† Fannie (Fanny) is a dead Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana), , who died 1908-11-00 at Ringling Bros. Circus, in United States, .
Fannie (Fanny) was born wild .
The Ringlings got their first elephants in 1888 "Babe" and "Fannie" (an African) and they walked overland but by the time Edouard "Perl" Souder took over the Herd in 1894 the show moved on 39 railroad cars with 3 more ahead and carried 8 elephants. Two years later the Herd ballooned up to 23 and included the five Lockhart elephants from England which the Ringlings later bought and Souder worked for many years. The barns in the background remain the same today at the Circus World Museum.
Jimmy Cole sent me this remarkable picture years ago. Looks like it was taken yesterday in Disneyland. On the horse at left is Edouard Souder, the young African is "Fannie" one of the first two elephants owned by the Ringlings, purchased in 1888 when the show still moved overland. With the exception of the Lockhart elephants, the Ringling Show never had many tuskers, the young one seen here is "Prince".
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