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Definition of Maturity Random Literature As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
Records about Maturity from the Gajah Glossary at
Maturity, sexual: [see also: puberry] (Laws 1969:1'93,197-198,214-21.5; Hanks 1972b:1'3,17,19,20; Williamson 797 6:89,90,97 ; Buss 1 990: 1 1 0-1 1 1,17 5; Poole 1 994:33 5-337) Age at which reproduction becomes physicalJy possible; approximately 9-72 years for females, 14-15 years for males. Under adverse environmental conditions (e.g. very high population-densities) maturity
may be delayed until 20+ years (Laws '1969 197,214). In captivity both sexes may reach sexual maiurity much earlier (e.g. 4+ years in a female [Dieringer 1997)). Especially in wild males, physical maturity does not mean they will mate successfully. Successful mating is often delayed until males become significandy larger and attain Musth ,
at 29+ years of age.
M. Philip Kahl and Charles Santiapillai, Gajah Elephant Glossary, Gajah nr 23 (2004), Journal for Asian Elephant Specialist Group
Reference list
Koehl, Dan, (2025). Maturity . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )
Sources used for this article is among others:
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