Deceased elephants at Danzig Zoo (Zoo Gdansk) in Poland

This database list 6 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Mongu 33Born: 1973 Dead:2006-08-19 (15 years after arrival), disease stomach ulcus1991-07-24 Rostock Zoo1980
2+ ♀ EM Darka EEP id: 6212 42Born: unknown 1962 Dead:2004-07-14 (7 years after arrival), disease brain cancer1997-07-19 Circus Julinek
3+ ♀ EM Iky EEP id: 5209 51Born: wild 1952 Dead:2003-02-22 (6 years after arrival), age collapsed1997-07-19 Circus Julinek
4+ ♀ EM Jawa EEP id: 5009 47Born: wild 1950 Dead:1997-02-12, euthanised 1996-05-15 Circus Julinek
5+ ♀ EM Sitakali EEP id: 7512 15Born: wild 1975 Dead:1990-08-08 (13 years after arrival), disease Brain tumour1977-10-28 Soest Zoo1977?
6+ ♀ EM Samanta 20Born: wild 1966 Dead:1986-11-25 (19 years after arrival), unknown 1967-09-21

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Danzig Zoo (Zoo Gdansk)

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Danzig Zoo (Zoo Gdansk) in Poland, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2010-03-01 Darka:• Jana Havlová
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Mongu:• Jana Havlová
• Jörg Burger, head elephantkeeper, Dresden Zoo
• Article by Olaf Tietz, head elephantkeeper Zoo Rostock, Elefanten in Zoo und Circus magazine, nr 9-2006, p 30
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Jawa:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Iky:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Sitakali:• Peter Stolk, Netherlands
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Samanta:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group

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