Emperor Claudius of Rome elephants in Italy

Emperor Claudius of Rome

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Emperor Claudius of Rome elephants, Italy .

Comments / picturesClaudius, full name Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; (1 August 10 BC – 13 October AD 54) was the fourth Roman emperor, ruling from AD 41 to 54. A member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Claudius was born to Drusus and Antonia Minor at Lugdunum in Roman Gaul, where his father was stationed as a military legate. He was the first Roman emperor to be born outside Italy.

Claudius proved to be an able and efficient administrator. He expanded the imperial bureaucracy to include freedmen, and helped to restore the empire\'s finances after the excess of Caligula\'s reign. He was also an ambitious builder, constructing many new roads, aqueducts, and canals across the Empire.

During his reign the Empire started its successful conquest of Britain, and for the Roman invasion of Britain in AD 43 to the British capital of Colchester, Claudius brought the first historically recorded elephant in northern Europe. At least one elephant Skeleton with flint weapons that has been found in England was initially misidentified as this elephant, but later dating proved it to be a mammoth Skeleton from the Stone Age

In 43, Claudius sent Aulus Plautius with four legions to Britain (Britannia) after an appeal from an ousted tribal ally. Britain was an attractive target for Rome because of its material wealth – mines and slaves – as well as being a haven for Gallic rebels. Claudius himself traveled to the island after the completion of initial offensives, bringing with him reinforcements and elephants. The Roman colonia of Colonia Claudia Victricensis was established as the provincial capital of the newly established province of Britannia at Camulodunum.

References for records about Emperor Claudius of Rome

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Emperor Claudius of Rome, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at https://www.elephant.se/location2.php?location_id=3321. (archived at the Wayback machine)

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