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Cuneos menageri in Norway
Cuneos menageri
Type menagerie
Owner 1900-1911: Giocomo Cuneo
First elephant arrived 1905
Opened for public 1899
Last elephant left 1911
Closed down 1911
Directors : John G. Cuneo (assistant director) : Johanne Larsen (assistant director)
Key People
Elephant department
Head keepers of elephants 1905-1911: Gottlieb Heid (elephant trainer)
Elephant keepers Record history
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2024-12-12: doc updated
Latest document update 2024-12-12 15:50:57
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Cuneos menageri, located at Christiania, in Oslo, Norway
, opened for public in 1899 and the first elephant arrived in 1905. The last elephant left in 1911. Cuneos menageri closed down in 1911.
Comments / pictures 1880: toured with a trained brown bear.
1889: Son John G. Cuneo
was born out of wedlock. The father later married Johns mother Johanne.
1890 ca: His wife Catherine and two children; Maria born 1883 and Louis born 1885, emigrated to USA
1899: showed his menagerie with a large number of animals, including a hippo, borrowed from Scholz Menagerie .
1901: The hippo died. Hired animal trainer Mr Wilena from Glasgow, who had worked at Barnums, Circus Hagenbeck, and Scholz Menagerie .
1902: Toured Scandinavia for the first time, with 11 railway wagons. Hired animal trainer Waldemar Winje from Norway.
1903: Toured in Sweden. Hired animal trainer Dewitza Petrowna.
1904: Winter Quarters in Christiania, Oslo.
1905: Bought a small Sumatran elephant called Puck, for 5 000 kr SEK. 5 lion cubs born in Christiania, Norway.
1906: Elephant Puck died at Veterinary Institute in Stockholm, with a fractured leg. Bought the female Asian elephant Topsy from Firma Hagenbeck in Hamburg, and hired Hagenbecks elephant keeper Gottlieb Heid .
Topsy is said to have been born 1896 in India, and was delivered by Hagenbecks chief trainer Wilhelm Philadelphia .
The same year he added a smaller baby elephant, called Bebé, after Topsy escaped during several occasions.
1909: The menagerie had over 200 animals, and a staff of 33 people caring for them.
1909?: Elephant Topsy died.
1911: Sold all animals, including elephant Bebé, to Firma Hagenbeck. Moved to Valkyriegatan 13, where his son John Cuneo grew and sold Tobacco.References for records about Cuneos menageri
Recommended Citation Koehl, Dan (2025). Cuneos menageri, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others:
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