George Foottit Jr.

From the list of elephant persons Family: George Foottit

George Foottit Jr.
George  George Foottit

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Personal details
Country United Kingdom

Title artist -
Location at Foottit Circus in United Kingdom

Biography details

George George Foottit Jr., circus artist in United Kingdom

Born 1864 in United Kingdom dead 1921 in France , son of artist George Foottit Sr. and artist Sarah Foottit .

George Foottit (1864 –1921) was an English clown who found fame on the Paris circus scene. He is famous for being part of the clown duo "Foottit and Chocolat". He was born in Manchester, England on April 24, 1864 and his parents were George Foottit and Sarah Crockett, both circus performers. He began his career at the age of twelve.

George Foottit, Jr. debuted in the ring at age three as a miniature version of his father’s clown character, and learned under him his acrobatic repertoire. He was eight years old in 1872 when his parents sent him to Arnold College, near Nottingham, to improve upon the rudimentary education he had received so far at the circus from a musician, who also taught him music. George’s academic schooling didn’t last long: When George, Sr. died two years later of liver Cirrhosis, young George’s mother, Sarah (née Crockett), perhaps sensing that her son was now out of harm’s way, pulled him out of school.

Sarah Foottit remarried one year later with a more sober husband, the equestrian Thomas Batty, who took over the management of the circus. Young Foottit learned horseback riding with his stepfather, and quickly became a capable equestrian—as well as a fine acrobat and wire-walker. Sarah was related to the Sangers, and George was sent to his uncle, the legendary “Lord” George Sanger, whose establishment was by far the United Kingdom’s premier and largest traveling circus. Sanger’s stables were particularly rich, and young Foottit furthered his equestrian education in his uncle’s circus. In 1882, at age eighteen, he left the family cocoon and began a career of his own as an acrobat on horseback.
Dominique Jando, Circopedia

He went into exile in France where he quickly established himself as a clown.

In 1895, the clown duo, Foottit & Chocolat (Rafael Padilla) was formed. The two played together for twenty years.

After retiring, he ran a bar and restaurant near the Rond Point des Champs-Élysées. He died from Cancer in Paris on 21 September 1921

George Foottit Jr. s ancestral Ahnentafel:


George Foottit Jr.
Born: 1864

George Foottit

Born: ?

Paternal Grandfather:

Paternal Great-grandfather:
Paternal Great-grandmother:
Paternal Grandmother:

Paternal Great-grandfather::
Paternal Great-grandmother:

Sarah Crockett

Born: ?

Maternal Grandfather:
James Crockett

Born: ?
Maternal Great-grandfather:
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Maternal Grandmother:
Sara Sanger

Born: ?
Maternal Great-grandfather:
James Sanger
Maternal Great-grandmother:
Sarah Elliott

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). artist George George Foottit Jr. in United Kingdom. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 3 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about George Foottit Jr.

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Categories artist | circus | Foottit Circus | George Foottit family | Born 1864 | Dead 1921 | People from United Kingdom

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