Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan elephants in India

Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan

Address Keezhu Parambu, Areekode
Place Malappuram
Region Kerala
Country India


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Elephant keepers
Record history
History of updates2022-04-24

Latest document update2022-04-24 04:50:45
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Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan elephants, is a private elephant owner, living in Keezhu Parambu, Areekode in Malappuram, India .

Living elephants

At the private owner Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan lives 1 elephants with records in this database: (detail list)
  1. Kolakkadan Mini born 1976

References for records about Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=2901. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan elephants on elephant-news.com

Abdul Nassar Kolakkadan elephants is mentioned on Elephant News:

DateLinks which opens in new window
2022-04-22No, viral video does not show muslim man attempting to feed meat to elephant - Elephant News

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Elephant Encyclopedia and database

Established 1995
Established 2006
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