Do elephants cry?

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Definition of the word Do elephants cry?

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No, elephants dont cry.

To keep the surface of the eye, which is a very sensitive organ, moist, tears are constantly produced in the eyes of mammals, and the tears produced in this way are usually removed from a gland connected to the throat. However, due to the semi-aquatic origin of the prehistoric ancestors of elephants, this lacrimal gland does not develop. Therefore, the tears produced in the eyes of elephants flow out of the corner of the eye.

This event has been presented in various ways as an expression of grief by elephants. It is indisputable that elephants are sensitive animals, but various studies have found that crying is not a way of expressing grief in elephants.

Reference list Koehl, Dan, (2024). Do elephants cry?. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 20 September 2021 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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