The Cremona elephant
Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Frederick II of Holy German empire in Italy

dead elephant ☨ ⚪ The Cremona elephant  dead elephant
The Cremona elephant as depicted in the Chronica maiora, Part II, Parker Library, MS 16, fol. 151v
The Cremona elephant as depicted in the Chronica maiora, Part II, Parker Library, MS 16, fol. 151v


Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:, unknown age
Born:* wild
Birth place:
Death reason: unknown:
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Frederick II of Holy German empire, in Italy

Date of arrival

1229-00-00Frederick II of Holy German empire
from Al-Kamil of Egypt

Record history
History of updates2020-10-03

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24

† The Cremona elephant is a dead Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died at Frederick II of Holy German empire, in Italy, .


The Cremona elephant was born wild .

Comments / pictures

The second post-roman elephant in Europe after Abul-Abbas, is not known by name.

The Cremona elephant was a gift presented to Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II by Sultan of Egypt Al-Kamil, in 1229. Frederick used the elephant in his triumph parades.

The elephant is mentioned in the context of the visit of Frederick's brother-in-law Richard of Cornwall to Cremona in 1241, in the Chronica Maiora of Matthew Paris. The presence of the animal is also recorded in the Cremona city annals, in 1237.

This elephant was the first of its Species reported from first-hand experience by European sources since the days of Abul-Abbas owned by Charlemagne. Another 13th century individual with unknown was owned by Louis IX (attested for 1255) and hosed in the Towern.

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2025). The Cremona elephant, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Frederick II of Holy German empire in Italy. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 30 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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CategoriesElephants from Frederick II of Holy German empire | Italy | Asian elephants

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