Paul Busch Sr.

From the list of elephant persons Family: Busch

Paul Busch Sr.
Paul  Busch

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Personal details
Country Germany

Title owner 1884-1927
Location at Circus Busch (Paul Busch) in Germany

Biography details

Paul Vinzenz Theodor Busch Sr., circus director in Germany

Born 1850 in Germany dead 1927 in Germany .

1850: Paul Busch Sr. was born as Paul Vinzenz Theodor Busch, son to a winehandler in Berlin. After military service he bought some horses and started to tour with circuses. During a show in Odessa he met "Miss Constanze" (Constanze Busch ) who he married.
1884-06-29: Paul Busch founded hos own circus in Svendborg.
1886: Paula Busch was born.
1891: Busch established a circus building in Hamburg-Altona.
1892: Busch rebuild a Panoramabuilding into a circus im Wiener Prater.
1895: Busch established a circus building at Berliner Bahnhof Börse in Berlin, with over 4 300 seats.
1902: Busch bought the Circus Renz building in Hamburg.
1903: Busch bought a circus building in Breslau.
1911: Paula Busch married Dr. Alois Uhl, and had a daughter with him, Micaela.
1924: Paula Busch divorced Alois Uhl.
1927: Paul Busch died, and his daughter Paula Busch became director.


Total: 1 children

  1. Paula Busch. Born: 1886.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Paul Vinzenz Theodor Busch Sr. in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 3 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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Categories director | circus | Circus Busch (Paul Busch) | Busch family | Born 1850 | Dead 1927 | People from Germany

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