Walter L. Main Circus in United States

Walter L. Main Circus


Owner 1885-1904: Walter L. Main
1925-1928: Floyd King
Address Walter Main Road
Zip-code OH 44041
Place Geneva
Country United States


Key People


Elephant department

Head keepers
of elephants
-1904: Bill Power
(elephant trainer)
1918-1919: Cheerful Gardner
(elephant trainer)

Elephant keepers 1922-1927: Bill Emery
Record history
History of updates2022-04-06

Latest document update2022-04-06 18:29:42

Walter L. Main Circus, located at Walter Main Road, in Geneva, Ohio, United States , was founded in 1885.

Comments / pictures
From Circuses and Sideshows Dot Com
At 5:30 a.m. on "Decoration Day", May 30, 1893, the Walter L Main circus train was traveling on the "Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad". While descending a steep Grade near Tyrone Pennsylvania, the engineer lost control and the train crashed at high speed at the bottom of the mountain. Four people were killed instantly and another two died later of their injuries. The circus lost many of the valuable animals and most of the show\'s equipment was destroyed.

After the devistating circus train wreck, the show was rebuilt and returned to the road. The Circus continued until Main sold out in 1889, however in 1901 Main took the circus out again.

1904 was the last year that the "Walter L. Main Circus" operated under Walters ownership, the circus was sold that year to William P. Hall.

In 1918 Walter leased the Main title to Andrew Downie who made a small fortune operating his circus under the Main name until he sold the show to the Miller Bros. of the 101 Ranch Wild West Show in 1924. In 1925 until 1928 the Main title was used by Floyd King and his brother Howard. The Main title was used by various operaters 1930 - 1937.

Elephant trainer Bill Power left the Walter L. Main circus, bought its four biggest and best elephants and took them with him to the Hippodrome, hereafter called "The Hip." His was the first American elephant act to appear on an indoor stage. Power\'s Elephants; vast ensembles of circus thrillers; Marceline, the clown; Annette Kellerman; a block-long under-stage lake of water into into which a gorgeous ballet danced down an incline, disappearing as if into eternity; were many-year magnets which repeatedly attracted 20 million thrill seekers. Power\'s Elephants became The Hip\'s forefront symbol of bigness.

References for records about Walter L. Main Circus

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2025). Walter L. Main Circus, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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