Ella (wild)
African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) at
Selenkay Conservancy in Kenya

dead elephant ☨ ♀ Ella (wild)  dead elephant


AERP family idEB family


Species:African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana)
Sex and age:Female ♀ maybe about 56 years old (estimated age)
Born:* 1965? wild
Birth place: in Amboseli National Park

Parents: x ♀ noname (wild, mother of Echo, Emily and Ella)
Dead: 2021-08-19
Death location: Selenkay Conservancy Selenkay Conservancy
Death reason: poached: killed with spears
Total: 9 babies

1. Born 1978-12-00 Eric (wild)

2. Born 1982 Ewan (wild)

3. Born 1987 Emma (wild)

4. Born 1990-12-00 Esau (wild)

5. Born 1995 Elettra

6. Born 1999 Emmet

7. Born 2003 unknown (wild)

8. Born 2020 unknown

9. Born >2011 unknown (wild)
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Selenkay Conservancy, in Kenya

Date of arrival

Selenkay Conservancy
from Amboseli National Park

Record history
History of updates2021-08-20

Latest document update2021-08-19 17:10:50
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† Ella (wild) is a dead Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), , who died 2021-08-19 at Selenkay Conservancy, in Kenya, . Official death reason described as killed with spears.


  1. (M) 1978-12-00 Eric (wild)
  2. (M) 1982 Ewan (wild)
  3. (F) 1987 Emma (wild)
  4. (M) 1990-12-00 Esau (wild)
  5. (F) 1995 Elettra
  6. (M) 1999 Emmet
  7. (M) 2003 unknown (wild)
  8. (M) 2020 unknown
  9. (M) >2011 unknown (wild)


Ella (wild) was born wild 1965? at Amboseli National Park.


Parents of Ella (wild) are: ♂ (father) and ♀ noname (wild, mother of Echo, Emily and Ella) (mother).

Siblings through the mother noname (wild, mother of Echo, Emily and Ella):

  1. 1945? - † 2009-05-00 (F) Echo (wild)
  2. ~1950 - † 1989-09-08? (F) Emily (wild)


Ella (wild)s ancestral Pedigree:

Ella (wild)

Sire (f):


Sire ff:

Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:
noname (wild, mother of Echo, Emily and Ella)


Sire mf:

Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:

Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Comments / pictures

"Ella is the current second oldest female in the family and was born about
1965. She is four years older than Echo’s oldest known calf Erin, and it was at first not known whether she was Echo’s sister or daughter. It has since been proved through DNA that she is Echo’s sister. She had her first calf at age 12, a male named Eric. Her next son Ewan was born in 1982. Emma, Ella’s first daughter was born in 1987. Three years later, during a drought in 1990, Esau, another son, was born. In 1995, Elettra, a second daughter, was born. Emmet, a fourth son, was born in 1999. Her latest calf, a male, was born in early 2003. "

2011: "(Many years later when we did DNA analyses of the population it was revealed that Echo and Ella were most likely sisters.)"

2012: "Echo's family, the EBs, have had seven new calves since November. Ebony, Eliot, Enid, Ella, Elettra, Echeri, and Eleanor have given birth to six males and one female. Eliot has the female, but this calf more than holds her own with her male cousins."


Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). Ella (wild), African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) located at Selenkay Conservancy in Kenya. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 28 January 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=11876. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories2021 deaths | 1965 births | With Pedigree | Breeding cows | Elephants from Selenkay Conservancy | Kenya | African savanna elephants

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