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Nuka Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) at Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo in Hungary Biography
Biography Nuka is a living Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo , in Hungary .
Nuka arrived to the Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo unknown date, relocated from the Osnabruck Zoo , in Germany .
Nuka lives together with 2 other elephants at the Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo:
detailed list with arrival dates etc. of the other elephants ♂ Jung Bul Kne born 2017-01-28 ♂ Thuya born 2013-07-15 Origin
Nuka was born captive-born 2010-05-11 at Hannover Zoo .
Parentage Parents of Nuka are: ♂ Nikolai (father) and ♀ Farina (mother).Siblings through the father Nikolai : 2009-01-10 -- † 2009-01-11 (M) noname 2010-05-07(F) Saphira 2010-07-25(M) Felix 2010-08-06(M) Dinkar 2010-12-09(F) Soraya 2011-06-18 -- † 2015-12-08 (F) Mumba 2012-12-24(F) Amithi 2013-03-13(F) Maly (Malay) 2013-10-27(F) Sitara 2013-12-31(M) Taru 2014-03-17(F) Yumi 2015-05-20(F) Nang Faa 2016-12-22(M) Thambi 2016-12-23(F) Jenny 2017-01-19(F) Meena 2017-05-05(M) Ravi 2020-05-04(M) Vinh Siblings through the mother Farina : 2012-12-24(F) Amithi 2015-05-20(F) Nang Faa 2019-06-08(F) Luna Pedigree
Reference list References Koehl, Dan, (2025). Nuka, Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) located at Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo in Hungary . Elephant Encyclopedia, available online retrieved 16 February 2025 at . (archived at the Wayback machine )Sources used for this article is among others: Rob Belterman, Netherlands.
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Categories 2010 births | With Pedigree |
Elephants from Veszprem Kittenberger Kalman Zoo | Hungary | Asian elephants
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