Philippine Rödiger

From the list of elephant persons Family: Rödiger

Philippine Rödiger
Philippine  Rödiger

Personal details

Spouse(s) Jacques Tourniaire

Country Germany

Title owner -
Location at Circus Tourniaire in Germany

Biography details

Philippine Barbara Ludowika Katarina Rödiger , circus director in Germany

Born 1780 in France dead 1852-04-03 in Germany .

Philippine. Madame Tourniaire, born Rödiger (1780–1850), came from a family of successful animal traders and was also an artist. In 1816, the Tourniaires supplemented their company, with which they also traveled through Germany, through a royally privileged wandering army, whose valuable animal population Jacques Tourniaire had assembled in London . On trips through Holland , Belgium and France, Madame Tourniaire ran the animal show alone; in some places, both companies also appear at the same time.

A leaflet from 1817 mentions a total of 35 animals, including a white-tailed wildebeest, which is kept as a "horned horse or wildebeest". The animal population also included a trained deer , and later an armored horn and an elephant , which the tournament had acquired during the dissolution of the princely menagerie in Stuttgart . Madame Tourniaire sold the collection in 1824 in Brussels , but kept the rhino and the elephants and went on tour with these two animals; in the following years it increased its animal population.

Tourniaire’s rhinoceros was named after his principal owner Jacques Tourniaire (1772-1829), who was assisted by his wife, "Madame Tourniaire" born Rödiger (1780-1850), and children. The animal was held in the Exeter Change in London from 1810 to about 1814, before it was taken to the continent. Our knowledge of the itinerary of this male Indian rhinoceros remains very patchy, even though new localities continue to be discovered. The animal died in Königsberg (Kaliningrad, Russia) in the winter of 1839 and was mounted for the local museum,apparently with the addition of a second horn.


Total: 9 children

  1. Born: . Louis Tourniaire
  2. Born: . Louise Tourniaire
  3. Born: . Sophie Tourniaire
  4. Born: . Ferdinand Tourniaire
  5. Born: . Ernest Tourniaire
  6. Born: . Dead: † 1870 Francois Tourniaire
  7. Born: . Adeleide Tourniaire
  8. Born: ?. Dead: † 1865-09-13 Benoit Tourniaire
  9. Born: ca 1804. Louise Klatt

Reference list


Koehl, Dan, (2024). director Philippine Barbara Ludowika Katarina Rödiger in Germany. Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 6 May 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this article is among others:

Selected publications

Links about Louise Klatt

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Categories director | circus | Circus Tourniaire | Rödiger family | Born 1780 | Dead 1852 | People from Germany

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