† Jezebel (wild) is a dead Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), , who died >1993-11-20 at Amboseli National Park, in Kenya, .
Jezebel (wild) was born wild ~1935 at Amboseli National Park.
1974: My colleague Harvey Croze and I first met Jezebel and her family on February 24, 1974. 1975: One handsome male was given the number M5. We pasted his picture in the male recognition file. It wasn't until sometime in 1975 that I noticed that this "male" was Jezebel, with her large Tusks Jezebel looked like a bull. 1975:On October 10, 1975 I noted that Jezebel's calf was missing. 1976:Jezebel had managed to carry a calf to term during the terrible 1976 drought 1982:In February 1982 Jezebel gave birth to a male, after a fairly long calving interval of over five years. 1993: After searching for her by plane, her carcass was found on December 3rd in the centre of her home range. All the evidence indicated that she had died of natural causes.
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