Adam is a living orphan Male ♂ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Amboseli National Park, in Kenya.
Adam arrived in 1973-01-00 to the Amboseli National Park,
Adam lives together with 164 other elephants at the Amboseli National Park:
Adam was born wild 1973 at Amboseli National Park.
Sire (f):Born:
Dame m:AlyceBorn: 1950?
1979: "In June 1979, which was still the wet season, the AAs were way out of the Park on a seasonal Migration. They apparently ran into Maasai, who unusually for that year, decided to spear some elephants. Alyce was killed and both her newborn calf and Amy's were either killed or died as a result of the turmoil. Amelia and her younger brother Adam were orphaned. It was sad for the family because it should not have been a time of losses for them."
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