Valentin Filatov

From the list of elephant persons Family: Filatov

Valentin Filatov
Profession circus animal trainer
Personal details
Born 1920-08-12 Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast in Russia
Dead 1979-08-07 Moscow in Russia
Country Russia

Title animal trainer -
Location at Circus Filatov in Russia

Biography details

Valentin Ivanovich Filatov , circus animal trainer in Russia

Born 1920-08-12 in Russia dead 1979-08-07 in Russia , son of director Ivan Filatov and animal trainer Taisia ​ Yakovlevna .

Born Aug. 12, 1920, in Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk; died Aug. 7, 1979, in Moscow. Soviet circus performer and animal trainer. Performing in the circus since the age of six, Filatov was an acrobat, equilibrist, and animal trainer. People's Artist of the USSR (1969). Member of the CPSU since 1953. He was born in the circus family: his father - Ivan Lazarevic (1873-1956) - was the landlord of the booths and traveling circuses, was the founder of zootsirkov in the USSR.

He worked in a circus, from 6 years: he was an acrobat, equilibrists, trainer in Group of A.N. Kornilov. In 1935-1941, he was a caretaker to care for the animals, then assistant coach and of Kornilov. With its own number "Trained Bears' first appearance in 1941 in Kuibyshev. In one thousand nine hundred and forty-one - one thousand nine hundred and forty-four years touring with his father over the cities of Central Asia, showing a large mixed Group (lions, tigers, cheetahs, and the birds of different species). At the same time preparing a room with four bears. In 1949 created the attraction "Bear Circus", which brought great fame Filatov. In 1956, he played in Austria, Belgium, East Germany, Italy, Canada, Poland, the USA, France, Japan and Yugoslavia. He released a thematic program "Circus animals."

Filatov was a prizewinner at the International Festival of Circus Art in Warsaw in 1956. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and various medals.


Total: 2 children

  1. Lyudmila Filatova. Born: ?.
  2. Tatyana Filatova. Born: ?.


Siblings through the father Ivan Filatov (1873 -- 1956):

  1. Maria Filatov Born 1904 Dead: † 1975

Valentin Filatov s ancestral Ahnentafel:


Valentin Filatov
Born: 1920-08-12

Ivan Filatov

Born: 1873

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Taisia ​ Yakovlevna

Born: ?

Maternal Grandfather:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:

Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). animal trainer Valentin Ivanovich Filatov in Russia. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 4 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Tatyana Filatova

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Categories animal trainer | circus | Circus Filatov | Filatov family | Born 1920 | Dead 1979 | People from Russia

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