Wombwells Travelling Menagerie in United Kingdom

dead elephant ☨ ⚪ unknown  dead elephant



Sex and age:
Birth place:
Dead: 1836
Death reason: unknown: collapsed in St. Bartholomew
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Wombwells Travelling Menagerie, in United Kingdom

Date of arrival

Wombwells Travelling Menagerie
Record history
History of updates2022-04-06

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24
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† unknown is a dead , , who died 1836 at Wombwells Travelling Menagerie, in United Kingdom, . Official death reason described as collapsed in St. Bartholomew.


unknown was born .

Comments / pictures

In time Wombwell's enterprise became so successful that he had three different Menageries on tour at any one time. Naturally, he had his competitors, particularly a menagerist by the name of Atkins. For many years Wombwell and Atkins had both exhibited at St Bartholomew's Fair in London, and the rivalry between the men was intense. In 1836, Wombwell decided not to attend the fair has he had a previous booking in the north of England. However, when he heard that Atkins would be exhibiting at St. Bartholomew's he decided that he too must put in an appearance. Roads at that time were all but impassable, but by tremendous efforts Wombwell's collection travelled south and arrived in time for the opening of the fair in London.

Unfortunately Wombwell's elephant was over-exercised by the journey and died the morning of their arrival in London. Atkins was delighted at this turn of events and immediately put up a huge canvas sign proclaiming The only live elephant in the fair! Wombwell, determined not to be outdone and ever the entrepreneur, replied with a large scroll bearing the words The only dead elephant in the fair! The public, realising that they could see a living elephant at any time, flocked to see and generally poke the dead one! Throughout the fair Atkins' menagerie was largely deserted much to his disgust.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). unknown, located at Wombwells Travelling Menagerie in United Kingdom. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 22 January 2025 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=4613. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:


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Categories1836 deaths | Elephants from Wombwells Travelling Menagerie | United Kingdom |

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