Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at
Rotterdam Zoo in Netherlands

dead elephant ☨* ♀ unborn  dead elephant


EEP nr200710


Species:Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Sex and age:Female ♀, unknown age
Stillborn:☨* 2007-12-28 captive-born (stillborn)
Birth place: in Rotterdam Zoo

Parents: Alexander x ♀ Irma
Dead: 2007-12-28
Death reason: ☨* stillborn: died in utero
Locations - owners
Present / last location:Rotterdam Zoo, in Netherlands

Date of arrival

2007-12-28Rotterdam Zoo
Record history
History of updates2023-05-22

Latest document update2020-10-18 06:25:24
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† unborn is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 2007-12-28 at Rotterdam Zoo, in Netherlands, . Official death reason described as died in utero.


unborn was born captive-born (stillborn) 2007-12-28 at Rotterdam Zoo.


Parents of unborn are: ♂ Alexander (father) and ♀ Irma (mother).

Siblings through the father Alexander:

  1. 1994-12-11(F) Piccolo (Piccolina)
  2. 1999-01-11 -- † 1999-01-12 (M) Willi
  3. 2000-11-28(F) Bangka
  4. 2002-01-20 -- † 2002-12-20 (M) Senang
  5. 2003-05-13(F) Trong Nhi
  6. 2003-07-26(F) Anak
  7. 2004-02-21(M) Sibu
  8. 2005-08-02(F) Yindee
  9. 2007-05-07(F) Asha
  10. 2008-02-17(M) Billy (Budi)
  11. 2009-02-10 -- † 2013-12-17 (F) Tonya
  12. 2009-02-11 -- † 2009-02-11 (F) stillborn
  13. 2009-05-17(F) Kai Mook (Kai-Mook)
  14. 2009-11-10(F) Kina
  15. 2012-11-01(M) Kyan
  16. 2015-01-07 -- † 2015-01-07 () stillborn

Siblings through the mother Irma:

  1. 1984-06-16(F) Bernhardine (Bernhardini)
  2. 1990-11-25(F) SheRa
  3. 1995-03-01 - † 1998-07-13 (F) Indira
  4. 2000-11-28(F) Bangka
  5. 2004-02-21(M) Sibu
  6. 2009-02-11 - † 2009-02-11 (F) stillborn


unborns ancestral Pedigree:


Sire (f):

Born: 1978

Sire ff:

Born: 1960
Sire fff:
Dame ffm:
Dame fm:

Born: 1958
Sire fmf:
Dame fmm:

Dame m:

Born: 1970-09-18

Sire mf:
Chieng Mai

Born: 1959
Sire mff:
Dame mfm:
Dame mm:
Buag Hah (Pang Yang)

Born: 1958
Sire mmf:
Dame mmm:

Comments / pictures

2008-01-02:Employees of the zoo in Rotterdam were counting of a birth around the Christmas and New Year days, but they think the calf is dead by now.
Last Friday the membranes of Irma broke. Normally the delivery will begin and within 48 hours the calf is born.
The contractions however didnt start, even after the vetenarian had given her stimulating medicines and massaging the birthchannel.

Yesterday our vets removed the dead calf from Irma. She carried her fullgrown female baby for more then a year. The birth of Tonya and sucking Irmas nipples have started the birth process. Irma tried for more then a day to deliver the calf and she was exhausted. So we decided to do a surgery and to remove the dead calf. During the surgery under local anasthesia Irma was standing on her Feet all time. The vets opened her birth channel from the backside, just a few centimeters under her anus. They made an incision from ca. 15 cm. and tried to pull the dead calf out. Unfortunately without succes. So the team decided to devide the calf in pieces. Smaller pieces have been removed throuh this hole and the bigger pieces were pushed through her birth channel. Finally, after 12 hours work with a marvelous team, they managed the remove all pieces and could close the wound. Today Irma was doing well. She is recieving pain relief and the wound has been flushed several times.
This was the second time our vets did such a surgery. Years ago (in 1993) they used this method to remove a dead calf from Raja (now in Mallorca).

Rob Belterman, Rotterdam Zoo, 2009-02-12

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). unborn, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Rotterdam Zoo in Netherlands. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 1 September 2024 at https://www.elephant.se/database2.php?elephant_id=3358. (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

  • Martijn Fabrie

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Categories2007 deaths | 2007 births | With Pedigree | Elephants from Rotterdam Zoo | Netherlands | Asian elephants

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