2 elephants have birthday tomorrow: 2020-03-24 Sang Raja -  Makéba - 

Protected Contact

Definition of Protected Contact

From the elephant glossary Section: management

Text from EAZA-News 47, July, August, September 2004. (Elephant special)
Text from EAZA-News 47, July, August, September 2004. (Elephant special)

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Author of this document is Dan Koehl, with almost 50 years experience of working elephants, and owner of the website elephant.se, and this article reflects his personal view, and opinions.

The Protected contact elephant management method, shortened to PC, may have started in Copenhagen Zoo and Zurich Zoo, and was intensively developed with dangerous elephants during later 1900, in order to reduce the risk of Elephant attacks on keepers. It was also provided a positive alternative to the No Contact management, where hardly any intensive care was performed at all.

It has since then an increasing tendency, nd is sometimes labelled as more "modern" but was in fact used before in Asia. Many wild-caught elephants went through a stadium of PC, at least in South India were the elephants were kept in cages called Kraal after capture. In those first stages of training, the trainers would approach the elephants from outside, through the bars, presenting food or sweets, in order to gain the elephants confidence.

Protected contact is sometimes referred to as a more humane method of manipulating the elephants in captivity, since the Free Contact system more or less relies on the fact that the elephant is accepting to be dominated by the trainer, like it does with an animal higher in rank within the elephant Group. For laymen, it seems unlikely, or impossible, that an elephant would accept a human being as a superiors dominant individual, without major brutality and fear for that human.

This is however, not true, and Protected Contact is a term which doesn't really describe the training situation.

The most important difference between protected contact and Free Contact, is NOT that the elephants, or the trainers/keepers, are protected, in PC. More than one keeper has experienced the risk with this system, and more than one elephant, harassed by other elephants, without any trainer interfering, has experienced the truth, that it is actually a non Protected contact system. At least for the elephants.

IN PC, the elephants are not protected at all. No-one can interrupt aggressiveness, mobbing, or other unnormal behavior between the elephants. The keepers/trainers can only try to make the elephants focus on something else during a conflict, but they can not actually interrupt it, as in Free Contact.

The "Protected contact" can be described as a working environment where an elephant trainer or keeper is cut off the social interactions within the Group, since he, or she, is not more a member, and leader, of that Group. The elephants are more or less left to their own, and the keeper/trainer only perform manipulation that has a medical reason, or for intensive care, or as stimuli. But, it has to be clear, unlike to Free Contact, an elephant trainer in protected contact, can NEVER protect an elephant from other elephants.

Some people may actually refer to this system, as leaving your children to a kindergarten, where their no staff guiding them, except for opening the doors, and letting all the kids in in the morning, and opening the door in the afternoon, letting them out. And meanwhile, trying to manipulate them in some ways, through a cute little window, mostly after that the individual has been isolated in a closed environment where no other elephants can disturb the training.

This type of training, can be very useful, and sometimes the only alternative with dangerous elephants, to reduce or avoid risks of Elephant attacks. It should be highlighted, that the a lot of the content of protected contact training is performed in Free Contact. In fact, the pure teaching of elephants in Free Contact, can mostly be compared to a PC situation. It is the later handling, that involves a certain dominance, which is supposed to secure the security for the keeper, as well as giving the possibility to interact in the social system of the heard, as leader, if necessary, that is performed with dominance.

My point of view however, is that its very sad that the PC is slowly forming a standard of training, because of pressure of Animal Rights Activist Groups (ARA). PC is a valuable and useful way of training elephants sometimes, but is also a primitive way of approaching the problem that some humans does not accept that elephants are dominated by humans, and therefore argue for more "humane" methods. No scientific document is presently a proof that elephants in PC are more healthy, or more "happy" than well cared elephants in Free Contact.

It must also be noticed, that, although a football fan, or theatre visitor can be very engaged, and have opinions in how a ball, or a play at the opera should be played, the performance must be left to the actor. Anyone who never played football, or was on theatre or opera stage, are entitled to have their opinion how those things should be done. Claiming expertise though, just because of frequent visiting, but having zero personal experience, is something else. Laymen cant tell brain surgeons how to operate, and if every person, travelling with airplanes, would demand to also be able to order the pilot how to fly, or use political pressure to change how Police officers are aloud to carry weapons, very bad things would happen. But in the case with animal training and management, it seems many people believe they have the right to demand changes in areas, where they actually no nothing, except for what they read on Forums on Internet.

Still, with new generations of less experienced Zoo Directors, and an increasing number of zoologists regarded as experts because they studied on Universities, combined with higher demands from insurance companies, and a surprisingly high impact from animal rights politics, things has changed dramatically.

During the last 20 years, more accidents with elephant happened than before. It is not because there's more elephants in captivity. Its not because there's less education of keepers/trainers. Its not because there's so much intensive training of elephants. It may, however, have a connection to the fact that hundreds of people try to manipulate the humans working with elephants, without really having the slightest idea about the reality, regarding the relationship between a human being and an elephant. It is to hope that this development will not include Police officers, doctors, pilots, and other people who need to take decisions daily, in order to maintain a certain control of their future safety in their profession.

Lately, a large number of elephant facilities in USA and Europe has changed their management method to Protected Contact. Arguments are better safety for staff, increased welfare for elephants. It is however difficult not to see this also as a gender political matter, since more women are elephant keepers lately, and most of them are negative to Free Contact. Often those women elephant keeper look down on male elephant keepers who worked in Free Contact, calling them unmodern and brutal.

Apart from the changes for the elephants, and the work for the keepers, this has also lead to change of gender in Zoos. In the past, with Free Contact as general management method, the work which demanded high manual and physical strength, was a male-dominated career profession, and it took many years before a keeper got responsibility, and it was often said, it took at least eight years to learn the job. And most senior and head/lead elephant keepers in a zoo had worked for 20 years or more, collecting long experience. In many places the keeper/trainer worked alone and had to tend giraffes, rhinos and hippos, while in between caring for the elephants, and maybe performing 2-3 public shows, during the working day. Not much time for participating in conferences, and mostly only the Zoos curators and zoologists would attend International meetings and workshops. They worked throughout their life with less confirmation, in many cases they were not even allowed to communicate with media.

With Protected Contact as general management method, things rapidly changed, within 10 years, elephant keeper became a female-dominated career profession, and whenever a news clip or a YouTube film includes an interview with an elephant keeper today, its in most cases a woman, standing outside the fence, and speaking in a way, as if she is an experienced talk show host.
Meanwhile, the staff in PC often requires 6-10 people working daily, with higher costs for the Zoo, who also frequently send the keepers to workshops and conferences. A number of US Zoos terminated their elephant management in recent years.

In the brand-new book "Animals Always: 100 Years at the Saint Louis Zoo" (2009) there is a statement that 70% of all keepers in American zoos are women, which is in sharp contrast from past decades. In one study in US Zoos, 64.8% of zoo keepers were women and 35.2% of zoo keepers were men. According to a recent workplace survey conducted in 2000 by the American Association of Zoo Keepers, 75 percent of zookeepers across the country now are female. At Stockholm Zoo (Skansen) the Zoo where author spend his early years as zookeeper and elephant keeper, it used to be one single female zookeeper until early eighties. Today, there is only one male Zookeeper at Skansen.

And many women advanced fast in their career, in spite of short time experience.

An example is Marisa Riordan Oakland Zoo (Knowland Park) in United States: Volunteer at a Raptor Center 2018-2018, Herptile intern 2018 at Sacramento Zoo, Elephant Apprentice Keeper Nov 2018 - Jan 2019 at Oakland Zoo, Elephant keeper Jan 2019 - Dec 2022, becoming Senior Elephant Keeper January 2023, as well as President of Bay Area Chapter The American Association of Zoo Keepers in 2021. (Source: Riordans Linked in page).

Such a career would have been impossible, or extremely rare, before, in Free Contact management, where most keepers would work a life time in their Zoo, with less possibilities to advance. Those changes has also lead to a higher turnover of elephant keepers, who seldom stay on one place.

Changes of elephant management in Europe, since 2000

In Europe in 2003-2004, the EAZA elephant TAG carried out a survey, showing that 81% used FC with EM, and 61% used FC with LA. PC was used in 11% with EM, and 16% wit LA. No Contact was used in 8% with EM, and 22% with LA.

It was generally accepted at the AZA elephant TAG meeting in 2004 that the best management method for the elephants and the keepers is the Protected Contact method. [...] It should be remembered that the fallback recommendation of the EAZA Elephant TAG is protected contact. EAZA-News 47, July, August, September 2004. (Elephant special)

In this article was written in 2004: "both systems has its merits". Something which have changed since then...

Changes of elephant management in USA, since 2000

Association of Zoos and Aquariums, shortened AZA, adopted minimum Standards for Elephant Management and Care, which were made mandatory in 2001.

Changes in USA Zoos by 2007

No elephants (11 zoos): Philadelphia, Detroit, Omaha, San Francisco, Gladys Porter, Lincoln Park, Binder Park, Minnesota, Fort Wayne, Brookfield and ASDM.

Free contact (24 zoos): National, Nashville, Maryland, Fort Worth, Oregon, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Audubon, Houston, Honolulu, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Roger Williams Park, Sedgwick County, Bronx and Buffalo. Columbus, Burnet Park, Seneca Park, Baton Rouge (switching eventually to PC), Little Rock, Wildlife Safari, and Vallejo.

Protected contact (33 zoos): Memphis, Montgomery, Lowry Park, Kansas City, Rio Grande, Cheyenne Mountain, Phoenix, Caldwell, Oklahoma City, Busch Gardens, Denver (beginning in 2012), Disney's Animal Kingdom, Riverbanks, Tulsa, Saint Louis, San Antonio, Utah's Hogle, Dallas, Columbus, Cleveland, Miami, Jacksonville, Memphis, Atlanta, San Diego, San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Los Angeles, Knoxville, Toledo, North Carolina, Oakland, Woodland Park, Point Defiance and Milwaukee County.

March 2011, the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Board of Directors adopted revised Accreditation Standards for Elephant Management and Care.

And later AZA wrote:
As soon as possible and no later than September 1, 2014, elephant care providers at AZA facilities with elephants shall not share the same unrestricted space with elephants, except for certain, limited exceptions outlined in II.d below. Within six (6) months of reissuance of this Policy, the Director may request a variance in writing to the Accreditation Commission to allow time for the Institution to meet the criteria of II.d below. Variances will expire June 1, 2017.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums Board of Directors

2025: By 2025 only privately owned facilities managed their elephants in Free Contact in USA, except for a few Zoos that have applied for and been granted management variances. Of notability, Rosamond Gifford, and African Lion safari are to remain FC after the deadline.

There is presently 137 locations in Europe and North America which use Protected Contact as elephant management.

Monarto Zoo
zoo founded 0Monarto Kept totally 3, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 1 deaths
Perth Zoo
zoo founded 0South Perth Kept totally 13, 1 present (1,0), 0 births, 7 relocated, 5 deaths
Sydney Zoo
zoo founded 1916Sydney Kept totally 41, 2 present (0,2), 4 births, 19 relocated, 20 deaths
Sydney Zoo (Bungarribee)
zoo founded 2015Bungarribee Kept totally 3, 2 present (2,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 1 deaths
Taronga Dubbo Western Plains Zoo
zoo founded 1977Dubbo Kept totally 20, 7 present (3,4), 2 births, 2 relocated, 11 deaths
Werribee Open Range Zoo
zoo founded 0Werribee Kept totally 9, 9 present (2,7), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Vienna Zoo
zoo founded 1752Wien Kept totally 42, 5 present (1,4), 9 births, 20 relocated, 17 deaths
Dvur Kralove Zoo
(Czech Republic)
zoo founded 1946Dvur Kralove Kept totally 21, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 11 relocated, 8 deaths
Ostrava Zoo
(Czech Republic)
zoo founded 0Ostrava Kept totally 14, 5 present (2,3), 4 births, 1 relocated, 8 deaths
Prague Zoo (Zoo Praha)
(Czech Republic)
zoo founded 1931Prague 7-Troja TrojaKept totally 27, 6 present (1,5), 5 births, 12 relocated, 9 deaths
Zlin Lesna-Got Zoo
(Czech Republic)
zoo founded 0Lesna 12 Kept totally 7, 5 present (2,3), 2 births, 0 relocated, 2 deaths
Copenhagen Zoo
zoo founded 1859Frederiksberg Copenhagen districtKept totally 70, 6 present (1,5), 20 births, 36 relocated, 28 deaths
Knuthenborg Park & Safari
zoo founded 1969Maribo Kept totally 9, 4 present (0,4), 0 births, 4 relocated, 1 deaths
Tallinn Zoo
zoo founded 1939Tallinn Kept totally 3, 3 present (1,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Amneville Zoo Coulange
zoo founded 1986Amneville, Moselle Moselle (department)Kept totally 8, 2 present (1,1), 1 births, 1 relocated, 5 deaths
Beauval Zoo
zoo founded 0St Aignan sur cher Kept totally 11, 7 present (1,6), 2 births, 1 relocated, 3 deaths
Dompierre Le Pal Zoo
zoo founded 1973Dompierre-sur-Besbre Kept totally 14, 4 present (1,3), 6 births, 4 relocated, 6 deaths
Elephant Haven European Elephant Sanctuary (EHEES)
sanctuary founded 0Bussière-Galant Kept totally 2, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
La Barben Zoo (Parc Zoologique De La Barben)
zoo founded 0Pelissane Kept totally 6, 1 present (0,1), 0 births, 2 relocated, 3 deaths
La Palmyre Zoo
zoo founded 0Les Mathes / La Palmyre Kept totally 15, 3 present (1,2), 8 births, 6 relocated, 6 deaths
La Tanière
zoo founded 0Archevilliers Kept totally 3, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
La Teste Zoo du Bassin d´Arcachon
zoo founded 0La Teste, Gironde Kept totally 5, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 2 deaths
Maubeuge Zoo
zoo founded 0Maubeuge Kept totally 10, 2 present (2,0), 0 births, 5 relocated, 3 deaths
Peaugres Safaripark
zoo founded 0Peaugres Kept totally 8, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 1 relocated, 5 deaths
Plaisance du Touch - Zoo African Safari (Toulouse)
zoo founded 0Plaisance du Touch Kept totally 7, 3 present (0,3), 2 births, 3 relocated, 1 deaths
Pont-Scorff Zoo
zoo founded 0Pont-Scorff Kept totally 11, 2 present (2,0), 2 births, 2 relocated, 7 deaths
Port Saint-Pere Zoo (Planete sauvage)
zoo founded 0Port-Saint-Père Kept totally 7, 1 present (0,1), 0 births, 0 relocated, 6 deaths
Romanèche Touroparc
zoo founded 0Romanèche-Thorins Kept totally 7, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 4 deaths
Thoiry Zoo
zoo founded 0 Kept totally 12, 4 present (4,0), 0 births, 2 relocated, 6 deaths
Augsburg Zoo
zoo founded 0Augsburg Kept totally 17, 2 present (2,0), 0 births, 7 relocated, 8 deaths
Cologne Zoo (Köln Zoo)
zoo founded 1860Köln Kept totally 38, 11 present (2,8), 15 births, 18 relocated, 9 deaths
Cottbus Zoo
zoo founded 0Cottbus Kept totally 4, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 1 relocated, 1 deaths
Dresden Zoo
zoo founded 1861Dresden Kept totally 25, 4 present (1,3), 1 births, 4 relocated, 17 deaths
Duisburg Zoo
zoo founded 0Duisburg Kept totally 14, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 4 relocated, 7 deaths
Erfurt Zoo
zoo founded 0Erfurt Kept totally 19, 6 present (2,4), 2 births, 4 relocated, 9 deaths
Halle Zoo
zoo founded 1901Halle Kept totally 24, 5 present (1,4), 6 births, 10 relocated, 9 deaths
Hannover Zoo
zoo founded 1865Hannover Kept totally 90, 6 present (0,6), 35 births, 64 relocated, 20 deaths
Heidelberg Zoo
zoo founded 1933Heidelberg Kept totally 14, 4 present (4,0), 0 births, 6 relocated, 4 deaths
Hodenhagen Serengeti-Park
zoo founded 0Hodenhagen Kept totally 19, 7 present (2,5), 3 births, 11 relocated, 1 deaths
Karlsruhe Zoo
zoo founded 1865Karlsruhe Kept totally 16, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 2 relocated, 11 deaths
Krefeld Zoo
zoo founded 0Krefeld Kept totally 9, 2 present (0,2), 1 births, 4 relocated, 3 deaths
Kronberg Opel Zoo
zoo founded 0Kronberg Kept totally 16, 5 present (2,3), 2 births, 1 relocated, 10 deaths
Leipzig Zoo
zoo founded 0Leipzig Kept totally 69, 11 present (3,8), 14 births, 29 relocated, 29 deaths
Magdeburg Zoo
zoo founded 0Magdeburg Kept totally 14, 3 present (1,2), 0 births, 6 relocated, 5 deaths
Munich Zoo
zoo founded 1905Munich Kept totally 46, 4 present (2,2), 14 births, 15 relocated, 27 deaths
Munster Zoo
zoo founded 0Münster Kept totally 25, 5 present (1,4), 2 births, 13 relocated, 7 deaths
Neunkirchen Zoo
zoo founded 0Neunkirchen Kept totally 8, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 6 deaths
Osnabruck Zoo
zoo founded 0Osnabrück Kept totally 23, 4 present (2,2), 3 births, 14 relocated, 5 deaths
Attica Zoo
zoo founded 0Spáta Kept totally 2, 2 present (2,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Budapest Zoo
zoo founded 1866Budapest 5 Kept totally 30, 3 present (2,1), 8 births, 7 relocated, 20 deaths
Gyor Zoo
zoo founded 0Kiskútliget Kept totally 4, 4 present (4,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Szeged Zoo
zoo founded 1989Szeged Kept totally 5, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 2 relocated, 0 deaths
Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo
zoo founded 0Veszprém Kept totally 7, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 3 relocated, 1 deaths
Dublin Zoo
zoo founded 1831Dublin 8 Kept totally 30, 4 present (1,3), 9 births, 13 relocated, 13 deaths
Jerusalem Zoo (Tisch family zoological gardens)
zoo founded 1993Jerusalem Kept totally 8, 4 present (1,3), 2 births, 2 relocated, 2 deaths
Kiriat Motzkin zoo
zoo founded 0Kiriat Motzkin, Hefa Kept totally 2, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Ramat Gan Zoo
zoo founded 1974Ramat-Gan Kept totally 56, 8 present (2,6), 39 births, 33 relocated, 15 deaths
Rome Zoo
zoo founded 1909Rome Kept totally 26, 2 present (0,2), 4 births, 4 relocated, 20 deaths
Amersfoort Zoo
zoo founded 1948Amersfoort Kept totally 22, 2 present (0,2), 7 births, 11 relocated, 9 deaths
Amsterdam Artis Zoo
zoo founded 1835Amsterdam Kept totally 29, 5 present (2,3), 5 births, 9 relocated, 15 deaths
Arnhem Zoo (Burgers Zoo)
zoo founded 1913SH Arnhem Kept totally 14, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 4 relocated, 8 deaths
Beekse Bergen Safaripark
zoo founded 0Hilvarenbeek Kept totally 22, 11 present (2,9), 5 births, 4 relocated, 7 deaths
Eindhoven Zoo
zoo founded 0Mierlo Kept totally 9, 4 present (1,3), 2 births, 5 relocated, 0 deaths
Rhenen Zoo
zoo founded 1932AV Rhenen Kept totally 23, 3 present (0,3), 2 births, 10 relocated, 10 deaths
Rotterdam Zoo
zoo founded 1857AM Rotterdam Kept totally 58, 4 present (2,2), 20 births, 32 relocated, 22 deaths
Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen
zoo founded 2015Emmen Kept totally 12, 6 present (3,3), 4 births, 3 relocated, 3 deaths
Lisbon Zoo
zoo founded 0Lisbon Kept totally 19, 4 present (1,3), 4 births, 8 relocated, 7 deaths
Bojnice Zoo
(Slovak Republic)
zoo founded 0Bojnice Kept totally 3, 3 present (1,2), 0 births, 0 relocated, 0 deaths
Boras Zoo
zoo founded 1962Boras Kept totally 24, 7 present (3,4), 11 births, 8 relocated, 9 deaths
Kolmarden Zoo
zoo founded 1964Kolmarden Kept totally 24, 3 present (1,2), 4 births, 9 relocated, 12 deaths
Basel Zoo
zoo founded 1874Basel Kept totally 33, 3 present (0,3), 4 births, 14 relocated, 16 deaths
Zurich Zoo
zoo founded 0Zurich Kept totally 35, 5 present (1,4), 16 births, 10 relocated, 20 deaths
Blackpool Zoo
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 1972Blackpool, Lancashire Kept totally 14, 6 present (1,5), 2 births, 3 relocated, 5 deaths
Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 0Blair Drummond by Sterling Kept totally 10, 1 present (0,1), 0 births, 2 relocated, 7 deaths
Chester Zoo
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 1930Chester Kept totally 56, 3 present (1,2), 22 births, 21 relocated, 32 deaths
Colchester Zoo
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 1963Colchester Kept totally 15, 4 present (1,3), 7 births, 4 relocated, 7 deaths
Howletts Wild Animal Park
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 0Hythe, Kent Kept totally 48, 13 present (5,8), 26 births, 19 relocated, 16 deaths
Longleat Safari Park
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 1966Warminster WiltshireKept totally 38, 1 present (0,1), 1 births, 34 relocated, 3 deaths
Noahs Ark Zoo Farm
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 1998Bristol Kept totally 6, 4 present (4,0), 0 births, 0 relocated, 2 deaths
Whipsnade Wild Animal Park
(United Kingdom)
zoo founded 0Dunstable BedfordshireKept totally 39, 7 present (1,6), 14 births, 12 relocated, 20 deaths
Albuquerque Biological Park
(United States)
zoo founded 0Albuquerque, New Mexico Kept totally 13, 4 present (1,3), 5 births, 4 relocated, 5 deaths
Atlanta Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1889Atlanta, Georgia Kept totally 16, 4 present (2,2), 1 births, 3 relocated, 9 deaths
Audubon Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0 New Orleans Kept totally 15, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 8 relocated, 4 deaths
Birmingham Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Birmingham Kept totally 10, 3 present (3,0), 0 births, 5 relocated, 2 deaths
Buffalo Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1894Buffalo, New York Kept totally 17, 0 present (0,0), 0 births, 11 relocated, 6 deaths
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Busch Gardens Africa)
(United States)
zoo founded 0Tampa Kept totally 40, 4 present (0,4), 3 births, 16 relocated, 20 deaths
Buttonwood Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1894New Bedford Kept totally 3, 1 present (0,1), 0 births, 1 relocated, 1 deaths
Caldwell Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Tyler, Texas Kept totally 10, 3 present (2,1), 0 births, 3 relocated, 4 deaths
Cameron Park Waco Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1910Waco Kept totally 6, 1 present (0,1), 0 births, 1 relocated, 4 deaths
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1926Colorado Springs, Colorado Kept totally 11, 5 present (0,5), 0 births, 3 relocated, 3 deaths
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
(United States)
zoo founded 1875Cincinnati, OH Kept totally 21, 8 present (3,5), 1 births, 7 relocated, 6 deaths
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1882Cleveland, Ohio Kept totally 22, 4 present (0,4), 1 births, 8 relocated, 10 deaths
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
(United States)
zoo founded 0Powell Kept totally 32, 5 present (2,3), 5 births, 17 relocated, 10 deaths
Dallas Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1888Dallas Kept totally 23, 8 present (2,6), 2 births, 7 relocated, 8 deaths
Denver Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1896Denver, Colrado Kept totally 19, 6 present (6,0), 0 births, 7 relocated, 6 deaths
Dickerson Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1922Springfield, Missouri Kept totally 38, 4 present (2,2), 10 births, 22 relocated, 12 deaths
Disneys Animal Kingdom
(United States)
zoo founded 0Florida Kept totally 24, 9 present (2,7), 10 births, 10 relocated, 5 deaths
Fairhope Conservation Center
(United States)
zoo founded 2008Somerset County Kept totally 8, 4 present (1,3), 2 births, 2 relocated, 2 deaths
Fort Worth Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1909Fort Worth, Texas Kept totally 33, 8 present (4,4), 10 births, 13 relocated, 12 deaths
Fresno Chaffee Zoological Gardens
(United States)
zoo founded 1908Fresno Kept totally 15, 5 present (3,2), 2 births, 5 relocated, 5 deaths
Honolulu Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Honolulu, Hawaii Kept totally 9, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 2 relocated, 5 deaths
Houston Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1922Houston Kept totally 38, 13 present (5,8), 25 births, 8 relocated, 17 deaths
Indianapolis Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Indianapolis Kept totally 18, 6 present (2,4), 7 births, 7 relocated, 5 deaths
Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens
(United States)
zoo founded 0Jacksonville, FL Kept totally 22, 3 present (1,2), 1 births, 16 relocated, 3 deaths
Kansas City Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1909Kansas City Kept totally 20, 9 present (1,8), 1 births, 5 relocated, 6 deaths
Knoxville Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1948Knoxville, Tenessee Kept totally 16, 0 present (0,0), 2 births, 8 relocated, 8 deaths
Little Rock Zoological Gardens
(United States)
zoo founded 0Little Rock, Arkansas Kept totally 8, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 1 relocated, 5 deaths
Los Angeles Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Los Angeles, California Kept totally 41, 2 present (1,1), 1 births, 22 relocated, 17 deaths
Louisville Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Louisville, Kentucky Kept totally 10, 2 present (0,2), 2 births, 4 relocated, 4 deaths
Lowry Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Tampa, Florida Kept totally 13, 6 present (1,4), 3 births, 7 relocated, 0 deaths
Maryland Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1876Baltimore Kept totally 14, 3 present (2,1), 1 births, 2 relocated, 9 deaths
Memphis Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Memphis Kept totally 21, 5 present (0,5), 2 births, 10 relocated, 6 deaths
Miami Metro Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Miami, FL Kept totally 33, 4 present (1,3), 2 births, 23 relocated, 6 deaths
Milwaukee County Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Milwaukee, Wisconsin Kept totally 14, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 7 relocated, 4 deaths
Montgomery Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1920Montgomery, Alabama Kept totally 8, 3 present (0,3), 3 births, 2 relocated, 3 deaths
North Carolina Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1976Asheboro, North Carolina Kept totally 17, 6 present (2,4), 0 births, 3 relocated, 8 deaths
Oklahoma City Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1904Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Kept totally 24, 7 present (2,5), 5 births, 8 relocated, 9 deaths
Omahas Henry Doorly Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1894Omaha Kept totally 20, 10 present (3,7), 5 births, 4 relocated, 6 deaths
(United States)
sanctuary founded 2000San Andreas Kept totally 18, 6 present (2,4), 0 births, 0 relocated, 12 deaths
Phoenix Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Phoenix, Arizona Kept totally 15, 1 present (0,1), 1 births, 8 relocated, 6 deaths
Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo)
(United States)
zoo founded 1887Portland, Oregon Kept totally 52, 6 present (2,4), 29 births, 24 relocated, 22 deaths
Roger Williams Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Providence, RI Kept totally 12, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 3 relocated, 6 deaths
San Antonio Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0San Antonio, Texas Kept totally 13, 0 present (0,0), 0 births, 3 relocated, 10 deaths
San Diego Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1922San Diego Kept totally 40, 3 present (2,1), 0 births, 18 relocated, 19 deaths
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
(United States)
zoo founded 0Escondido Kept totally 56, 9 present (2,7), 23 births, 29 relocated, 18 deaths
Sedgwick County Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Wichita, Kansas Kept totally 11, 7 present (1,6), 1 births, 2 relocated, 2 deaths
Seneca Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Rochester, NY . Kept totally 5, 3 present (0,3), 1 births, 0 relocated, 2 deaths
Six Flags Wild Safari (Six Flags Great Adventure)
(United States)
zoo founded 1974Jackson Township Kept totally 18, 8 present (0,8), 1 births, 2 relocated, 8 deaths
Smithsonian National Zoological Park Washington
(United States)
zoo founded 1889Washington, DC Kept totally 29, 6 present (1,5), 2 births, 6 relocated, 17 deaths
St Louis Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0St Louis Kept totally 46, 8 present (2,6), 9 births, 18 relocated, 20 deaths
Tennessee Elephant Sanctuary (TES)
(United States)
sanctuary founded 1995Hohenwald Kept totally 34, 12 present (2,10), 0 births, 1 relocated, 21 deaths
Toledo Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1899Toledo, Ohio Kept totally 23, 4 present (1,3), 4 births, 12 relocated, 7 deaths
Topeka Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Topeka, Kansas Kept totally 5, 2 present (0,2), 0 births, 1 relocated, 2 deaths
Tucson Reid Park Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 1965Tucson Kept totally 12, 6 present (1,5), 3 births, 4 relocated, 2 deaths
Tulsa Zoo
(United States)
zoo founded 0Tulsa Kept totally 17, 5 present (2,3), 1 births, 5 relocated, 7 deaths
White Oak Conservation
(United States)
sanctuary founded 2020Yulee Kept totally 15, 14 present (1,13), 2 births, 0 relocated, 1 deaths
Winston Wildlife Safari
(United States)
zoo founded 1972Winston Kept totally 20, 3 present (0,3), 0 births, 9 relocated, 8 deaths

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2025). Protected Contact. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at https://www.elephant.se/index.php?id=293. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications
  • EAZA-News 47, July, August, September 2004. (Elephant special)
  • Maximizing Occupational Safety of Elephant Care Professionals, Policy updated by the AZA Board of Directors in 2014
  • EAZA Position Statement on the Evolution of Elephant Management Systems at Member Zoos

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