Janice Lennon

From the list of elephant persons Family: Lennon

Janice Lennon
Janice  Lennon

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Personal details

Spouse(s) 1982 Victor West

Spouse(s) Lindsay Lennon

Country Australia

Title owner 1993-
Location at Stardust Circus in Australia

Title owner
Location at Lennon Brothers Circus in Australia

Biography details

Janice Lennon , circus director in Australia


Jan grew up in suburban Sydney and was 15 when she met her first husband Victor West. She says she was "swept up into the circus world" and started learning trapeze. They started the West Family Circus in 1969 and performed at shopping centers and schools.

Victor West died 25 years ago when his youngest children, the twins Yelena and Gene were babies. Jan says she had known Lindsay for years from the circus business, and his wife had died too. The two of them ended up together "very naturally" and it all felt right.

Janice Lennon and husband Lindsay Lennon own both of Australia’s animal circuses: Lennon Bros and Stardust.

2007: Arna crushed her handler Ray Williams, 57, to death at Yamba on the state’s north coast on December 27, 2007. Stardust Circus, the last remaining exotic animal circus in Australia, made the “heartbreaking” decision to retire both her and their other elephant Gigi to Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo the next day. Speaking to an inquiry into the exhibition of exotic animals in circuses and the exhibition of cetaceans (marine animals) in NSW, owner Janice Lennon said she regretted sending the elephant away. “Had we known the outcome, we would never have done that,” she said.


Total: 6 children

  1. Born: . Warren Lennon
  2. Born: . Scott Lennon
  3. Born: . Shane Lennon
  4. Born: . Dead: † 1982 Yelena West
  5. Born: . Dead: † 1982 Gene West
  6. Born: 1961. Geoffrey Lennon

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Janice Lennon in Australia. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 3 May 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/person.php?id=1415. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Geoffrey Lennon

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Categories director | circus | Stardust Circus | Lennon family | People from Australia

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