Bambi is a living Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Zooparque Itatiba, in Brazil.
Bambi arrived in 2009-05-01 to the Zooparque Itatiba, relocated from the Circo Mágico Moscou, in Brazil.
Bambi lives together with 1 other elephants at the Zooparque Itatiba:
Bambi was born wild 1967.
Bambi lived in Circo Orlando Orfei before she came to Circo Moscou and later to Zooparque Itatiba. 2005: 7.7.2005 Bambi escaped for 45 minutes from Circo Orlando Orfei in Rosario/Argentina. 2007: In 2007 when she was with Circo Moscou, she is said to be 40 years old.
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