Sidor Srinuan is a living Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Krabi TECC elephant hospital, in Thailand.
Srinuan arrived in 2018-05-28 to the Krabi TECC elephant hospital, relocated from the Satun Province unspecified location, in Thailand.
Srinuan lives together with 4 other elephants at the Krabi TECC elephant hospital:
Sidor Srinuan was born unknown .
2018-05-28: 28 May 2018, at 19.50 o'clock, Sidor Srinuan from Satul Province had arrived at the Southern Elephant Hospital at Krabi, TECC, NEI under FIO with diarrhea and no appetite. Our veterinarians had given fluid therapy and medicine.
28 May 2018, at 19.50 o'clock, Sidor Srinuan from Satul Province had arrived at the Southern Elephant Hospital at Krabi, TECC, NEI under FIO with diarrhea and no appetite. Our veterinarians had given fluid therapy and medicine.
(The name Srinuan is already submitted into the link, just click on the link for relevant results)