Unnamed (twin) is a living an elephant with unknown sex, an African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Pongola Game Reserve, in South Africa.
Unnamed (twin) arrived in 2021-12-00 to the Pongola Game Reserve,
Unnamed (twin) lives together with 6 other elephants at the Pongola Game Reserve:
Unnamed (twin) was born wild 2021-12-00 at Pongola Game Reserve.
Unnamed (twin)
Sire (f):InganiBorn: 1977?
Dame m:CurveBorn: 1990?
Two extremely rare elephant twins have been born in a game reserve in southeastern South Africa. The unnamed children were discovered in the Pongola Game Reserve in North Kwa-Zulu Natal this week in the care of their mother and the rest of the Herd. The twins were born to Curve, a 31-year-old cow, and the father is believed to be Ingani, a 44-year-old male elephant who died just over a year ago.
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