Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) in United Kingdom

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie)
Photograph taken in 1912 by Tom Airton whose studio was at what is now 6 High Street (Hidden behind the wagon). Original photograph loaned by Mrs Dorothy Hudson. The three boys on the left are Walter Hudson, Maurice Hudson and Rufus Bradley though the correct order is not known.
Photograph taken in 1912 by Tom Airton whose studio was at what is now 6 High Street (Hidden behind the wagon). Original photograph loaned by Mrs Dorothy Hudson. The three boys on the left are Walter Hudson, Maurice Hudson and Rufus Bradley though the correct order is not known.

Local name Bostock and Wombwell\'s Circus

Owner 1850-1889: Emma Wombwell
1889-1932: Edward Bostock
Closed down1932
Place Glasgow
Country United Kingdom

Directors: Jack Wombwell Bostock (director)
: Alexander Bostock (assistant director)
: Douglas Bostock (assistant director)
: Gus Bostock (assistant director)

Key People -: Freda Cuthbert (animal trainer)
-: Joseph Rinaldo (artist)


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants

Elephant keepers -: Arthur Feely (elephant keeper)
Record history
History of updates2023-12-24

Latest document update2023-12-24 08:40:49

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie), in Glasgow, United Kingdom , was founded in 1805. Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) closed down in 1932.

Comments / pictures
Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) in United Kingdom United+Kingdom
E. H. Bostock
James Bostock and George Wombwell\'s niece Emma had three sons, among them Edward (E.H) Bostock and Frank Charles Bostock, who made his fortune in America, while Edward purchased the original business from his mother in 1889. Edward became also owner of The Scottish Zoo And Variety Circus in Glasgow.

1891: Local newspaper the Bristol Mercury reported in February 1891 that Bostock’s Star Menagerie had exhibited nearby in that year, with the show including Nancy who was described as a “fine nine year old elephant”.

1914-08-22: Three healthy, medium-sized elephants have been requisitioned from Bostock’s Zoo at the London White City by the military authorities. It is presumed that they will be used for heavy draught purposes. At the end of the war the elephants will be returned to the menagerie. The Government fund the wages of the keepers of the animals, but otherwise there is no further payment; the Bostock people being satisfied to be freed for a time from the expensive upkeep of a trio of voracious appetites. “Besides,” as young Mr. Bostock puts it, “we are doing something to help.”

1916: A Southampton correspondent informs us that much amusement was caused at Southampton last week when the elephants from Bostock’s Menagerie enjoyed a bath in the sea.

19/8/1916 The World’s Fair

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) in United Kingdom United+Kingdom
E. H. Bostock with elephant, 1920.

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) in United Kingdom United+Kingdom

Star of the show was Captain Fred Wombwell, one of the most famous animal trainers of all time.

Arthur Douglas Fairgreave Bostock, the third son of E.H. Bostock, born 13th August 1887, assisted his fathers Bostock and Wombwell\'s circus and menagerie. Took charge of the show, visiting Australia, New Zealand and back to Australia.

Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie) in United Kingdom United+Kingdom

Bostock and Wombwell at Aberdeen, 1917.

"I think it may be said that the travelling menagerie proper has had its day and, after 130 years on the road, will be seen no more. I am talking of the show of not less that six or eight wagons of beasts and a big front. Small wild animal shows are still touring the country with the fairs, but when the Bostock Wombwell show was sold to the London Zoo in 1932 it was the end of the menagerie that relied entirely on itself."Sir Garrard Tyrwhitt-Drake, in his book "English Fairs and Circuses

Break-up of Bostocks

Inhabitants of Whipsnade, London\'s famed zoo, looked down their noses at 100-odd new arrivals last week. With ill-concealed disgust they observed the plebeian habits of 25 chattering monkeys, 50 impertinent parrots, two elephants, two brown bears, one polar bear, two spotted hyenas, one striped hyena, 13 lions, two tigers, two wolves, five leopards, two dromedaries, a pelican, a crane, a leaping kangaroo and a sloppy old sea lion named Bonzo. Wondered the Manchester Guardian: "Will they bring the circus habit into the glades and meadows of Whipsnade? Or will the old circus performers keep themselves entirely to themselves?"

Known far & wide throughout the British Isles since 1805, Bostock & Wombwell\'s Royal Menagerie gave a farewell performance in Glasgow last fortnight and then folded its tents forever. Big, florid E. H. Bostock ran the circus. Last year he was 73. He arranged to disband the animals, then went off to South Africa to avoid seeing the menagerie broken up.

References for records about Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie)

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Bostock & Wombwells Menagerie (Wombwell No.2 menagerie), Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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