Deceased elephants at Barnum & Bailey Circus in United States

This database list 13 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♂ EM Pilot (Pilate) Born: Dead:1918-10-27 (16 years after arrival), 1902-00-00 Barnum and Baileys circus European tour
2+ ♂ LA Mike Born: wild Dead:1907-12-19, accident burned to death1907-00-00 Forepaugh-Sells Show1875-1877?
3+ ♀ EM Columbia (Young America) SSP id: 3 27Born: captive-born 1880-03-10
Mandarin x Hebe (Babe)
Dead:1907-11-08 (26 years after arrival), euthanised strangulated, because of aggressiveness
1881-00-00 Cooper and Bailey Circus
4+ ♀ EM Gracie 27Born: wild Dead:1887-11-21, accident Died the day after the fire at Bridgeport , CT. winter quarters
5+ ♀ EM Alice 27Born: wild Dead:1887-11-20 (6 years after arrival), accident fire at Bridgeport , CT. winter quarters1881-00-00 Cooper and Bailey Circus
6+ ♀ EM Jess 27Born: wild Dead:1887-11-20, accident in fire at Bridgeport , CT. winter quarters
7+ ♂ EM Big Samson 27Born: wild Dead:1887-11-20, accident fire at Bridgeport , CT. winter quarters
8+ ♂ LA Jumbo SSP id: 301 24Born: wild 1861 Dead:1885-09-15 (3 years after arrival), accident crushed by a locomotive at train station in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada1882-04-09 London Zoo1861
9+ ♂ EM Pilate 24Born: Dead:1883-04-05 (6 years after arrival), euthanised Execution by Gunshot1877-00-00 William Cross Zoological Establishment1877
10+ ♀ LA Alice 24Born: wild Dead:, unknown 1886-00-00 London Zoo1865?
11+ ♂ EM Tom Lockhart 24Born: wild Dead:, unknown 1903-00-00 Ringling Bros. Circus
12+ ♀ EM Barnes Big Ruth SSP id: 703 24Born: wild 1896 Dead:, unknown 1908-00-00 Forepaugh-Sells Show
13+ ♀ EM 4-Paw Babe 24Born: wild Dead:, unknown Forepaugh-Sells Show

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Barnum & Bailey Circus

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Barnum & Bailey Circus in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2016-12-19 Tom Lockhart:• Page 46, Elefanten in Zoo und Circus, Dokumentation 2 Nordamerika, 1997, by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
2016-01-05 Barnes Big Ruth:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2014-02-03 Jumbo:• Richard Reynolds, Buckles Blog at
•  Paul Chambers, Jumbo: The Greatest Elephant in the World</a>, Steerforth, 224 pp. at
2012-10-31 4-Paw Babe:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2012-10-31 Pilot (Pilate):• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2012-08-28 Pilate:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
•  NY Times April 6, 1883
2012-04-11 Mike:• White Tops, June 1931, page 6
• Page 20, 50, Elefanten in Zoo und Circus, Dokumentation 2 Nordamerika, 1997, by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2010-11-16 Columbia (Young America):• W. Henry Sheak, The Elephant in Captivity, Natural History, September-October 1922
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2010-04-25 Big Samson:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2010-02-28 Alice:• Wild animals in captivity, by A. D. Bartlett. Available online at
2008-08-25 Gracie:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2008-08-25 Jess:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants
2008-01-04 Alice:• 
Bob Cline, Cheraw, South Carolina, United States. Autor of the book Americas elephants

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