Ankus ; (also: angusam, ankusa, ankush, angkus, choon, crook, gajbag, goad, Guide, haunkus, hawkus, hendoo, hendu, henduwa, thony, bull-hook, hook, driving-spike) (Fennent 1 867 :1, 55,7 5 6; Carrington 1 9 58:17 4 ; Chadvdick 7992:18, 297 -298; Jayewardene 1994:51 -52,721 ; Cannon & Davis 1995:110,773 fthotol,172; Lak 7997:272; Lahiri-Choudhury 1999:455) Short stick with a sharp, curved, finger-length metal hook at the tip, used to control and direct captive elephants. A hooked goad for driving elephants. Euphemistically, sometimes, called "guide".