Deceased elephants at Hogle Zoo (Salt City Zoo) in United States

This database list 9 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Hydari (Dari, Hi-Dari) SSP id: 33 55Born: wild 1960 Dead:2015-08-08 (48 years after arrival), euthanised old age1967-06-20 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)
2+ ♀ LA Misha SSP id: 389 27Born: wild 1981 Dead:2008-09-09 (3 years after arrival), euthanised because of declining health2005-04-22 Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Six Flags Marine World)
3+ ♀ LA Wankie (Wanki) SSP id: 73 36Born: wild 1969 Dead:2005-05-01, euthanised because of prolonged recumbency. Autopsy showed mycobacteriosis caused by Mycobacterium szulgai2005-05-01 Lincoln Park Zoo
4+ ♀ EM Kali SSP id: 242 59Born: wild 1945 Dead:2004-03-08 (50 years after arrival), unknown 1954-07-10
5+ ♀ EM Toka SSP id: 243 37Born: wild 1964 Dead:2001-03-05 (25 years after arrival), unknown 1976-05-10 International Animal Exchange (Ferndale)1966
6+ ♀ EM Toni SSP id: 244 22Born: wild 1972 Dead:1994-04-21, disease digestive abnormality1994-04-21 Catskill Game Farm
7+ ♀ LA Twiggy SSP id: 377 12Born: wild 1976 Dead:1988-03-31 (8 years after arrival), unknown 1980-06-02 J. C. Schulz Inc.
8+ ♀ EM Princess Alice SSP id: 8 69Born: wild 1884 Dead:1953-03-30 (37 years after arrival), unknown 1916-08-25 Sells-Floto Circus
9+ ♂ EM Prince Utah SSP id: 14 < 1 69Born: captive-born 1918-04-29
Snyder x Princess Alice
Dead:1919-03-15, disease heart problem

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Hogle Zoo (Salt City Zoo)

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Hogle Zoo (Salt City Zoo) in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-05-16 Princess Alice:•
•  Page 125 Elefanten in Zoo und Circus, Dokumentation 2 Nordamerika, 1997, by European Elephant Group: Haufellner, Schilfarth, Schweiger
2016-01-21 Hydari (Dari, Hi-Dari):• Hogle Zoos Hydari the elephant turns 48
2012-05-24 Misha:• Misha the elephant dies at Hogle Zoo
2010-12-31 Toni:• "Table 4: Captive Elephants 1988-1999 and Additions to 1980-1988 Records," Elephant, The Publication of the Elephant Research Foundation, Vol 2 No 4, January 2000. p 65-71
2009-01-01 Wankie (Wanki):• Abstract Autopsy
•  Elephant Had Lung Problem
2007-12-26 Prince Utah:• 
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling

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