Deceased elephants at Indianapolis Zoo in United States

This database list 5 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ LA Sophi SSP id: 66 52Born: wild 1968 Dead:2020-10-08 (31 years after arrival), euthanised age related1989-09-15 African Lion Safari (Ontario)
2+ ♀ LA Kalina SSP id: 00 8Born: captive-born 2011-07-20
Jack (Jackson) x Kubwa
Dead:2019-03-26 (8 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus EEHV3A
3+ ♀ LA Nyah 7Born: captive-born 2012-06-28
Jack (Jackson) x Ivory
Dead:2019-03-19 (7 years after arrival), disease Elephant endotheliotropic herpes virus EEHV3A
4+ ♀ LA Amali SSP id: 514 3Born: captive-born 2000-03-06
Dale x Kubwa
Dead:2003-06-03 (3 years after arrival), disease infection
5+ ♀ EM Tummy II (Tumthong II) SSP id: T2046 2Born: wild 1966 Dead:1968-05-09, unknown 1967-04-14 Trefflichs Bird and Animal Company

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Indianapolis Zoo

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Indianapolis Zoo in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 10 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2020-10-09 Sophi:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Sophi,"
•  Wayne Jackson, Canada
2018-03-04 Kalina:•
2014-05-28 Tummy II (Tumthong II):• Article and Image at ShowMe Elephants: "Washington Park Children's Zoo - Indianapolis"
2013-08-13 Nyah:•
2009-10-04 Amali:• Ryan Easley, USA
•  "Indianapolis Journal; Zoo's New Star Shines, Thanks to Science",, 2000-07-17

Indianapolis Zoo on

Indianapolis Zoo is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2012-03-01The big freeze. tackling elephant inbreeding in zoos - Elephant News
2011-09-26New elephant calf for san diego. - Elephant News
2011-01-15Elephant in fatal accident will not be punished - Elephant News
2010-10-06Showme elephants: tom packs elephants - Elephant News
2010-07-07Nominations are now open for the 2012 indianapolis prize - Elephant News
2010-06-03Indianapolis prize, dr. iain douglas-hamilton - Elephant News
2020-10-08Sophi, a 52-year-old african elephant, has died at the indianapolis zoo - Elephant News

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