Output is a living Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Knysna forest, in South Africa.
Output arrived to the Knysna forest unknown date,
Output was born wild at Africa unspecified location.
2019-02-19: Research conducted by SANParks scientists confirmed the presence of the female elephant still calling the forest its home, the wildlife Conservation Group said in a statement last week. SANParks spokesperson Nandi Mgwadlamba told News24 that it has become evident that there is only one elephant left, named Oupoot (Bigfoot), after the legendary animal character in Dalene Matthee's seminal novel, Circles in a Forest. According to Lizette Moolman, the SANParks scientist who led the survey, the Knysna elephant is of the same subspecies as all the other elephant populations in South Africa. She is about 45 years old and moves in the indigenous forest and fynbos areas on SANParks and neighbouring private land," said Moolman. Her reproductive status is uncertain.
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