Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus in United States

Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus

Last elephant left1921
Closed down1921
Country United States


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Record history
History of updates2010-04-24

Latest document update2020-10-30 07:03:11
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Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus, United States . The last elephant left in 1921. Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus closed down in 1921.

Comments / picturesThe entire outfit was completely stranded in Palo Alto when Mr. Palmer himself took off with all the
door receipts as well as the “fat girl, midget maiden, African pigmy boy and Australian bushman,” according
to the Palo Alto Times. Left behind were 190 unpaid employees who took refuge waiting to be paid more
than $10,000 in past due wages.

With Mr. Palmer long gone and no money to keep the circus going, the Times reported days later that many
residents were beginning to complain of the “noise of the caged animals” and “of a sanitation problem that
has developed.” The complaints prompted city authorities to order the circus to leave, charging $100 a day
for its use of city land. Eventually, Palmer’s abandoned circus was purchased by another proprietor and the
animals were deposited at the Palo Alto Stock Farm.

References for records about Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus

Recommended Citation

Koehl, Dan (2024). Palmer Brothers Wild Animal Circus, Elephant Encyclopedia. Available online at (archived at the Wayback machine)

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