Deceased elephants at Wroclaw Zoo (Zoo Breslau) in Poland

This database list 22 dead elephants

Nr Sex Species Name Id Status Arrival locationImport
1+ ♀ EM Rhanee EEP id: 8714 41Born: wild 1970 Dead:2011-07-30 (4 years after arrival), euthanised liver problems2007-10-24 Valwo Zoo (Valladolid)
2+ ♀ EM Ceylon EEP id: 5211 68Born: wild 1932 Dead:2000-04-23 (15 years after arrival), unknown 1985-08-31 Circus Julinek
3+ ♀ LA Afrykanka 27Born: wild 1971 Dead:1998-04-12 (23 years after arrival), unknown 1975-02-10 Dvur Kralove Zoo
4+ ♀ EM Nora EEP id: 4903 55Born: wild 1938 Dead:1993-04-09 (17 years after arrival), unknown 1976-04-27
5+ ♀ EM Kama 31Born: wild 1950? Dead:1981-04-10 (26 years after arrival), unknown 1955-09-08
6+ ♀ EM Bonza 19Born: wild 1957 Dead:1976-10-31 (16 years after arrival), disease sepsis1960-11-16
7+ ♂ LC Caesar (Cäsar) 19Born: wild Dead:1945-03-30 (2 years after arrival), euthanised shot1943-08-05 Dusseldorf Zoo (Zoologischen Garten Dusseldorf)
8+ ♀ LA Topsi 15Born: wild 1930 Dead:1945-03-30 (2 years after arrival), euthanised shot1943-00-00 Munich Zoo
9+ ♂ EM Jumbo (Jambo) EEP id: 2102 21Born: wild 1924 Dead:1945-03-30 (11 years after arrival), shot1934-11-03 Firma Ruhe
10+ ♀ EM Pitu EEP id: 2003 30Born: wild 1915 Dead:1945-03-30 (18 years after arrival), euthanised shot1927-04-29 Firma Ruhe
11+ ♀ EM Mary EEP id: 3509 9Born: wild 1935? Dead:1944/1945?, unknown 1943-00-00 Nuremberg Zoo
12+ ♀ EM Assabella 9Born: wild 1935 Dead:1944/1945? (6 years after arrival), unknown 1938-00-00
13+ ♀ EM Teari (Gret) EEP id: 2503 9Born: wild Dead:1934-01-10 (2 years after arrival), 1932-06-09
14+ ♀ EM Ponti EEP id: 0704 24Born: wild 1907? Dead:1931-06-08 (4 years after arrival), 1927-04-29 Firma Ruhe
15+ ♂ EM Hitam EEP id: 2501 5Born: wild 1925 Dead:1930-04-01 (3 years after arrival), euthanised 1927-04-29 Firma Ruhe
16+ ♀ EM Jenny EEP id: 831 34Born: wild 1883 Dead:1917-08-01 (23 years after arrival), unknown 1894-10-10 Vienna Zoo
17+ ♂ EM Teodor (Mlo) EEP id: 702 34Born: wild Dead:1896-07-15 (8 years after arrival), 1888-12-15 Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark (Neue Pferdemarkt)
18+ ♂ EM Peter (Theodor) EEP id: 611 27Born: wild 1861-07-00 Dead:1888-11-28 (15 years after arrival), disease 1873-09-21 London Zoo
19+ ♂ LA Pepi 27Born: wild 1898 Dead:, unknown 1902-00-00
20+ ♀ LA unknown 27Born: wild 1880 Dead:, unknown 1894-10-23 Vienna Zoo
21+ ♀ EM Lady 27Born: wild 1895-1900? Dead:, unknown 1905-00-00
22+ ♀ EM Nelly 27Born: wild 1880 Dead:, unknown 1894-10-23 Vienna Zoo

Source for the list of elephants deceased at Wroclaw Zoo (Zoo Breslau)

Reference list

Facts about Deceased elephants at Wroclaw Zoo (Zoo Breslau) in Poland, Elephant Encyclopedia, Koehl, D. (2024), available online retrieved 27 July 2024 at (archived at the Wayback machine)

Sources used for this list:

Latest updateName of elephantSource (if it is a website, the target website will open in new window)
2018-10-20 Caesar (Cäsar):• Filipe von Gilsa, Wuppertal Zoo
• p. 92,
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
•  Leszek Solski
2012-09-06 Rhanee:• Olga Dabrowska
•  Jaroslav Vanecek
•  Jonas Livet, France
• Peter Stolk
• Zoo, Independent Zoo Enthusiasts Society edited by by Tim Brown and Rob Vaughan
2012-06-16 Mary:• Page 226, 227 Wilde Tiere frei Haus by Hermann Ruhe  (in german)
• Martin Wobruba, Pilzen, Czech republic.
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2012-06-16 Pitu:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2012-06-15 Jumbo (Jambo):• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2012-05-29 Peter (Theodor):• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
• London Zoo from old photographs, by John C. Edwards 1996, pp. 64, 70
2012-05-29 Jenny:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2012-05-29 Lady:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2011-09-01 Ceylon:• 
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
• Jonas Livet, France
2010-03-01 Bonza:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Topsi:• Elefanten in Berlin by Bernhard Blaszkiewitz, Berlin Zoo
• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Pepi:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 unknown:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Kama:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Assabella:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2010-02-27 Nelly:• EEG Magazine nr 16, Dec 2009, by European Elephant Group
2008-02-07 Nora:• 
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling
2008-02-07 Afrykanka:• Elephants from CR and SR (Zoo Usti nad Labem)
•  Jaroslav Vanìèek, 2007
Elephants and Egotists by Patricia Sumerling

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