Elephant locations in Kenya

48 locations has kept elephants in Kenya

There is presently 488 (205,267) living elephants in locations in Kenya in this database

Region: Kenya is in this database included in africa
Wild elephants: Kenya has about 37,000wild elephants. Source:Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS)
Location holdings: 48 locations has kept 708 elephants in Kenya

(Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page)
Elephants in locations488 (205,267) living 220 (85,110) dead

1960s: 167,000 wild elephants.
1990: 16,000 wild elephants.
2012: 37,000 wild elephants.
2021: over 36,000 wild elephants. The national elephant population has increased from 32,214 animals in 2014 to the current population of 36,169 animals in 2021. (This represents a 12% population increase in 7 years!)


Stockley, C. H. (1953) The elephant in Kenya, in The Elepbant in East Central Africa: A Monogrph (eds. Sfl C. O. Hill, et al), pp. 80-98. Rowland Ward Ltd, London. 150 p.

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in Kenya. Elephant Encyclopedia, (2025) available online retrieved 2025-03-31 at https://www.elephant.se/country.php?name=Kenya.
(archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources, among others

Internal relevant links

NameElephant collectionPlace

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