Elephant locations in Denmark

27 locations has kept elephants in Denmark

There is presently 12 (1,10) living elephants in locations in Denmark in this database

Region: Denmark is in this database included in europe
Location holdings: 27 locations has kept 74 elephants in Denmark

(Database tables with collection of elephants further down on the page)
Elephants in locations12 (1,10) living 62 (23,34) dead

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan, Facts about elephants in Denmark. Elephant Encyclopedia, (2025) available online retrieved 2025-03-13 at https://www.elephant.se/country.php?name=Denmark.
(archived at the Wayback machine)

Internal relevant links

NameElephant collectionPlace
Aalborg Zoo (Aalborg Zoologiske Have)
(zoo) Kept totally 14 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births6 relocated8 deathsAalborg
Aarhus Zoo (Århus Zoologisk Have)
(zoo) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated1 deathsAarhus
Bernhard Caselly
(private) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated1 deathsSommersted
C. Paulsens menagerie
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
C.H. Kragh
(dealer) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deaths
Circus Arena (Benny Berdino)
(circus) Kept totally 3 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births3 relocated0 deathsSlagelse
Circus Bech-Olsen
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Circus Beketow
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsCopenhagen
Circus Benneweis
(circus) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births6 relocated3 deathsDronningmoelle
Circus Dannebrog
(circus) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 2 present (0,1) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsSommersted
Circus Leonard Gautier
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsCopenhagen
Circus Miehe
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsThisted
(map)Refs Herred Region Nordjylland
Circus Robert Daniels
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
Circus Trapez
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births1 relocated0 deaths
Copenhagen Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 70 elephants
, 6 present (1,5) 20 births36 relocated28 deathsFrederiksberg
(map)Copenhagen district
Denmark Natural History Museum
(museum) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsKøbenhavn
Denmark unspecified circus
(circus) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deaths
East Asiatic Company
(private) Kept totally 5 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births5 relocated0 deathsCopenhagen Ø
Givskud Zoo
(zoo) Kept totally 15 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 1 births2 relocated13 deathsGive
Harte, Kolding
(excavation site) Kept totally 1 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated1 deathsKolding
(dealer) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deaths
Jyllands Park Zoo (Jyllands Mini-Zoo - Havnstrup Zoo)
(zoo) Kept totally 2 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births2 relocated0 deathsVidebæk
Knuthenborg Park & Safari
(zoo) Kept totally 9 elephants
, 4 present (0,4) 0 births4 relocated1 deathsMaribo
Odense Zoo (Odense Dyrehave)
(zoo) Kept totally 11 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births8 relocated3 deathsOdense C
Schumann Brothers Circus
(circus) Kept totally 0 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births0 relocated0 deathsCopenhagen
Vejle Zoo (Himmelpind)
(zoo) Kept totally 4 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births4 relocated0 deathsVejle
Zoo-Forss (Ingemar Forss)
(dealer) Kept totally 8 elephants
, 0 present (0,0) 0 births8 relocated0 deathsCopenhagen

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