St Louis Zoo in United States

St Louis Zoo

Place St Louis
Region Missouri
Country United States
Website Website

Directors: George Vierheller (director)

Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2020-12-27

Latest document update2020-12-27 02:03:39
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St Louis Zoo, in St Louis, United States .

Living elephants

At the St Louis Zoo lives 7 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Ellie born 1971
  2. Jade born 2007-02-25
  3. Maliha born 2006-08-02
  4. Pearl born 1971
  5. Priya born 2013-04-26
  6. Raja born 1992-12-27
  7. Sri born 1980

Comments / picturesThe Saint Louis Zoological Park is a zoo in Forest Park in St. Louis, Missouri. It is recognized as a leading zoo in animal management, Research, Conservation, and education. Admission is free, although there are fees for some attractions. One special feature is the Zooline Railroad, a small passenger train that encircles the zoo, stopping at the more popular attractions. It is also home to the best grounds crew of any theme park in the world.

The 1904 St. Louis World´s Fair is credited for the birth of the St. Louis Zoo. The Fair brought the world´s attention to St. Louis and Forest Park. The Smithsonian Institution constructed a walk-through bird cage for the World´s Fair. Ten days after the World´s Fair closed, the citizens of St. Louis chose to buy the 1904 World´s Fair Flight Cage for $3,500, rather than have it dismantled and returned to Washington, D.C. The St. Louis Zoo was born.

References for records about St Louis Zoo

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). St Louis Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

St Louis Zoo on

St Louis Zoo is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2020-08-22Birth defects contributed to death of saint louis zoo's baby elephant avi - Elephant News

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