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Definition of Maturity

From the elephant glossary Section: endocrinology

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Records about Maturity from the Gajah Glossary at Maturity, sexual: [see also: puberry] (Laws 1969:1'93,197-198,214-21.5; Hanks 1972b:1'3,17,19,20; Williamson 797 6:89,90,97 ; Buss 1 990: 1 1 0-1 1 1,17 5; Poole 1 994:33 5-337) Age at which reproduction becomes physicalJy possible; approximately 9-72 years for females, 14-15 years for males. Under adverse environmental conditions (e.g. very high population-densities) maturity
may be delayed until 20+ years (Laws '1969 197,214). In captivity both sexes may reach sexual maiurity much earlier (e.g. 4+ years in a female [Dieringer 1997)). Especially in wild males, physical maturity does not mean they will mate successfully. Successful mating is often delayed until males become significandy larger and attain Musth, at 29+ years of age.

M. Philip Kahl and Charles Santiapillai, Gajah Elephant Glossary, Gajah nr 23 (2004), Journal for Asian Elephant Specialist Group

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Maturity. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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