African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) at
DSWT Nairobi nursery in Kenya

♂ Rama

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Sheldrick orphanshttps://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/orphans/rama


Species:African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Sex and age:Male ♂ maybe about 7 years old (estimated age)
Management:Free contact
Born:* 2018? wild
Birth place: in El Karama Ranch
Locations - owners
Present / last location:DSWT Nairobi nursery, in Kenya

Date of arrival

2021-02-01DSWT Nairobi nursery
from El Karama Ranch

Record history
History of updates2022-04-17

Latest document update2021-03-22 04:27:32
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Rama is a living Male ♂ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the DSWT Nairobi nursery, in Kenya.

Rama arrived in 2021-02-01 to the DSWT Nairobi nursery, relocated from the El Karama Ranch, in Kenya.


Rama lives together with 17 other elephants at the DSWT Nairobi nursery:

detailed list with arrival dates etc. of the other elephants
  1. 1. ♂ Choka born 2020-11-00
  2. 2. ♀ Doldol born 2021-11-00
  3. 3. ♀ Kerrio born 2021-01-00
  4. 4. ♀ Kiasa
  5. 5. ♂ Kiko
  6. 6. ♂ Kiombo born 2017-03-00
  7. 7. ♂ Maktao born 2017
  8. 8. ♂ Mukkoka born 2017-09-00
  9. 9. ♂ Naboishu born 2018-10-00
  10. 10. ♀ Nabulu
  11. 11. ♀ Naleku born 2019-07-00
  12. 12. ♀ Narok
  13. 13. ♀ Neshashi born 2019?
  14. 14. ♀ Olorien born 2019-04-00
  15. 15. ♂ Roho born 2019-01-00
  16. 16. ♀ Sagateisa born 2021?
  17. 17. ♂ Taabu born 2020-09-00


Rama was born wild 2018? at El Karama Ranch.

Comments / pictures

Rama is by birth defect, bow-legged.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). Rama, African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) located at DSWT Nairobi nursery in Kenya. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 28 January 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=8161. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


Relevant links

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