Elephant glossary and encyclopedia

Alphabetical sorting of all pages presently included in the Elephant Glossary
1.Abdomen 2.ACES 3.ACP 4.Adolescent 5.Adult 6.AERP 7.AfESG 8.Aggregation 9.Agonistic 10.Alcohol 11.Alidena 12.Aliya 13.Allometric 14.Allomother 15.Anal fold 16.Anatomy 17.Ankus 18.Anthrax 19.Anthrozoology 20.Arthritis 21.Artificial insemination 22.AsESG 23.Asian Elephant Research and Conservation Centre 24.Auntie 25.AZA
1.Babesia 2.Berufsverband der Tierlehrer 3.Bloat 4.Brachyodont 5.Branding 6.Brao 7.Browse 8.Bulling
1.Caesarean section 2.Cancer 3.Charkaatiya 4.Chromosome 5.Circus elephant 6.Circus Historical Society 7.Cirrhosis 8.CITES 9.Clade 10.Cladistic method 11.Cladogram 12.Clan 13.Classification 14.Colic 15.Conservation 16.Constipation 17.Contraception 18.Contraceptives 19.Coprophagy 20.Corneal opacity 21.Cortisol 22.Crupper 23.Crush 24.Culling
1.Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Center 2.Damray 3.Dana 4.Decoy elephant 5.Dentine 6.Depigmentation 7.Dermatitis 8.Diestrus 9.Diploe 10.Dwarf elephant 11.Dwasala 12.Dysphagia
1.EARAZA 2.Ears 3.EAZA 4.ECA 5.EEG 6.EEHV 7.EEKMA 8.EEP 9.Ek-danteya 10.EKIPA 11.ElefantAsia 12.Elefanten-Schutz Europa eV 13.Elephant attacks 14.Elephant hook 15.Elephant mankillers 16.Elephant Pox 17.Elephant shoe 18.Elephantry 19.Elephants Alive 20.EMA 21.EMOA 22.Enamel 23.Endometrium 24.Enrichment 25.EOA 26.ERF 27.Estrous (Estrus) 28.Ethogram 29.Ethology
1.FAO Forestry Department 2.Feet 3.Fighting 4.Flatliner 5.Flehmen 6.Foot and mouth disease 7.Footcare 8.Försvara Elefanterna 9.Free Contact 10.Frugivory
1.Ganai 2.Ganesh 3.Gentian violet 4.Gestation 5.Grade 6.Graze 7.Grooming 8.Group 9.Gudda 10.Guide
1.Habituation 2.Handrearing 3.Hattisar 4.Heart 5.Helper 6.Herd 7.Home-range 8.Homology 9.Howdah 10.Human-Elephant-Conflict 11.Hunting 12.Hydrogen Peroxide 13.Hypsodont
1.ICZ 2.Idsara Wild 3.Immature 4.Immobilization 5.Incisor 6.Indigestion 7.Infrasound 8.Intelligence 9.Inter-musth 10.IUCN 11.Ivory 12.IZW
1.Juvenile 2.Juvenile-musth
1.Kalouk 2.Karen 3.Katapurna 4.Khedda 5.Kidney 6.Komeria 7.Kumki 8.Kumla 9.Kuruba 10.Kuy
1.Lactating 2.Lactational anestrus 3.Laibat 4.Lanugo 5.Liver Fluke 6.Lohitiya 7.Lop-ear 8.Lumbar 9.Lumbar depression 10.Lungs
1.Machan 2.Mahout 3.Makhna 4.Mammae 5.Mandible 6.Mastozoologist 7.Mastozoology 8.Matriarch 9.Maturity 10.Maxilla 11.Meconium 12.Medication 13.Meergah 14.Mela 15.Mela shikar 16.Menopause 17.Metestrus 18.Migration 19.Milk-tusk 20.Mnong 21.Moat 22.Molar 23.Mon-kyathi 24.Monovular 25.Mortality 26.Multiparous 27.Musth
1.Natality 2.Near-musth 3.Necropsy 4.Nephritis 5.Nephrology 6.NiIa 7.Nipple 8.No Contact 9.Nomenclature 10.Nulliparous
1.Oozie 2.Orphan 3.Osteology
1.Pawang 2.Pellucid zone 3.Pharyngeal pouch 4.Phenylbutazone 5.Phylogeny 6.Poaching 7.Polyestrous 8.Polyovular 9.Pregnancy 10.Proboscidean 11.Progesterone 12.Prolactin 13.Protected Contact 14.Pulmonary 15.Pyelogram 16.Pyelonephritis
1.Research 2.Rumbling 3.Rutting
1.Savanna 2.Sepsis 3.Sexual-dimorphism 4.Sibling 5.Sidor 6.Sikara 7.Singoung 8.Skeleton 9.Skin care 10.Skull 11.Species 12.STE 13.Stereotypy 14.Sumatran Mahout Communication Forum (FOKMAS) 15.Surra 16.Systematics
1.Tactile 2.Taxon 3.Taxonomy 4.TEAA 5.Teeth 6.Testicles 7.Testiconda 8.Tetanus 9.Thai Elephant Orchestra 10.Thai Forest Industry Organization (FIO) 11.Thai National Elephant Institute 12.The Askari Project 13.The elephants child 14.Ticks 15.Toenail 16.Translocation 17.Trumpet 18.Trunk 19.Trunk-wash 20.Tsavo Trust 21.Tuberculosis 22.Tushes 23.Tusker 24.Tuskless 25.Tusks
1.Ultrasound examination 2.Urogenital sinus 3.Uterus
1.Vasa-lobha 2.VdCU 3.VeId
1.Yata 2.Yaudha
1.Zoochory 2.Zygolophodont

278 pages from the Glossary selected by category

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anatomy (45)

  1. 1. Abdomen (321)
  2. 2. Allometric (296)
  3. 3. Anal fold (113)
  4. 4. Anatomy (926)
  5. 5. Brachyodont (163)
  6. 6. Dentine (219)
  7. 7. Diploe (169)
  8. 8. Do elephants cry? (692)
  9. 9. Ears (2221)
  10. 10. Enamel (131)
  11. 11. Endometrium (931)
  12. 12. Feet (1099)
  13. 13. Ganai (117)
  14. 14. Heart (1611)
  15. 15. Hypsodont (214)
  16. 16. Incisor (132)
  17. 17. Ivory (2296)
  18. 18. Kidney (1229)
  19. 19. Lanugo (142)
  20. 20. Lumbar (92)
  21. 21. Lumbar depression (185)
  22. 22. Lungs (3316)
  23. 23. Mammae (132)
  24. 24. Mandible (69)
  25. 25. Maxilla (73)
  26. 26. Milk-tusk (250)
  27. 27. Molar (3611)
  28. 28. Nipple (403)
  29. 29. Osteology (378)
  30. 30. Pharyngeal pouch (1265)
  31. 31. Polyestrous (335)
  32. 32. Skeleton (2511)
  33. 33. Skull (1095)
  34. 34. Teeth (1302)
  35. 35. Testicles (1312)
  36. 36. Testiconda (134)
  37. 37. Toenail (194)
  38. 38. Trunk (2340)
  39. 39. Tushes (516)
  40. 40. Tuskless (3304)
  41. 41. Tusks (1557)
  42. 42. Urogenital sinus (149)
  43. 43. Uterus (1020)
  44. 44. White eye ring (609)
  45. 45. Zygolophodont (115)

anthrozoology (5)

  1. 1. Brao (304)
  2. 2. Karen (769)
  3. 3. Kuruba (907)
  4. 4. Kuy (1111)
  5. 5. Mnong (944)

capture (3)

  1. 1. Khedda (1066)
  2. 2. Mela shikar (1441)
  3. 3. Vasa-lobha (124)

disease (17)

  1. 1. Anthrax (992)
  2. 2. Arthritis (1825)
  3. 3. Cancer (1909)
  4. 4. Cirrhosis (530)
  5. 5. Dermatitis (0)
  6. 6. Dysphagia (251)
  7. 7. EEHV (21203)
  8. 8. Elephant Pox (5174)
  9. 9. Foot and mouth disease (5112)
  10. 10. Liver Fluke (1535)
  11. 11. Nephritis (1097)
  12. 12. Pulmonary (333)
  13. 13. Pyelonephritis (1061)
  14. 14. Sepsis (1688)
  15. 15. Surra (6026)
  16. 16. Tetanus (4978)
  17. 17. Tuberculosis (2859)

ecology (9)

  1. 1. Conservation (2437)
  2. 2. Human-Elephant-Conflict (3083)
  3. 3. Mortality (184)
  4. 4. Multiparous (142)
  5. 5. Natality (198)
  6. 6. Orphan (123)
  7. 7. Savanna (158)
  8. 8. VeId (148)
  9. 9. Zoochory (148)

endocrinology (20)

  1. 1. Chromosome (506)
  2. 2. Dana (140)
  3. 3. Diestrus (219)
  4. 4. Estrous (Estrus) (2468)
  5. 5. Flatliner (496)
  6. 6. Gestation (404)
  7. 7. Inter-musth (228)
  8. 8. Juvenile-musth (251)
  9. 9. Katapurna (163)
  10. 10. Lactating (93)
  11. 11. Lactational anestrus (353)
  12. 12. Maturity (753)
  13. 13. Meconium (96)
  14. 14. Menopause (1457)
  15. 15. Metestrus (195)
  16. 16. Mon-kyathi (103)
  17. 17. Monovular (91)
  18. 18. Near-musth (426)
  19. 19. Rutting (241)
  20. 20. Sikara (96)

ethology (35)

  1. 1. Adolescent (116)
  2. 2. Adult (36)
  3. 3. Aggregation (514)
  4. 4. Agonistic (187)
  5. 5. Allomother (466)
  6. 6. Anthrozoology (1045)
  7. 7. Auntie (262)
  8. 8. Browse (165)
  9. 9. Bulling (111)
  10. 10. Clan (427)
  11. 11. Coprophagy (55)
  12. 12. Ethogram (279)
  13. 13. Ethology (231)
  14. 14. Fighting (253)
  15. 15. Flehmen (447)
  16. 16. Frugivory (77)
  17. 17. Graze (186)
  18. 18. Grooming (201)
  19. 19. Group (193)
  20. 20. Habituation (204)
  21. 21. Helper (93)
  22. 22. Herd (211)
  23. 23. Home-range (381)
  24. 24. Immature (59)
  25. 25. Infrasound (537)
  26. 26. Intelligence (7068)
  27. 27. Juvenile (169)
  28. 28. Matriarch (204)
  29. 29. Migration (152)
  30. 30. Musth (7228)
  31. 31. Rumbling (5469)
  32. 32. Stereotypy (319)
  33. 33. Tactile (245)
  34. 34. Trumpet (1046)
  35. 35. Yaudha (90)

evolution (7)

  1. 1. Clade (83)
  2. 2. Cladistic method (198)
  3. 3. Cladogram (171)
  4. 4. Grade (373)
  5. 5. Homology (947)
  6. 6. Phylogeny (260)
  7. 7. The elephants child (14989)

genetics (9)

  1. 1. Alidena (195)
  2. 2. Aliya (587)
  3. 3. Depigmentation (1325)
  4. 4. Dwarf elephant (463)
  5. 5. Ek-danteya (99)
  6. 6. Makhna (1897)
  7. 7. Sexual-dimorphism (115)
  8. 8. Sidor (106)
  9. 9. Tusker (1026)

hinduism (4)

  1. 1. Dwasala (260)
  2. 2. Ganesh (784)
  3. 3. Komeria (1316)
  4. 4. Meergah (463)

hormone (3)

  1. 1. Cortisol (1817)
  2. 2. Progesterone (1126)
  3. 3. Prolactin (1995)

hunting (3)

  1. 1. Culling (332)
  2. 2. Hunting (1121)
  3. 3. Poaching (3406)

management (24)

  1. 1. Charkaatiya (98)
  2. 2. Circus elephant (1540)
  3. 3. Damray (73)
  4. 4. Decoy elephant (106)
  5. 5. Elephant attacks (3029)
  6. 6. Elephant mankillers (1502)
  7. 7. Elephantry (49)
  8. 8. Footcare (3735)
  9. 9. Free Contact (4132)
  10. 10. Handrearing (8595)
  11. 11. Hattisar (111)
  12. 12. Kumki (2145)
  13. 13. Kumla (140)
  14. 14. Lohitiya (171)
  15. 15. Mahout (6394)
  16. 16. Moat (1913)
  17. 17. No Contact (1067)
  18. 18. Oozie (182)
  19. 19. Pawang (95)
  20. 20. Protected Contact (13258)
  21. 21. Singoung (100)
  22. 22. Skin care (5846)
  23. 23. Translocation (111)
  24. 24. Yata (101)

management tools (13)

  1. 1. Branding (1872)
  2. 2. Contraceptives (1158)
  3. 3. Crupper (177)
  4. 4. Crush (277)
  5. 5. Elephant shoe (1207)
  6. 6. Enrichment (468)
  7. 7. Gudda (147)
  8. 8. Howdah (347)
  9. 9. Immobilization (692)
  10. 10. Kalouk (162)
  11. 11. Laibat (82)
  12. 12. Machan (224)
  13. 13. Ultrasound examination (320)

organisation (43)

  1. 1. ACES (455)
  2. 2. ACP (342)
  3. 3. AERP (941)
  4. 4. AfESG (885)
  5. 5. AsESG (576)
  6. 6. Asian Elephant Research and Conservation Centre (286)
  7. 7. AZA (613)
  8. 8. Berufsverband der Tierlehrer (16)
  9. 9. Circus Historical Society (1024)
  10. 10. CITES (236)
  11. 11. Contact Dan Koehl (1290)
  12. 12. Dak Lak Elephant Conservation Center (214)
  13. 13. EARAZA (150)
  14. 14. EAZA (638)
  15. 15. ECA (861)
  16. 16. EEG (1223)
  17. 17. EEKMA (813)
  18. 18. EEP (1409)
  19. 19. EKIPA (166)
  20. 20. ElefantAsia (0)
  21. 21. Elefanten-Schutz Europa eV (94)
  22. 22. Elephants Alive (639)
  23. 23. EMA (405)
  24. 24. EMOA (886)
  25. 25. EOA (0)
  26. 26. ERF (747)
  27. 27. FAO Forestry Department (4486)
  28. 28. Försvara Elefanterna (112)
  29. 29. ICZ (381)
  30. 30. Idsara Wild (0)
  31. 31. Italian National Association of scientific Museums, Zoos, Aquariums and Botanical Gardens (ANMS) (16)
  32. 32. Italian Union of Zoo Directors (55)
  33. 33. IUCN (974)
  34. 34. IZW (189)
  35. 35. STE (1052)
  36. 36. TEAA (93)
  37. 37. Thai Elephant Orchestra (1557)
  38. 38. Thai Forest Industry Organization (FIO) (458)
  39. 39. Thai National Elephant Institute (906)
  40. 40. The Askari Project (732)
  41. 41. Tsavo Trust (946)
  42. 42. VdCU (125)
  43. 43. WAZA (84)

parasite (3)

  1. 1. Babesia (431)
  2. 2. Microfilaria (2867)
  3. 3. Ticks (1328)

pathology (10)

  1. 1. Bloat (755)
  2. 2. Caesarean section (1899)
  3. 3. Colic (1738)
  4. 4. Constipation (441)
  5. 5. Corneal opacity (1088)
  6. 6. Indigestion (2596)
  7. 7. Lop-ear (213)
  8. 8. Necropsy (1131)
  9. 9. Nephrology (457)
  10. 10. Trunk-wash (450)

reproduction (7)

  1. 1. Artificial insemination (2406)
  2. 2. Contraception (2203)
  3. 3. Nulliparous (456)
  4. 4. Pellucid zone (3595)
  5. 5. Polyovular (102)
  6. 6. Pregnancy (541)
  7. 7. Sibling (99)

training (1)

  1. 1. NiIa (399)

training tools (4)

  1. 1. Ankus (683)
  2. 2. Elephant hook (2496)
  3. 3. Guide (200)
  4. 4. Whip (725)

taxonomy (9)

  1. 1. Classification (628)
  2. 2. Heidelberg Man (204)
  3. 3. Nomenclature (84)
  4. 4. Proboscidean (200)
  5. 5. Species (287)
  6. 6. Stegotetrabelodon syrticus (252)
  7. 7. Systematics (154)
  8. 8. Taxon (172)
  9. 9. Taxonomy (106)

trade (1)

  1. 1. Mela (361)

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About this documentThis document was created: 1995. Latest update: November 20 2021 12:16:03. included 361 characters with valid HTML5 Valid CSS

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