Stewart Craven

From the list of elephant persons Family: Craven

Stewart Craven
Stewart  Craven

Personal details
Country United States

Title elephant trainer 1879
Location at Cooper and Bailey Circus in United States

Title elephant trainer 1876-1878
Location at Adam Forepaugh Circus in United States

Title elephant trainer 1870-1875
Location at Howes Great London Circus, Hippodrome, and Sangers English Menagerie in United States

Title elephant trainer 1865-1869
Location at Dan Rice Circus in United States

Title elephant trainer 1860-1864
Location at Mabie Brothers United States Olympic Circus in United States

Title elephant trainer 1860-
Location at The Zoological Institute in United States

Title elephant trainer 1853-1860
Location at Van Amburg Circus in United States

Biography details

Stewart Craven , circus elephant trainer in United States

Born 1834 in United States dead 1890-01-16 in United States .

Records about Stewart Craven from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
Trainer of the famous Six "London" elephants.

In an 1880 newspaper interview, Stewart Craven stated that he had trained 12 elephants the previous winter at the Philadelphia Quarters. "They are superior to anything of the kind yet seen, having a military drill, an improved pyramid, a tight rope walker and a clown elephant.

He further mentioned that he was present at the birth of "Hebes" calf.

William "Buckles" Woodcock

In 1860 Stewart (also Stuart) Craven was called in to manage Romeo. Craven secured ropes around the animal and subdued him with shotgun pellets.

Records about Stewart Craven from William "Buckles" Woodcocks Blog at
Born 1834 in Ohio.
1853 Van Amburgs Menagerie
1850 Mabie Bros.
1865 Dan Rice Circus (4-Paw owned)
1870 Howes Great London
1876 Adam Forepaugh Shows
1879 Cooper and Bailey

Died in Dallas, Texas Jan. 16, 1890.

William "Buckles" Woodcock

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). elephant trainer Stewart Craven in United States. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Stewart Craven

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Categories elephant trainer | circus | Adam Forepaugh Circus | Craven family | Born 1834 | Dead 1890 | People from United States

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