Issac Van Amburg

From the list of elephant persons Family: Van Amburg

Issac Van Amburg
Issac  Van Amburg

Personal details
Country United States

Title owner 1838-1865
Location at Van Amburg Circus in United States

Title animal trainer 1834-1838
Location at June, Titus, Angevine and Co in United States

Issac  Van Amburg

Biography details

Issac A. Van Amburg , circus animal trainer,director in United States

dead 1865-11-29 in United States .

Records about Issac Van Amburg from Circus History Bandwagon at
Isaac A. Van Amburgh, was a native of Fishkill, N.Y., and as his name would indicate of German extraction. He made his first appearance as a “Lion King” at the Zoological Institute, nearly opposite the old Bowery Theatre, New York and at once achieved great notoriety, bring the intrepid beast-subduer abundant inducements to go abroad. Throughout Great Britain and France he made a marked triumph and was honored with imperial patronage. In London, Van Amburgh had several melodramas written for him, and he starred with his ferocious pets to remunerative financial results.

The second performance of Van Amburgh before Queen Victoria at the Drury Lane Theatre resulted in receipts amounting to 712 pounds, 17 shillings, 6 d, being the largest amount ever received at that establishment on any one occasion. Returning to America Van Amburgh toured his native country extensively many years. This brief sketch can do but scant justice to one whose adventures and experiences would fill a volume and live in legend and story as one of the foremost and long-to-be-remembered and honored American showmen. I. A. Van Amburgh died November 29, 1865.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). animal trainer,director Issac A. Van Amburg in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Issac Van Amburg

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Categories animal trainer,director | circus | Van Amburg Circus | Van Amburg family | Dead 1865 | People from United States

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