Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Yerevan Zoo in Armenia

dead elephant ☨ ♀ Candy  dead elephant

Alternative name: Masha, Marta


EEP nr9502


Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Female ♀ 13 years old

People killed:1: crushed trainer Alexander Terekhov in elephant stable at Durovs Little Corner theater, Moscow
Born:* 1995-03-02 captive-born
Birth place: in Kaliningrad Zoo

Parents: Jimmi (Jimmy) x ♀ Pregolja
Dead: 2008-09-12
Death reason: unknown:
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Yerevan Zoo , in Armenia

Date of arrival

2007-12-01Yerevan Zoo
from Circus Durov (Animal Theater V.L. Durov Nook)

1995-11-18Circus Durov (Animal Theater V.L. Durov Nook)
from Kaliningrad Zoo

Record history
History of updates2020-10-08

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24
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† Candy is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 2008-09-12 at Yerevan Zoo , in Armenia, .


Candy was born captive-born 1995-03-02 at Kaliningrad Zoo.


Parents of Candy are: ♂ Jimmi (Jimmy) (father) and ♀ Pregolja (mother).

Siblings through the father Jimmi (Jimmy):

  1. 1968-03-30 -- † 1968-03-30 (M) stillborn or killed?
  2. 1970-10-12(F) Pregolja
  3. 1975 -- † 1975? () stillborn?
  4. 1980-02-20 -- † 1980-04-00 (M) unknown
  5. 1982-08-29 -- † 1982-08-29 (F) killed
  6. 1985-03-11 -- † 1985-03-12 (F) killed
  7. 1987-11-20 -- † 1987-11-21 (F) killed

Siblings through the mother Pregolja:

  1. 1980-02-20 - † 1980-04-00 (M) unknown
  2. 1982-08-29 - † 1982-08-29 (F) killed
  3. 1985-03-11 - † 1985-03-12 (F) killed
  4. 1987-11-20 - † 1987-11-21 (F) killed


Candys ancestral Pedigree:


Sire (f):
Jimmi (Jimmy)

Born: 1941

Sire ff:

Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:

Born: 1970-10-12

Sire mf:
Jimmi (Jimmy)

Born: 1941
Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:
Shanda (Shandra)

Born: 1953
Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Comments / pictures

Records about Candy from EEPEuropean Studbook for Asian elephants state following records for the asian elephant Candy:

9502 F 2 Mar 1995 6401 7009 KALININGR 2 Mar 1995 TA0101 Birth CANDY/KEND
MOSCOW Z 29 Apr 2000 NONE Transfer
EREVAN 1 Dec 2007 NONE Transfer
~12 Sep 2008 Death

Source: EEP studbook for Asian elephants online

Contradictory records:

According to EEG newsletter nr 19 she died February 2nd 2011 at Circus Durov,
which indicates that they are 2 different elephants.

February 23, 2001: Russian Circus elephant Crushes Trainer to Death - An elephant crushed its trainer to death after a performance at a Moscow theater, employees say. Two employees at Durov's Little Corner, a small animal theater named after a famous family of circus performers, said trainer Alexander Terekhov had been crushed to death in the elephant's pen after the evening performance. "We're still investigating the incident," one of the employees, who did not give his name, told Reuters Thursday. Interfax news agency said ambulance workers confirmed the incident.

Marta's father is also her grandfather, she was the fourth calf her father sired with his daughter Pregolia.
Moscow Zoo got ownership of Marta at 23 April 2000, according to EEP studbook 2005.
In 2007, the Yerevan Zoo hosted a "wedding ceremony" for the arrival of Candy from Moscow's Animal Theatre to the Armenian zoo's single male elephant. A new facility was built for the two elephants at this time as well. Attempts were made by the zoo for several years to bring a mate for the Grand, but deaths of the intended transfers and animal rights protests prevented any transactions.

Candy on

Candy is mentioned on Elephant News:

Articles where Candy is mentioned on
DateLinks which opens in new window
2007-12-14 The bride from the north: armenia’s bachelor elephant gets a wife from russia - Elephant News
2007-12-16 Two elephants marry in armenia - Elephant News
2009-04-03 Grand elephant is still alone - Elephant News

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). Candy, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Yerevan Zoo in Armenia. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 8 February 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories2008 deaths | 1995 births | With Pedigree | Elephants from Yerevan Zoo | Armenia | Mankillers | Asian elephants

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