Present living elephants at Tulsa Zoo in United States

This database list 5 elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Origin Age Arrival from location
1 ♀ EM Connie
SSP id: 216
Born wild 1973 at Asia unspecified location , 51 yrs2024-06-00 Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
2 ♂ EM Sneezy
SSP id: 160
Born wild 1973 at Unknown , 51 yrs1977-07-29 Memphis Zoo
3 ♀ EM Booper
SSP id: 336
Born wild 1972 at Unknown , 52 yrs2020-11-02 Riddles Elephant and Wildlife Sanctuary
4 ♀ EM Sookie (Sooky)
SSP id: 159
Born wild 1972 at Unknown , 52 yrs1997-06-05 Memphis Zoo
5 ♂ EM Hank
SSP id: 276
Born captive-born 1988-01-16 by Vance (Matt) x Mala at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (Busch Gardens Africa) , 36 yrs2024-06-00 Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Source for the list of elephants presently living at Tulsa Zoo

Reference list

Facts about present living elephants at Tulsa Zoo in United States at Tulsa Zoo in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-11-05 Booper:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2018-09-28 Hank:•
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2010-12-10 Sookie (Sooky):• Ryan Easley, USA
2009-10-09 Sneezy:• Ryan Easley, USA
• Tommy Realing
2008-12-28 Connie:• Bobby Todd

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