Sam (Samudra) is a living Male ♂ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo), in United States.
Sam (Samudra) arrived in 2008-08-23 to the Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo),
Sam (Samudra) lives together with 4 other elephants at the Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo):
Sam (Samudra) was born captive-born 2008-08-23 at Portland Zoo (Metro Washington Park Zoo).
Sam (Samudra)
Sire (f):TuskoBorn: 1971
Dame m:Rose-Tu (twin)Born: 1994-08-31
Samudra is the first third-generation elephant to be born in the United States. “The votes are in, and the Oregon Zoos new baby elephant is named Samudra, or Sam for short. The calf loves his baths, so the name, which means "lord of the ocean," is fitting. More than 17,000 people voted among five names, and Samudra took 35 percent. Hugo-Tu was second." Sam was the 28th elephant born at the Oregon Zoo, but the first for his 14 year old mother Rose Tu. 286 pounds at birth, the male had gained nearly 700 pounds and grown to four Feet at the shoulder at eight months old.
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