Elephant books authors

Varje fästisbok innehåller fler än 60 fina fästisar i färg, samt lättsamma faktatexter. Fästisarna består av tydligt fotograferade eller illustrerade djur, maskiner, nallar, bilar eller vad nu...More info?

8777412648 Boken ingår i serien Det bästa från NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC och innehåller 100 fotografier i världsklass hämtade ur National Geographics arkiv. Följ med på en resa från pol till pol och upptäck ...More info?

9146202269 Skansen består av mer än björngrottor och allsångsprogram i TV. Skansen är ett Sverige i miniatyr, från Samevistet i norr till Skånegården i söder, men också en fantastisk park, en mängd t...More info?

Ajay Desai On behalf of the Bombay Nature History Museum, Ajay Desai started to study asian elephants behaviour and ecology at Mudumalai in south India in the 80´s. A task as much difficult as dangerous. ...More info?

Anna Roos More info?

Archibald Superintendent of D Campbell More info?

Barbara Taylor "Faktabok med vederhäftiga och intressanta texter, en utmärkt layout och rikligt illustrerad med mycket bra fotografier och en del kompletterande teckningar. Tätt efter husdjuren nämns ofta elefan...More info?

Barbara Taylor and Dr Lister Adrian Elephants are the gentle giants that inhabit the continents of Africa and Asia. This fascinating guide with over 180 stunning color photographs of these amazing, intelligent creatures offers insight i...More info?

Blair A. Csuti, Eva Lee Sargent, Ursula S. Bechert Based on the presentations given at the First North American Conference on Elephant Foot Care and Pathology, held in Beaverton, Oregon, March 19-21, 1998. The conclusions and recommendations of the co...More info?

C Sloan More info?

Caitlin O'Connell Naturalist O'Connell's memoir of her 14 years researching the complexities of elephant behavior is a successful combination of science and soulfulness, explaining her groundbreaking theory of how elep...More info?

Carl Linnaeus Systema naturae: sive regna tria naturae systematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera, & species, is one of the major works of the Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician Carl Linnaeus (1707...More info?

Carl Zimmer Schauderhaftes Buch, das, meint Monika Offenberger. Doch in diesem Fall ist das zweifelsohne als Lob gemeint. Was könnte schließlich Besseres über ein Buch gesagt werden, das alles daransetzt, dem ...More info?

Carol Buckley Tarra, an Asian elephant raised in captivity, is the subject of this tender photo-essay by Tarra's elephant-advocate owner. College student Buckley's courses in the care of exotic animals sprang to li...More info?

Carola Preuß 1 Audio-CD mit 28 BildkartenMore info?

Charles Edwin Price There is no doubt that in 1916 a five-ton circus elephant was lynched from a 100-ton Clinchfield railroad crane car in the little town of Erwin, Tennessee. The details of the execution and the tragic ...More info?

Charles Santiapillai, Peter Jackson, Iucn, Ssc Asian Elephant Specialist Group The Asian elephant is unique, being the only species of wild animal that, after a few months of teaching by man, behaves towards him with patience and understanding. This touching relationship between...More info?

Chris Lavers "Warum hat der Elefant einen so langen Rüssel?", fragen Kinder im Zoo. "Weil er sonst keine Chance hätte, mit dem Kopf den Boden zu erreichen", antwortet der britische Ökologe und Hochschuldozent C...More info?

Christopher Nicholson England, 1766: After a long voyage from the East Indies, a ship docks in Bristol, England, and rumor quickly spreads about its unusual cargo. In the final two crates is a pair of young elephants, in p...More info?

Clare Hodgson Meeker, Linda Feltner, Woodland Park Zoo Gray, fuzzy, a little wrinkled, and waving around one helluva snout, Hansa the baby elephant was born at Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle -- and is now a star! Hansa, which means “supreme happiness” i...More info?

Cynthia Moss 18 Monate lang zogen Cynthia Moss und Martyn Colbeck durch den riesigen Amboseli-Nationalpark in Kenia, um eine Elefantenherde zu beobachten. Sie wurden Zeuge von Geburt und Tod, Werbung und Paarung, ...More info?

D. Mariappa One of the few books that shows the anatomy of elephants. Dr Mariappa is a well known Indian veterinary who gives an insight into the asian elephant in this book.More info?

Daryl Balfour, Sharna Balfour, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, John Hanks, Daphne Sheldrick In this stunning showcase, photographers Daryl and Sharna Balfour present a celebration of the most magnificent awe-inspiring land animal on earth. This incredible collection of over 200 photographs, ...More info?

Dick Bruna More info?

Dick George The story of an elephant named Ruby and her life at the Phoenix Zoo, where she creates paintings (with a brush on canvas) that are displayed around the country. An introductory section describes her a...More info?

Dirk Petzold u Silke Sorge Dieser umfassende Reisebegleiter zu den vielfältigen zoologischen Einrichtungen des deutschen Sprachraums stellt neben den großen, bekannten Parks auch die vielen kleineren, oft noch als Geheimtipp ...More info?

Discovery Channel On a seemingly ordinary day in November, 2001, something amazing happens at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C.  Baby Kandula is born. His birth marks a rare success and huge scientific ...More info?

Douglas H. Chadwick It's no longer news that animals are being driven to extinction at an astonishing rate, with some scientists now estimating that 1,000 species disappear each year. What is news is that the species are...More info?

EEG: Alexander Haufellner, Fred Kurt, Jürgen Schilfarth, Georg Schweiger Die vorliegende Dokumentation wurde in den einzelnen Bereichen - Elefantenzucht Elefantenbestände, Haltungskonzeptionen in Zoo und Zirkus - in den letzten 10 Jahren erarbeitet. Erfahrungswerte, Mein...More info?

Eric Scigliano For millennia, people all over the world have revered, adored, and exploited elephants. In Thailand, a pregnant woman ducks under an elephant's belly in hopes of having an easy delivery; a tycoon buil...More info?

Franco Knie Franco Knie, owner of Circus Knie has written a book about the elephants on the circus during 100 yearsMore info?

Fred Kurt More info?

George Washington Lewis "Slim" Lewis loved the "bad boys" of the zoo and circus: the elephants that no one else could handle, the most dangerous and unpredicatable creatures in captivity. Elephants are uncanny animals, somet...More info?

Gerry Ellis Wild Orphans tells the emotional tale of eight baby elephants living in the nursery of the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Orphanage at the Nairobi National Park in Kenya, East Africa. It chronicles th...More info?

Griffith H. Evans More info?

Gunther Gebel-Williams Having dazzled American circus audiences for 20 years, Gebel-Williams attributes his success as an animal trainer to patience and respect--his for the animals and theirs for him. He grew up in WW II G...More info?

Gösta Kruse Swedish elephant trainer Gösta Kruse tells about his long life working with elephants on circuses in Europe.More info?

Hans H. Sambraus More info?

Heinz-Georg Klös More info?

Henning Wiesner Wer schon einmal im Münchner Tierpark Hellabrunn war, kennt die Schautafeln, vor denen mittlerweile fast ebenso viele Menschen stehen wie vor den Tiergehegen. Diese Tafeln, die so ganz anders sind al...More info?

Hugh Schmitt Hugh Schmitt was born in Hamburg, Germany on February 26, 1938, growing up under the dictatorship of Adolph Hitler and a war torn country. Running to bomb shelters, losing a house and possessions to b...More info?

Iain Macdonald Cleopatra is an elephant and matriarch. The journey is her endeavour to keep her precious family alive against enormous odds. All the events contained in this book take place between 1966 and 1994...More info?

Ian Redmond Biologist Ian Redmond pays tribute to the pachyderm in The Elephant Book, with breathtaking photos of the African landscape. Divided into sections such as "The Architect of Africa," "Trunks and Tusks"...More info?

Ian Redmond, Dave King Discover the world of elephants -- their natural history, behavior and how humans have changed their lives. Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the fascinating world of elephants. Superb ...More info?

Ingrid Bergman More info?

Jan af Burén Hur ser djur ut i konsten? I boken Från svans till snabel kan du se på många olika djur. Här finns både vilda djuroch djur som människor har hemma. Du får läsa om hur konstnärer förr och ...More info?

Jan Töve Följ med till en av världens största nationalparker! Vi möter elefanter, giraffer, bufflar, noshörningar, lejon och många andra djur i sin naturliga miljö. Två svenska naturfotografer berätta...More info?

Jane Goodall More info?

Janie Chodosh Early on a January morning in 2015, a young bull elephant touched a sagging electric line in the Paneri Tea Plantation in the Udalgari District of Assam, India. The elephant’s soft-padded feet condu...More info?

Jayantha Jayewardene Jayantha Jayewardene is the Managing Trustee of the The Biodiversity & Elephant Conservation Trust (BECT), a trust registered for the express purpose of conserving Sri Lanka’s biodiversity, and espe...More info?

Jeff Sypeck Sypeck affectionately peers behind the legends surrounding Charlemagne and magnificently chronicles four significant years in the emperor's life. From 796 to 800, Charlemagne, the king of the Franks, ...More info?

Jeheskel Shoshani, Pascal Tassy Though only two elephant species remain alive today, the Proboscidea were one of the great mammalian orders of the Cenozoic. Their success through the ages is reflected by their morphological and taxo...More info?

John W. Fox, Calvin B. Smith, Kenneth T. Wilkins More info?

Joseph Tal The legacy and legend surrounding Carthaginian general Hannibal are brought to life in this historical account of how his mythical military prowess nearly collapsed the Roman empire. Anecdotes and wri...More info?

Julia Drosten Ceylon, 1803. In the royal city of Kandy, a daughter is born to the king’s elephant keeper—an esteemed position in the court reserved only for males. To ensure the line of succession, Phera’s pa...More info?

Jutta Kirchner Die beiden Elefantenkinder Mongu und Abu vom Tiergarten Schönbrunn stellen ihre Elefantenfamilie vor. Viele schöne bilder und Seiten zum Malen.More info?

Karl Gröning, Martin Saller Klappentext Der Elefant mit einer über 50 Millionen Jahre zurückreichender Ahnenreihe steht seit 1989 auf der Liste der vom Aussterben bedrohten Arten. Dieses Buch ist dem bedrängten Reisen gewidm...More info?

Karl Kock Der ehemalige Elefantenchef in Hagenbecks Tierpark erzählen über seine lebend mit die graue Riesen.More info?

Karolin Willems More info?

Katy Payne More info?

Keith Lindsay This report comes one year after the death of Hanako, the solitary elephant at Inokashira Park Zoo, who died in May 2016. It is intended to survey and document the living conditions of many of the ele...More info?

Klaus-Dieter Kürschner More info?

Komar & Melamid, David Eggers For centuries elephants in Thailand have been revered as a national symbol, worshiped as living gods and employed as beasts of burden in the nation's thriving timber industry. But when logging was ban...More info?

Kris Hirschmann Elephants are not always gentle giants. They are dangerous animals that sometimes attack - and kill - humans. In the wild, they attack when people get too close; in captivity, they attack because they...More info?

Lasse Ekholm Turister från hela världen kommer till Zambia för att titta på vilda djur. Här finns elefanter, lejon, leoperder, bufflar och zebror. Här lever också människor. Många har svårt att hitta mat...More info?

Les Standiford In Battle for the Big Top, New York Times–bestselling author Les Standiford brings to life a remarkable era when three circus kings—James Bailey, P. T. Barnum, and John Ringling—all vied for con...More info?

Lyall Watson A scientific safari and personal memoir celebrating the enigmatic dignity of the world's largest land animal. As a child in South Africa, spending summers exploring the wild with his boyhood friends...More info?

M. J. Cosson More info?

Marika Stolpe More info?

Mark Shand Nur ein exzentrischer Engländer kommt wohl auf die romantische Idee, Indien auf dem Rücken eines Elefanten zu erkunden. Mark Shand setzte seinen Traum in die Realität um, und verlor weder durch die...More info?

Melissa Crandall When Roger Henneous first dons his keeper uniform and sets foot in the Oregon Zoo, he doesn't know what to expect. Over Roger's thirty-year career, he discovers the joys, pains, and dangers of life in...More info?

Michael Schmidt Jumbo Ghosts is about both the ancient and mysterious bond we have with elephants, and why/how we've broken that bond in our modern zoos. Jumbo Ghosts is divided into three sections. Each chapter beg...More info?

Murray Fowler and Susan Mikota Elephants are possibly the most well-known members of the animal kingdom. The enormous size, unusual anatomy, and longevity of elephants have fascinated humans for millenia. Biology, Medicine, and Sur...More info?

Nigel Rothfels From prehistoric cave drawings in Europe and ancient rock art in Africa and India to burning pyres of confiscated tusks, our thoughts about elephants tell a story of human history. In Elephant Trails,...More info?

P. T. Barnum The Fascinating First Hand Account Of Barnum's Big Game Hunting And His Bring Them Back Alive Exploits. More info?

Paul Chambers British author Chambers (A Sheltered Life: The Unexpected History of the Tortoise) tells the colorful story of a magnificent animal. Captured in Africa in 1862, the young elephant, later called Jumbo,...More info?

Per Arne Wåhlberg More info?

Per Jensen Hur hittar flyttfåglarna hem igen? Varför bygger grisar bo om de får möjlighet? Här handlar det framför allt om våra vanliga husdjurs naturliga beteenden och betydelsen av relationen mellan mä...More info?

Pierre Hachet-Souplet Die Tierdressur ist seit langer Zeit ein fester Bestandteil jeder Zirkusvorstellung. Aber schon aus dem antiken Athen ist uns die Pferdedressur überliefert. Bis in die frühe Neuzeit hinein basierte ...More info?

Ralph Helfer Modoc världens bästa elefant är en bok om relationen mellan människa och djur eller kanske en bok om hur våran relation till Jorden och dess arter borde vara. Modoc är en väldigt gripande bok s...More info?

Raman Sukumar The Living Elephants is the authoritative resource for information on both Asian and African elephants. From the ancient origins of the proboscideans to the present-day crisis of the living elephants,...More info?

Raphael Ben-Shahar More info?

Reiner Kaltenegger More info?

Reinhard Künkel Elefanten aus nächster Nähe zeigt Reinhard Künkel - von lustvollen Bädern in Staub, Schlamm und Wasser bis zu Kinderpflege und Rivalenkämpfen. zusammen mit dem informativen, spannenden Text entst...More info?

Rita Hau, Eberhard Kulf Wenn man die "vollständige Neubearbeitung" eines längst eingeführten und über Jahrzehnte bewährten Wörterbuchs einer alten Sprache vorgelegt bekommt, erwartet man sich sicher eines: die Verbesse...More info?

Rita Ringis This beautifully illustrated book surveys a wide range of elephant lore in Thailand, past and present. It looks at the religious, artistic, and literary background to Thai attitudes toward the elephan...More info?

Robert Pies-Schulz-Hofen Das ausbildungsbegleitende Lehrbuch liefert neben den Grundkenntnissen zur Ethologie, Okologie, Evolution, Tiergeographie, Anatomie, Morphologie und Physiologie Einblicke auf aktuellstem Wissensstand,...More info?

Ruedi Tanner Der mehrjahrige Elefantenpfleger von Zuerich, Ruedi Tanner schriebt über die riesen und sein lebend in das beruf.More info?

S. K. Eltringham, David Ward Smithmark Publishers - NY - 1991, 1997 Salamander Books Ltd. - LondonMore info?

Sara Gruen Life is good for Jacob Jankowski. He's about to graduate from veterinary school and about to bed the girl of his dreams. Then his parents are killed in a car crash, leaving him in the middle of the Gr...More info?

Shana Alexander Sie reiste durch die ganze Welt um jene Menschen zu befragen, die für das Überleben dieser großen, faszinierenden Tiere kämpfen. "Der Elefant ist in seiner Existenz bedroht. Wenn wir es zulassen, ...More info?

Sharon Pincott In 2001, Sharon Pincott traded her privileged life as a high-flying corporate executive to start a new one with the Presidential Elephants of Zimbabwe. She was unpaid, untrained, self-funded and arriv...More info?

Siegrid Hirsch
Geli Mayr
More info?

Silvio A. Bedini In early 16th century Rome, at the height of the Italian Renaissance, when artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo thrived in the Holy City, the decadent court of Pope Leo X was a place wh...More info?

Sir Tennent, James Emerson "During my residence in Ceylon, I had on two occasions opportunities of witnessing the operation on a grand scale, of capturing wild elephants, intended to be trained for the Government service in the...More info?

Staffan Ulfstrand I sin nya bok skildrar Staffan Ulfstrand ett urval fascinerande djurarter med hemortsrätt på de afrikanska savannerna – från elefant till markatta och från lejon till schakal. Nya forskningsrön...More info?

Steve Bloom More info?

Søren Nancke-Krogh I fem essays trækkes cirkusets kulturhistoriske linier fra de oprindelige shamanistiske kulturer til i dag. Om cirkusteltet, artisterne og om dyrene og dressuren, især domptøren Camillos arbejde ...More info?

Tarquin Hall Eine Liebeserklärung an die Dickhäuter Indiens! Ein Arbeitselefant im Nordosten Indiens wird von seinem Besitzer grausam gequält, bricht aus und tötet auf seiner Flucht Dutzende von Menschen. De...More info?

Theodor B. Pagel, Brian Batstone Elefanten sind die größten Landtiere unseres Planeten, und mit ihnen verbindet den Menschen eine jahrhundertelange Tradition der Elefantenhaltung. Doch durch illegale Jagd und Lebensraumschwund steh...More info?

Vitus B. Dröscher Elefanten sind kraftvoll und intelligent, sensibel, zärtlich und friedlich. Dröscher plädiert für die Erhaltung ihres Lebensraumes. More info?

Yukio Tsuchiya A zookeeper narrates the story of how there came to be graves at the zoo: when Tokyo was showered with bombs during the bleak days of World War II, the authorities feared that if the zoo were destroye...More info?

Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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Kulen Elephant Forest