Deceased elephants at Sangers Great European Shows-Hugo Bros-Harris Bros-Gentry Bros (Floyd and Howard King) in United States

This database list 2 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Nellie Lockhart Born: wild Dead:1922, accident became mired in the mud and died of exposure1921-00-00 Howes Great London Circus and Van Amburgs Trained Wild Animals
2+ ♂ EM Little Hipp Born: wild Dead:1921, unknown 1920-00-00

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Sangers Great European Shows-Hugo Bros-Harris Bros-Gentry Bros (Floyd and Howard King)

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Sangers Great European Shows-Hugo Bros-Harris Bros-Gentry Bros (Floyd and Howard King) in United States, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2025), available online retrieved 10 March 2025 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2012-10-31 Nellie Lockhart:•
2010-04-25 Little Hipp:•

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