephant)
  178. Alisa (elephant)
  179. Alisa Kali (elephant)
  180. Alison (elephant)
  181. Alison (elephant)
  182. Alix (elephant)
  183. Alka (elephant)
  184. Almas (elephant)
  185. Alpin (wild) (elephant)
  186. Alport (elephant)
  187. Alta (elephant)
  188. Althea (elephant)
  189. Althea (elephant)
  190. Alto (elephant)
  191. Alyce (elephant)
  192. Alyce (elephant)
  193. Alzefra (elephant)
  194. Am (elephant)
  195. Ama (elephant)
  196. Amahle (elephant)
  197. Amai (elephant)
  198. Amalee (elephant)
  199. Amali (elephant)
  200. Amali (elephant)
  201. Amaltari Gaj (elephant)
  202. Aman (elephant)
  203. Amandra (elephant)
  204. Amara (elephant)
  205. Amari (elephant)
  206. Amarula (elephant)
  207. Amarula (elephant)
  208. Amayeta (wild) (elephant)
  209. Amba (elephant)
  210. Ambady Kannan Kalarikavu (elephant)
  211. Ambalappuzha Vijayakrishnan (elephant)
  212. Ambe Kali (elephant)
  213. Amber (elephant)
  214. Amber (elephant)
  215. Ambika (elephant)
  216. Ambo (elephant)
  217. Amel (elephant)
  218. Amelia (elephant)
  219. Amelia (elephant)
  220. Amid (elephant)
  221. Amine (elephant)
  222. Amir Bahadur (elephant)
  223. Amirah (elephant)
  224. Amithi (elephant)
  225. Ammi (elephant)
  226. Ammu (elephant)
  227. Ammu (elephant)
  228. Ammu (elephant)
  229. Ammu (elephant)
  230. Amoi (elephant)
  231. Amos (elephant)
  232. Amos (elephant)
  233. Amos (elephant)
  234. Amos (elephant)
  235. Ampan (elephant)
  236. Amrapali (elephant)
  237. Amrit (elephant)
  238. Amrutha (elephant)
  239. Amulyabahadur (elephant)
  240. Amy (elephant)
  241. Amy (elephant)
  242. Amy (elephant)
  243. Amy (elephant)
  244. An Ji (elephant)
  245. Anak (elephant)
  246. Anakoli (elephant)
  247. Anamika (elephant)
  248. Anan (elephant)
  249. Ananda Yingthway (elephant)
  250. Anant (elephant)
  251. Anar (elephant)
  252. Anar (elephant)
  253. Anar Kali (elephant)
  254. Anar Kali (elephant)
  255. Anar Kali (elephant)
  256. Anarkali (elephant)
  257. Anarkali (elephant)
  258. Anarkali (elephant)
  259. Anarkali (elephant)
  260. Anarkali (elephant)
  261. Anarkali (elephant)
  262. Anarkali (elephant)
  263. Anastasia (elephant)
  264. Anchali (elephant)
  265. Anda (elephant)
  266. Andal (elephant)
  267. Andal (elephant)
  268. Andalas (elephant)
  269. Andile (elephant)
  270. Andra (elephant)
  271. Andrea (elephant)
  272. Aneena (elephant)
  273. Aneta (elephant)
  274. Ang De (elephant)
  275. Angayarkanni (elephant)
  276. Angel (elephant)
  277. Angel (elephant)
  278. Angel (elephant)
  279. Angèle (elephant)
  280. Angelica (elephant)
  281. Angelina (elephant)
  282. Angelina (elephant)
  283. Anggraini (elephant)
  284. Angora (elephant)
  285. Angpow (elephant)
  286. Angus (elephant)
  287. Anis (elephant)
  288. Anja (elephant)
  289. Anjalee (elephant)
  290. Anjan Hi Way (elephant)
  291. Anjana (elephant)
  292. Anjuli (elephant)
  293. Anka (elephant)
  294. Ankhor (elephant)
  295. Ann Marie (elephant)
  296. Anna (elephant)
  297. Anna (elephant)
  298. Anna (elephant)
  299. Anna (elephant)
  300. Anna (elephant)
  301. Anna (elephant)
  302. Anna (elephant)
  303. Anna (elephant)
  304. Anna (elephant)
  305. Anna (elephant)
  306. Anna (elephant)
  307. Anna Louise (elephant)
  308. Anna Mae (elephant)
  309. Anna May (elephant)
  310. Anna May (elephant)
  311. Anna May (elephant)
  312. Annabel (Tessa) (elephant)
  313. Annabelle (elephant)
  314. Annabelle (elephant)
  315. Annabelle (elephant)
  316. AnnaMae (elephant)
  317. Anne (elephant)
  318. Anne (elephant)
  319. Annette Marie (elephant)
  320. Annie (elephant)
  321. Annie (elephant)
  322. Annie (elephant)
  323. Annie (elephant)
  324. Annie (elephant)
  325. Annie (elephant)
  326. Annie (elephant)
  327. Annie (elephant)
  328. Annie (elephant)
  329. Annie (elephant)
  330. Annie (Josephine) (elephant)
  331. Annie II (elephant)
  332. Annissa (elephant)
  333. Anno (elephant)
  334. Anry (elephant)
  335. Ansel (elephant)
  336. Ant Bwe Lay (elephant)
  337. Anthony (elephant)
  338. Anthony (elephant)
  339. Anton (elephant)
  340. Anton (elephant)
  341. Anton II (elephant)
  342. Antwerp elephant (elephant)
  343. Anuka (elephant)
  344. Anula (elephant)
  345. Anura (elephant)
  346. Anura (elephant)
  347. Anuradha (elephant)
  348. Anuradha (elephant)
  349. Anuradhika (elephant)
  350. Anusha (elephant)
  351. Anusha (elephant)
  352. Anusha (elephant)
  353. Anwar (elephant)
  354. Anyaman (elephant)
  355. Aom (elephant)
  356. Aom Gord (elephant)
  357. Aomsin (elephant)
  358. Ap (elephant)
  359. Apai (elephant)
  360. Api (elephant)
  361. Apollo (wild) (elephant)
  362. Apple (elephant)
  363. Appu (elephant)
  364. Appu (elephant)
  365. April (elephant)
  366. Aprila (elephant)
  367. Apu Kali (elephant)
  368. Aqueessa (elephant)
  369. Araba (elephant)
  370. Aranmula Mohanan (elephant)
  371. Aranya (elephant)
  372. Aravinda (elephant)
  373. Arba (elephant)
  374. Archan (elephant)
  375. Archan (elephant)
  376. Ardana (elephant)
  377. Ardila (elephant)
  378. Aree (elephant)
  379. Ares (elephant)
  380. Arik (elephant)
  381. Arikomban (elephant)
  382. Arisi Raja (elephant)
  383. Arjun (elephant)
  384. Arjun (elephant)
  385. Arjun (elephant)
  386. Arjun (elephant)
  387. Arjuna (elephant)
  388. Arjuna (elephant)
  389. Arjuna (elephant)
  390. Arjuna (elephant)
  391. Arjuna (elephant)
  392. Arjunan (elephant)
  393. Arlus M (elephant)
  394. Arly (elephant)
  395. Arm (elephant)
  396. Armaew (elephant)
  397. Arna (elephant)
  398. Arrie Mammoth (elephant)
  399. Arruba (elephant)
  400. Artaida (elephant)
  401. Artie (elephant)
  402. Aru (elephant)
  403. Arua (elephant)
  404. Aruba (elephant)
  405. Aruba (elephant)
  406. Arum (elephant)
  407. Arun (elephant)
  408. Arun (elephant)
  409. Arun (elephant)
  410. Arun Ayyappan (elephant)
  411. Arun Reah (elephant)
  412. Aruna (elephant)
  413. Arundhati (elephant)
  414. Arusha (elephant)
  415. Arusi (elephant)
  416. Arwen (elephant)
  417. Arya (elephant)
  418. Aryankavu Maniyan (elephant)
  419. Asali (elephant)
  420. Asanje (elephant)
  421. Asante (elephant)
  422. Asela (elephant)
  423. Asha (elephant)
  424. Asha (elephant)
  425. Asha (elephant)
  426. Asha (elephant)
  427. Asha (elephant)
  428. Asha (elephant)
  429. Asha (elephant)
  430. Asha (elephant)
  431. Asha (elephant)
  432. Ashaka (elephant)
  433. Ashakali (elephant)
  434. Ashanti (elephant)
  435. Ashanti (elephant)
  436. Ashanti (elephant)
  437. Ashi (elephant)
  438. Ashok (elephant)
  439. Ashok (elephant)
  440. Ashok (elephant)
  441. Ashok Iata (elephant)
  442. Ashoka (elephant)
  443. Ashoka (elephant)
  444. Ashoka (elephant)
  445. Ashoka (elephant)
  446. Ashokamala (elephant)
  447. Ashoki (elephant)
  448. Ashtam (elephant)
  449. Ashwathama (elephant)
  450. Ashwatthama (elephant)
  451. Ashwini (twin) (elephant)
  452. Asi (elephant)
  453. Asia (Daisy) (elephant)
  454. Asiad Appu (elephant)
  455. Asoka (elephant)
  456. Asokan (elephant)
  457. Assabella (elephant)
  458. Assam (elephant)
  459. Assam (elephant)
  460. Assam (elephant)
  461. Assam (elephant)
  462. Assam (elephant)
  463. Assam (elephant)
  464. Assuncao (elephant)
  465. Astor (elephant)
  466. Astra (elephant)
  467. Astra (elephant)
  468. Astrid (elephant)
  469. Aswathy (elephant)
  470. Aswita (elephant)
  471. Atari (elephant)
  472. Athi (elephant)
  473. Athula Raja (elephant)
  474. Athurugiriya (elephant)
  475. Atlas (twin) (elephant)
  476. Atork (elephant)
  477. Auan (elephant)
  478. Audrey (elephant)
  479. Audrey (elephant)
  480. Audrey (elephant)
  481. August (elephant)
  482. August (elephant)
  483. August (elephant)
  484. August (elephant)
  485. August (elephant)
  486. August (elephant)
  487. Aum Pan (elephant)
  488. Aung Bo (elephant)
  489. Aung Naing (elephant)
  490. Aung Si (elephant)
  491. Aung Toe (elephant)
  492. Aungkham (elephant)
  493. Aura (elephant)
  494. Aurelia (elephant)
  495. Auro (elephant)
  496. Aussan (Assam) (elephant)
  497. Authi (elephant)
  498. Avani (elephant)
  499. Avayambal (elephant)
  500. Avi (elephant)
  501. Avi (elephant)
  502. Aviva (elephant)
  503. Aviva (elephant)
  504. Avram (elephant)
  505. Avvai (elephant)
  506. Awang Jerek (elephant)
  507. Awang Majlis (elephant)
  508. Awang Uban (wild) (elephant)
  509. Axé (elephant)
  510. Aye Chan May (elephant)
  511. Ayear Soe (elephant)
  512. Ayesha (Baby) (elephant)
  513. Ayeya May (elephant)
  514. Ayeyar Sein (elephant)
  515. Aygul (elephant)
  516. Ayo (elephant)
  517. Ayoka (elephant)
  518. Ayu Rosalina (elephant)
  519. Ayyappan (elephant)
  520. Ayyappan (elephant)
  521. Ayyappankutty (elephant)
  522. Ayyappankutty (elephant)
  523. Azad (elephant)
  524. Azadi (elephant)
  525. Azagny (elephant)
  526. Azizah (Lay,Layang Layang) (elephant)

About this documentThis document was updated: 2025-03-21 with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

About this documentThis document was created: 2025-03-25. Latest update: 2025-03-21 included characters with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

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